同心同向,reverse tangential firing system
1)reverse tangential firing system同心同向
3)same central circle saw wave同心径向环齿
4)method of altering course with a concentric circle同心圆转向法
5)centroclinal structure同心向斜构造
6)in the same direction simultaneously同时同向
1.The experiments indicate that using the polarizing device to polarize the sections in the same direction simultaneously can not only improve the coherence of .超声电机中压电陶瓷极化后的分区特性是影响电机输出效率的重要因素,针对以往极化方法造成各分区特性不一致的问题,提出了同时同向极化方式,并根据热极化工艺要求,开发了一种新型压电陶瓷极化装置。

1.A Study on Increasing the Carrying Capacity in Unidirection Simultaneously of the Complex Track Railway of Port港口铁路区间双线同时同向运行通过能力研究
2.Meanwhile, it has been discovering the world.同时,它正在走向世界。
3.The seismic wave field reverse-time migration in transversely isotropic media横向各向同性介质地震波场逆时偏移
4.but he seemed bent upon not asking the way of the passers-by.同时他仿佛打定主意,不向过路人问路。
5.(telecommunication) allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously.(电信学)允许同时按相反的方向通讯。
6.There were several gorillas at him simultaneously.有几个暴徒同时向他扑过去。
7.full duplex channel同时双向通道, 全双工通路
8.Full duplex: Data transmission in both directions simultaneously.全双向:数据同时的接收及传发.
9.And his smile quitted the sun to rest upon the child.同时,他把笑脸从太阳移向那孩子。
10.In the meantime she had taken to the law, which had long been her ambition.与此同时,她进入了早就向往的法律界。
11.The runners are coming to the finish line, neck and neck .赛跑的选手们同时冲向终点。
12.The above is what I want to say to the comrades about the present situation.上面就是我向同志们讲的时局问题。
13.sell articles or photos to several publications.向各家报刊同时出售文章或照片。
14.There are two proposals in one day for Jastrow!一天就有两个人同时向杰斯特罗求婚!
15.At the same moment our forces were closing in upon the enemy.与此同时,我军一步步向敌人逼近。
16.Meanwhile,"Percina tanasi" has been discovering the world.同时,“田纳西淡水镖鲈”正在走向世界。
17.Just push and lean back at the same time ... that's right.您按着钮同时用力向后靠……对了。
18.Meanwhile the British fought psychological warfare against the Argentine soldiers.同时,英国人向阿士兵展开心理战。

3)same central circle saw wave同心径向环齿
4)method of altering course with a concentric circle同心圆转向法
5)centroclinal structure同心向斜构造
6)in the same direction simultaneously同时同向
1.The experiments indicate that using the polarizing device to polarize the sections in the same direction simultaneously can not only improve the coherence of .超声电机中压电陶瓷极化后的分区特性是影响电机输出效率的重要因素,针对以往极化方法造成各分区特性不一致的问题,提出了同时同向极化方式,并根据热极化工艺要求,开发了一种新型压电陶瓷极化装置。
