含义辨析,distinctive implications
1)distinctive implications含义辨析

1.The Differentiation and Analysis of the Definition of Science and Technology are the Proto-productivity;“科学技术是第一生产力”含义辨析
2.Analysis of Neo-liberal Institutionalism;新自由制度主义含义辨析——兼谈范式问题
3.Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals;论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象——“犯罪的人”含义辨析
4.The Truth of a Sentence,True Sentence(s) and True Theoretical System;语句的真、真的语句、真的理论体系——“truth”的三重含义辨析
5.An Analysis of the Crime of Theft in Article 269 of the Criminal Law刑法第269条中“盗窃罪”的含义辨析——兼论转化型抢劫罪的犯罪主体
6.Analyzing the Meanings of "the Voice of Zhengshi":a Reply to Mu Kehong;关于“正始之音”含义等问题的辨析——兼答穆克宏先生
7.The“Center" of an Article and Its Implications;文章的“中心”及其含义——中学语文课本写作知识梳理辨析指瑕之四
8.Distinguishing Between Ganwu Poetics and Allegorical Poetics;“感物”与“寓言”之辨——《文心雕龙·辨骚》的“枢纽”意义重析
9.On Three Concepts of "Chinese Language Modernization","Language Planning" and "Reform of Writing System";“语文现代化”、“语言规划”和“文字改革”含义辨
10.Discrimination of the Connotation of the Statement “Poem IS Gorgeous due to Its Sentiment,and Fu Is Vivid due to Its Description" from“Wenfu ”by LU Ji;陆机《文赋》“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而浏亮”含义辨
11.Multi-fractal identification of the fluctuation of silicon content in blast furnace hot metal based on multi-resolution analysis基于多分辨分析的高炉铁水含硅量波动多重分形辨识
12.Differentiation the Meaning of Synonym on Chinese Vocabulary Teaching in High School with Sememe Analytical Method;义素分析法与中学语文词汇教学的同义词辨析
13.We should pay attention to synonym discrimination.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。
14.A Study about Distinguishing the Non-Same Morpheme Double Sound Compoud Synonym in the Classroom;非同语素近义双音复合词的课堂辨析
15.On Semantic Discrimination and Forming Organization of Syntax "NPL+V+zhe+NP";“NPL+V+着+NP”句式的语义辨析及生成机制
16.On the planning of the critical socialism by Hayek;哈耶克批判社会主义计划的思想辨析
17.A Discriminating Discussion about the Realism Literature Outlooks Held by Hu Shi and Ibsen;胡适与易卜生现实主义文学观之辨析
18.Découverte de quelques homonymes courants dans la langue franaise;若干常见法语同音异义虚词(词组)辨析

Distinguishment of reality from practice实际含义辨析
3)An Analysis on the Meaning of Curriculum Evaluation课程评价含义辨析
4)To Differentiate and Analyze the Implication of the Intellectual-capital智力资本含义辨析
5)discrimination of the words meaning意义辨析
6)distinguishing word meanings辨析词义
