人为事故,man-caused accidents
1)man-caused accidents人为事故

1.As for the bias against manmade rather than natural hazards, people are responsible only for artificial risks, not for natural ones;对人为事故抱有偏见而不是对自然事故抱偏见,人们只对人为风险负责,而不对自然风险负责;
2.Research on Human Factor Analysis Model of Accident/Incident;航空人为因素事故/事件分析模型研究
3.The accident was caused by human error, not by a fault in the machine.这次事故是人为疏失,而不是因为机器的故障。
4.Accidents resulting in collision and stranding can be attributed human error.碰撞及搁浅事故,其成因为人为过失。
5.The males think the females have talent for telling stale tales.男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能。
6.The story was so convincing that every-one fell for it.这故事如此动听,以致人人信以为真。
7.an amusing story, story-teller好笑的故事、 讲故事的人
8.On the Difference between the Literary Narration and the Popular One: Taking the Story of "Tactics of Triangular Love Affair"for Example;论文人叙事与民间叙事——以“连环计”故事为例
9.We were moved by the moving story.我们为这个感人的故事所感动。
10.The accident was the result of human error.这事故是人为的错误造成的.
11.The blame for this accident attaches to the man who destroyed the signal.破坏信号的人应为这一事故受到责备。
12.People still take delight in talking about the legendary story.那个传奇般的故事至今为人津津乐道。
13.Research on human errors in the marine mechanical casualties船舶机损事故中人为失误的实证研究
14.He told a runny story to raise a laugh.为引人发笑,他讲了一个滑稽的故事。
15.Study on Unsafe Human Action in Gas Accidents in Coal Mines煤矿瓦斯事故中人的不安全行为研究
16.Discussion on the reason of foundation pit engineering accident caused by human factor人为因素引起基坑工程事故原因浅析
17.The Analysis of Human Elements in Maritime Accidents Based on the Reason-SHEL Model;基于Reason-SHEL Model对海事事故人为因素的分析
18.I recommend this story as one of the most moving among them.我推荐这则故事,我认为它是这些故事中最感人的一个。

accident beyond control非人为事故
3)human error accident操作错误事故;人为事故
4)human element accident人为因素事故;责任事故
5)man made disastrous accident人为事故灾害
6)design basis external man-induced events设计基准外部人为事故
