烟头,cigarette butt
1)cigarette butt烟头
1.Objective To evaluate and investigate the several repair methods for scar caused by cigarette butt.目的:评价和探讨不同类型烟头烫伤瘢痕的整形外科修复方法,使其更好地应用于临床。

1.an ashtray full of butts盛满烟头的烟灰碟.
2.a snipe shooter[美俚]拾烟头的人
3.cigarette end that contains material to filter the smoke.由能过滤掉烟的物质组成的香烟头
4.He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray.他把烟头掐灭在烟灰缸里。
5.Whose butts are those in the car ash tray?汽车烟灰缸里的那些烟头是谁抽的?
6.With a sneer he tossed away his cigarette butt.他嘲笑地扔掉了烟头
7.The fire-place was littered with cigarette butts.壁炉里丢满了烟头
8.cigarette ends,old tyres,empty bottles and rusty tins.烟头,旧轮胎,空瓶子和生锈的空罐头盒。
9.I empty the ashtray because it was full of cigarette ends.这个烟灰缸里装满了烟头,我就把它清理干净了。
10.Residue (cigarette butts, ashes, etc.) discarded in labeled receptacles.残余物(烟头,烟灰等)弃置于有标记的容器内。
11.The super mutant walks to one side of the room, and lights up acigarette.{300}{}{房间的一侧烟头已经被堆成了小山。
12.A cheroot made in Manila.吕宋烟一种马尼拉产的方头雪茄烟
13.As smoke from fire, so ill fame rises from scandal .烟从火中来,亚名丑事头。
14.The old man took the pipe out of his mouth.老头儿打嘴里拿出烟斗。
15.A cigar with square-cut ends.雪茄一种方头的雪茄烟
16.Smoke detectors with water sprinkling on each floor各楼层侦烟器及洒水头
17.Finally, the secretary extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, lifted his head and said:最后,书记把那支烟按熄在烟灰缸里,抬起头来:
18.The train appeared, smoke billowing from the funnel of the engine.火车开来了,车头的烟囱里冒出滚滚浓烟。

3)main duct waste gas机头烟尘
1.The application of EP to treat the main duct waste gas of 180 m~2 sintering machine in NANGANG was described in this paper.介绍了电除尘器在南京钢铁联合有限公司炼铁新厂180m2烧结机机头烟尘治理上的应用。
1.Correlation of Cigarette Impact with Major Chemical Components in Cut Tobacco and Smoke;卷烟劲头与其烟丝、烟气主要化学成分的相关性
5)Carpesium cernuun烟管头草
1.Chemical constituents of the aerial parts of Carpesium cernuun;烟管头草地上部分化学成分的研究
6)fire detection unit测烟探头

烟头1.亦作"烟头"。 2.纸烟燃吸后的残余部分。