城市人行道,city sidewalks
1)city sidewalks城市人行道
2)roadside trees城市行道树
1.This paper described studies of effects of auto exhausts pollution on leaves of eight typical roadside trees in the Pearl River delta in terms of the foliar tissues of the leaves’ upper and under surfaces.以珠江三角洲常见的 8种受到交通环境影响的城市行道树及其对照树作为研究材料 ,对其叶片的上下表皮结构进行了研究。

2.The Comparative Study of the Street Tree's Structure of the Cities in Yangtze River Delta and Around长三角及其周边城市行道树结构研究
3.The influence on street trees on the concentration carbon monoxide and total suspended particulate城市行道树对CO、TSP浓度的影响研究
4.Status Quo and Development Trend of Urban Street Trees in Dazhou达州市城市行道树应用现状及发展趋势
5.Taking the current conditions of roadside trees species in Jinzhou as an example, the existing problems on planning urban roadside tree species and relevant factors were analyzed at first step.以锦州市行道树绿化现状为例,初步分析了城市行道树树种规划存在的问题及相关影响因素。
6.Street Trees Investigation on Typhoon Resistance in Coastal Cities of ZheJiang Province;浙江省沿海城市行道树抗风能力调查研究
7.Investigation on the growth of the urban street trees and its application in Longyan centrar city;龙岩中心城市行道树生长调查及应用研究
8.Research Advances on Quantitative Benefit-Cost Analysis of Street Tree Cultivation and Management in Urban Area;城市行道树经营成本效益数量化分析研究概述
9.Scenic Beauty Estimation of Street Trees Landscape in the Center City District of Cheng Du;成都市主城区行道树景观美景度研究
10.The Esthetic Assessment of Avenue Greenbelt Landscape of Chongqing Main Road;重庆市城市主干道行道树绿带景观审美评价
11.Discussion on urban road afforestation of Yongding county and species selection of road side tree;浅谈永定县城市道路绿化和行道树种的选择
12.Transplantation and protection of large-sized road trees in the reconstruction of the city roads城市道路改造中 大型行道树的移植与养护
13.The street trees add to the beauty of the city.街道两边的树木为城市频添几分秀色。
14.Study on Fault Tree of Urban Gas Buried Steel Pipeline城市埋地钢质燃气管道事故树的研究
15.Application of Fault Tree Analysis to Urban Gas Pipeline Safety Assessment故障树分析法在城市燃气管道安全评价的应用
16.A broad city street, often tree - lined and landscaped.林荫大道,大街宽阔的城市街道,通常树木荫蔽的和风景秀丽的
17."boulevard:a broad city street, often tree-lined and landscaped."林荫大道:大街宽阔的城市街道,通常树木荫蔽的和风景秀丽的
18.The city streets are full of traffic.城市的街道上满是行人车辆。

roadside trees城市行道树
1.This paper described studies of effects of auto exhausts pollution on leaves of eight typical roadside trees in the Pearl River delta in terms of the foliar tissues of the leaves’ upper and under surfaces.以珠江三角洲常见的 8种受到交通环境影响的城市行道树及其对照树作为研究材料 ,对其叶片的上下表皮结构进行了研究。
3)passway in city entrance and exit城市出人口道路
4)urban pedestrian overpass城市人行天桥
1.Taking the pedestrian overpass of a marine product wholesale market in Zengca Road of Guangzhou City as an example, the article introduces the application of spin drilling rig construction technology in construction of pile foundation of urban pedestrian overpass.该文以广州市增槎路-水产批发市场人行天桥为例,介绍了旋挖钻机施工工艺在城市人行天桥桩基施工中的应用。
5)man-made lake城市河道人工水面
1.Strategic measures against pollution for the urban man-made lake;城市河道人工水面的水质污染及防治对策
6)relative people of ur-ban planning administration城市规划行政相对人

人行道1.供步行者走的路。 2.特指马路两旁供人步行的便道。