危险化学品从业单位,The corporation of hazard chemical
1)The corporation of hazard chemical危险化学品从业单位
2)dangerous chemicals危险化学品
1.On management of dangerous chemicals in higher institute;高等学校危险化学品安全管理探讨
2.On the oil refinery and petrochemical enterprises of dangerous chemicals management;试论石油炼化企业危险化学品管理
3.Analyzing Condition and Studying Countermeasure on Dynamic Monitor and Control of Road Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals in JiangSu Province;江苏省危险化学品道路运输动态监控现状分析与对策研究

1.hazardous chemical data manual危险化学品数据手册
2.protective clothing for hazardous chemical operation危险化学品作业防护服
3.carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk散装危险化学品运输
4.Discussion on Safety Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals SC;危险化学品供应链安全风险管理探讨
5.Hazard Analysis on Loading and Unloading of Dangerous Chemicals in Port and Its Countermeasures危险化学品港口装卸作业危险性分析与对策
6.Environmental Coefficient in Green Chemistry and Hazardous Chemicals;绿色化学中的环境因子与危险化学品
7.marine hazardous chemical worker海运危险化学品工作人员
8.Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk散装运输危险化学品适装证书
9.International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk国际散装运输危险化学品适装证书
10.chemical hazards response information system危险化学品响应信息系统
11.Research on the Safety Evaluation Index System of Dangerous Chemicals;危险化学品安全评价指标体系的研究
12.Hazardous Chemical Emergency Response System of Beijing;北京市危险化学品应急响应系统研究
13.Study on Authority to Supervise in Store and Transport of Hazardous Chemical Materials in Macao;澳门危险化学品储运监管制度之研究
14.Study on Air Diffusion for Accident Release of Hazardous Chemicals;危险化学品事故性泄漏大气扩散研究
15.Research on the safety management system of dangerous chemicals国内外危险化学品安全管理体系探讨
16.Construction of long-term mechanism for dangerous chemical safety论危险化学品安全生产长效机制构建
17.Analysis and inquiry into the countermeasures on the transportation of dangerous chemicals in the Yangtze River长江危险化学品运输分析与对策探讨
18.Study on the Multi-Agent Based Model of Dangerous Chemicals Risk Assessment;基于多Agent的危险化学品风险评价模型研究

dangerous chemicals危险化学品
1.On management of dangerous chemicals in higher institute;高等学校危险化学品安全管理探讨
2.On the oil refinery and petrochemical enterprises of dangerous chemicals management;试论石油炼化企业危险化学品管理
3.Analyzing Condition and Studying Countermeasure on Dynamic Monitor and Control of Road Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals in JiangSu Province;江苏省危险化学品道路运输动态监控现状分析与对策研究
3)dangerous chemical危险化学品
1.The situation of safety distance on dangerous chemical and its indications;国内外危险化学品安全距离探讨
2.Discussion the safety management of dangerous chemical from the correlative problems of dangerous chemical registration;危险化学品安全管理探讨
1.The initial researches on management of chemical work safety at home and abroad as the coroperation project between China and Japan;中日合作项目国内外危险化学品安全管理初步研究
2.Current situation and measures of dangerous chemical safety in China;我国危险化学品安全生产现状与对策
3.Analysis of typical chemical incidents by safety distance question;因安全距离问题引发的典型危险化学品事故案例分析
5)hazardous chemical危险化学品
1.The factor affecting the validity of safety assessment for hazardous chemical production industry;影响危险化学品生产企业安全评价有效性的因素探讨
2.Tanker leakage accident of hazardous chemical and the countermeasures;危险化学品槽罐汽车被卡在桥涵内介质泄漏事故及其防范与处置
3.Spatial Information Technology-based DSS for Hazardous Chemical Emergency Response;基于空间信息技术的危险化学品公路运输事故应急响应决策支持系统结构设计
6)Hazardous chemicals危险化学品
1.Status and trend of safety technology research for hazardous chemicals in China;我国危险化学品安全技术研究现状及趋势
2.Analysis of safe production from the acceptance of hazardous chemicals production从危险化学品生产验收看安全生产
3.The simulation of hazardous chemicals valley pollution危险化学品流域污染模拟

危险单位(RiskUnit) 一次保险事故可能造成的最大损失范围。不同的保险有不同的危险单位,保险人在确定其本身可以承担的最高保险责任时,用危险单位来作为计算的基础。危险单位的划分较为复杂,应根据各种不同的险别来决定。例如,船舶险以每一艘船为一个危险单位;关于火险,通常以一栋独立的建筑物为一个危险单位,但如果数栋建筑物毗连在一起或一个高层建筑中承保了若干楼层,如何划分一个危险单位,就要考虑建筑物的等级、实用性质、有无风火墙隔开、周围环境和消防设备等各种因素才能决定。危险单位的划分并不是一成不变的,如两座建筑物之间本来没有通道,后来修建了天桥,将两者连接在一起,这样就把互相分割的两个危险单位变成了一个危险单位。