白木,bahama white wood,white wood
1)bahama white wood,white wood白木

1.the wood of an African obeche tree; used especially for veneering.非洲白木的木料,尤其用于装饰。
2.Observation and Study of Vessel Elements of Secibdart Xylem in Aquilaria Sinensis;白木香Aquilaria sinensis次生木质部导管分子观察研究
3.Soft wood, such as spruce, aspen, or pine, used in making paper.软木如针枞木、白杨或松木等用于造纸的软木
4.tall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood.新西兰一种高大的木材树种,白色木,木纹整齐。
5.Termite often destroys wood.白蚁经常破坏树木。
6.Termites have eaten the posts and mined the fence.白蚁蛀坏木柱,毁了栅栏。
7.Dryocopus javensis richardsi [Tristram's woodpecker]白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种
8.soft white wood of white pine trees.白色软质的五针松木料。
9.timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood.新西兰木材,木身呈亮白色。
10.pale easily worked timber from the quandong tree.一种檀香科树木的木材,灰白色,易加工。
11.Modification of Bleached Softwood Pulp Pretreated with Xylanase木聚糖酶对漂白针叶木浆改性的研究
12.type genus of Kalotermitidae; termites destructive of wood and living trees.木白蚁科的模式属;对木材及活的树木有破坏性的白蚁。
13.The wood is light in colour ranging from a nearly white to greyish-white.木材颜色浅,由近乎白色到灰白色不等。
14.High-brigthness Bleaching of China Fir CTMP Pulp and Its Mechanism;杉木CTMP高白度漂白技术及机理研究
15.Papain-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Porcine Residues after Insulin Extraction木瓜蛋白酶对胰岛素蛋白残渣的水解
16.shrubby ash of southwestern United States having fragrant white flowers.美国西南的灌木状梣木,开芳香白色花朵。
17.The white, close - grained wood of one of these trees.考里松木这种树的白色的纹理细密的木材
18.Extended Modified Continuous Cooking of Softwoods Followed by ECF and TCF Bleaching针叶木深化脱木素连续蒸煮与无氯漂白的研究

Loropetalum chinense白花木继木
1.Effect of Seeds of Loropetalum chinense Distributing in Different Position of Trees to Seedlings Emergence;白花木继木种子在树冠空间的分布对种子发芽的影响
3)white oak白柞木(白栎)
4)white ash wood白蜡木
1.Study on white ash wood shrinkage and swelling;白蜡木干缩和湿胀性能的研究
5)white wood flour白木粉
6)Aralia continentalis长白楤木
1.Process of Including Volatile Oil of Aralia continentalis with β-cyclodextrin;β-环糊精包合长白楤木挥发油的工艺研究
2.Purification and Analysis of Water Soluble Polysaccharides from Root,Stem and Leaf of Aralia continentalis;长白楤木根、茎、叶水溶性多糖的纯化及组成分析
3.Effect of Shading on Chlorophyll Contents and Biomass of Aralia continentalis;遮荫对长白楤木叶绿素含量和生物量的影响

白木【通用名称】白木【其他名称】白木 (《陆川本草》) 【异名】野黄皮、鸡卵黄(《常用中草药彩色图谱》),小柑、小郎伞、搽散、野辣椒(《广西药植名录》)。 【来源】为芸香科植物大管的根或根皮。 【植物形态】大管 小乔木,高1~3米,小枝、叶柄、叶脉、花轴及花枝等均被扩展的短柔毛。单数羽状复叶;小叶5~11,互生,具柄,镰刀状披针形,长4~7厘米,宽1.8~3厘米,先端尖,基部圆或钝斜,极不对称,边缘具疏齿。伞房圆锥花序顶生;花小而多,白色;萼片5,长不及1毫米;花瓣5,长圆形,长约4毫米,外面被毛;雄蕊10,长短互间,花药广椭圆形;子房被长毛,5室,柱头头状。浆果椭圆形或倒卵形,长约1厘米,成熟时黄色或朱红色,表面有腺点;种子1~2粒。花期12月至翌年4月。果期7~8月。 生于旷野,丛林。分布广东、广西、云南等地。 【性味】苦辛,凉。 ①《陆川本草》:"辛,温。" ②《常用中草药彩色图谱》:"微苦辛,凉。" 【功用主治】治跌打肿痛,骨折,扭伤,风湿痛,喉痛。 ①《陆川本草》:"驳骨,消肿,止痛。治跌打损伤肿痛,骨折,风湿骨痛。" ②《常用中草药彩色图谱》:"散瘀行气,活血。" ③《广西药植名录》:"治跌打内伤,喉痛。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,3~5钱;或浸酒。外用:研末酒炒敷。 【选方】①治胸痹,跌打扭伤:大管干根三至五钱,水煎服。(《常用中草药彩色图谱》) ②治感冒,毒蛇咬伤:大管叶二至四钱,水煎服。(《常用中草药彩色图谱》)