安全产业,safety industry
1)safety industry安全产业
1.In order to enhance the safety of production,Chongqing Administration of Work Safety is planning to promote the intensive development of the safety industry.为提升安全生产保障能力,重庆市安全生产监督管理局提出通过安全产业集约化发展实现“产业强安”的新思路。
2)industrial security产业安全
1.The Impacts of Industrial Division on Industrial Security and Its Revelations;论产业分工对产业安全的影响及对策
2.By explaining coal industrial security from the perspective of economic security,the paper constructs an indictor system for evaluating the coal industrial security and analyzes the basic principle and compound operations of the evaluation model.从经济安全的角度来诠释煤炭产业安全,在此基础上来建立煤炭产业安全定量评价模型,并深入分析该模型的基本原理、合成运算,对2002-2005年的煤炭产业安全度进行实证研究,从而探析煤炭产业安全评价模型的有效性。
3.With the accelerating of economic globalization, industrial security becomes a focus in the world.随着经济全球化的加速,产业安全成为各国关注的焦点。

1.Analysis of Industrial Safety & Industrial International Competitiveness;对产业安全与产业国际竞争力的探讨
2.Analysis on China s Industrial Safety Problems Based on the Industry Chain;基于产业链角度探析我国的产业安全
3.The Impacts of Industrial Division on Industrial Security and Its Revelations;论产业分工对产业安全的影响及对策
4.Economic Globalization and Food Processing Industry Safety of China;经济全球化与中国食品加工业的产业安全
5.The Industrial Safety Crisis of the Fully Opened-up Retail Trade and Ways to Eliminate It;零售商业全面开放下的产业安全危机及其消解
6.Mode of Hi-tech Industry Safety Based on Industry Cluster;基于产业集群的高新技术产业安全模式
7.Import and Export of Chinese Agriculture Products and Early-warning Analysis on Agriculture Security;中国农产品进出口与农业产业安全预警分析
9.On How to Use Industrial Protection Measure to Safeguard China s Industrial Safety;论运用产业保护措施维护我国产业安全
10.Control-power of Industry:A New Perspective in Reviewing Industrial Security产业控制力:考察产业安全的一个新视角
11.Security Production Management in the Enterprise;从《安全生产法》谈企业的安全生产管理
12.Explore the Corporate Safety Culture,Safety Production Enterprise探索企业安全文化、实现企业安全生产
13.About the Relation between Enterprise Safety Culture and Safety at Work;浅谈企业安全文化与安全生产的关系
14.The law of safety in production and security production management of the coal enterprise《安全生产法》与煤炭企业的安全生产管理
15.Analysis of Safety Cost and Improvement of Safe Production in Enterprise;企业安全成本与提高安全生产水平分析
16.The Adjustment for the Structural: Protecting the Safty of the Grain and the Farmers;调整产业结构:保障粮农安全与粮食安全
17.Build up long-term safety production mechanism to safeguard fishery economy development;建立安全生产长效机制实现渔业经济安全发展
18.Teaching Thinking of ‘Safety Nature’ in Vocational Training of Production Safety安全生产职业培训中“安全本质”的教学思考

industrial security产业安全
1.The Impacts of Industrial Division on Industrial Security and Its Revelations;论产业分工对产业安全的影响及对策
2.By explaining coal industrial security from the perspective of economic security,the paper constructs an indictor system for evaluating the coal industrial security and analyzes the basic principle and compound operations of the evaluation model.从经济安全的角度来诠释煤炭产业安全,在此基础上来建立煤炭产业安全定量评价模型,并深入分析该模型的基本原理、合成运算,对2002-2005年的煤炭产业安全度进行实证研究,从而探析煤炭产业安全评价模型的有效性。
3.With the accelerating of economic globalization, industrial security becomes a focus in the world.随着经济全球化的加速,产业安全成为各国关注的焦点。
3)Industry safety产业安全
1.With increasing opening-up of China's foreign economy, industry safety is becoming a heated issue.文章以木材产业安全为研究对象,概括了产业安全的各种理论观点,提出了建立在国际竞争力基础上的产业安全观。
2.At the same time, there is heating debate about whether the foreign capital has influent the industry safety of real estate.与此同时,业内关于外资并购是否引发房地产产业安全的争论甚嚣尘上。
3.The WTO multilateral trade system will be an opportunity and guaranty,and meanwhile be a chanlange and menace to the industry safety of the developing countries.WTO多边贸易体制对于发展中国家的产业安全来说既是一种机遇与保障,又是一种挑战与威胁。
4)industrial safety产业安全
1.At last,this writer gives some suggestions and countermoves to improve the industrial safety.本文通过对大量数据的整理分析,对我国汽车产业“空心化”现象进行说明,并提出了改善我国汽车产业安全性的建议。
2.With the development of economic globalization,industrial safety has become the common problem that all the countries are facing.随着经济全球化的不断深入,产业安全已成为世界各国面临的共同问题。
3.In the post-WTO transitional period, with the elimination of some protective administrative means for the safety of domestic industry while alternative protective methods are not yet well developed, the industrial safety in China will confront more severe challenges.进入入世后过渡期,随着保护国内产业安全的有关行政措施的取消,在替代保护手段还不成熟的情况下,将给我国产业安全提出更为严峻挑战。
5)industry security产业安全
1.Analysis on China Pharmaceutical Industry Security;中国医药制造业产业安全问题研究
2.The Impact of Foreign Capital Merger and Acquisition on China s Industry Security and Its Legal Suggestions;外资并购对我国产业安全的影响及其法律对策
6)industrial security degree产业安全度
