烟熏图痕,smoke pattern
1)smoke pattern烟熏图痕

1.Research of Metallographic Analysis and Numerical Reconstruction of Smoke Pattern in Fire Investigation基于金相分析与烟熏图痕数值重构的火灾调查研究
2.Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discoloured walls, the wormeaten staircase.查尔斯看到墙壁到处是烟熏的痕迹,给虫蛀厂的楼梯。
3.To cut(meat)into long strips and dry in the sun or cure by exposing to smoke.熏肉把(肉)切成长片晒干或用烟熏制
4.hams curing in the smokehouse.在烟熏室中熏制而成的火腿
5.To subject to smoke or fumes, usually in order to exterminate pests or disinfect.熏蒸通常为灭虫或消毒杀菌而熏烟
6.Aromas of blackberry and smoke with toasted oak.黑莓与来自熏烤橡木桶的烟熏香气。
7.Smoking preserves food from decay.烟熏可保持食物不腐烂。
8.The smoke is stinging my eyes.烟把我的眼睛熏得很疼.
9.The room was blackened with smoke and soot .这房间被烟灰熏黑了。
10.The smoke blackened the ceiling; The ceiling blackened.烟幕把天花板熏黑了。
11.To subject to or treat with fumes.熏用烟气处理或制作
12.A policeman collapsed from the smoke.一位警察被浓烟熏倒了。
13.The smoke makes my eyes run.烟熏得我直流眼泪.
14.Of or relating to smoke or fumigation.烟雾的烟雾或烟熏的或与此有关的
15.salmon cured by smoking or in a smoky brine.经过烟熏或在烟熏味的盐水里处理过的鲑鱼。
16.Soot makes smoke dark and blackens walls.烟灰使得烟成黑色,并熏黑了墙壁。
17.I don't like incense perfumes. They just make good clothes reek of smoke."我最怕熏香,好好的衣服,熏的烟燎火气的."
18.To prepare(fish)by splitting, salting, and smoking.腌熏依次用剖切、盐腌和烟熏等方法进行准备

smoked paper record熏烟纸记录图
1.The related factors including recipe, emulsification,chopping,cooking and smoking are significantly influence the end products.对于这类产品的配方,乳化斩拌,和烟熏蒸煮等步骤都会对最终产品产生影响。
2.We will only discuss smoking house which offer better colour and different smell in foods industry.目前食品加工生产企业在自己产品的研究开发领域投入大量的人力、物力包括各种设备的购置,当然烟熏设备也是其中一种,它的作用是带给人们风味和外观的食欲效果,这点在肉类、水产工业更为突出,这里主要涉及烟熏的影响因素及烟熏设备。
1.This paper studied the effects of reduction of air humidity and increment of air temperature in plastic shed in the southern areas by laying lime, covering plastic film, smoking, smoking + laying lime, smoking + covering plastic film, covering plastic film + laying lime, and smoking +covering plastic film + laying lime under different conditions, i.本试验通过采用石灰、地膜覆盖、熏烟、熏烟+石灰、熏烟+地膜覆盖、熏烟+地膜覆盖+石灰、地膜覆盖+石灰七种措施在不同天气状况即晴天通风、阴天通风、阴天不通风、雨天通风、雨天不通风下对大棚增温降湿效果进行研究。
1.The distance that fumigation start to occur is the key to solve the concentration formed from fumigation.熏烟发生距离(Xf)的确定是求解熏烟浓度的难点和关键。
