快开门,Quick-Opening Cover
1)Quick-Opening Cover快开门
1.A unit of two autoclave reactor using the first three years after a comprehensive examination which found severe corrosion around the sewage outfall, Quick-Opening Cover has been shorted, between the kettle lid and the cylinder do not have reliable safety interlock and alarm devices.某单位两台蒸压釜在使用三年后的第一次全面检验当中,发现排污口周围严重腐蚀,快开门被短接,釜盖与简体之间没有可靠的安全联锁及报警装置。

1.Open the door, quick. -- Right.快开门去。 -- 唉。
2.Help ! I' m trapped open the door !救命啊! 我出不来了--快开门!
3.They group near the shop when it is about to open.那商店快开门时,他们聚集在它附近。
4.An Autoclave Reactor Safety Analysis and Quick-Opening Cover Interlock Research蒸压釜的安全分析及快开门联锁的研究
5.When pressed fully: The shutter is released.快门按钮完全按下时:快门打开。
6.He quickly opened the door and ran out.他很快地开门跑出去了。
7.He knocked on the door and said, "Open it up before I kick it in."他敲敲门,说:“开门,快一点,不然我要把门踢开。”
8.Reaching down, he unfastened the latch on the gate.快要下车时,他解开了大门的门闩。
9.This is referred to as bulb photography.这时,你只要按住快门按钮,快门将一直打开。
10.Do you ever open your heart while the shutter is open?你可曾在快门打开的同时,也打开你的心门。
11.If the shutter speed is set to "bulb" in manual operation, the shutter will remain open for as long as you keep the shutter button pressed. This is referred to as bulb photography.如快门速度设置到手动操作的B门。这时,你只要按住快门按钮,快门将一直打开。
12.The door was quickly unlocked, and he entered.门锁很快打开了,他走了进去。
13.Tell the driver to step on the gas-we don't want to be late.叫司机加大油门开快点,我不想迟到。
14.By opening the shutter,light is allowed to enter the lens and fall on the film.打开快门,光就进入了镜头,照在软片上。
15.You must not jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button.你按快门开启按钮时,不能猛按照相机。
16.X: Here coms brother-in-law. open the door.许仙:是姐夫回来了。快去开门吧。
17.Faber flung open the door of the jeep, jumped in and shot off down the hill.费伯急忙打开车门,跳上驾驶座,飞快地开下山坡。
18.They designed a new door that could be opened more quickly.他们设计了一种能够更快打开的新式舱门。

fast-open shutter快开快门
1.With the destination of making a extra best quality microsecond pulse shutter,the shutter system consisted of fast-open shutter and expl.目前广泛使用的电光开关、声光开关存在消光比低或光能利用率不够等缺点,为得到宽度合适、消光比高、光能利用率高的微秒光脉冲,设计了由快开快门和爆炸快门相结合的开关系统。
3)Quickly, open the door !快,开开门!
4)shutter release快门开关
5)quick opening valve快开阀门
6)shutter opening angle快门开角

快开流量特性分子式:CAS号:性质:控制阀或其他型式执行器的一类流量特性。快开流量特性是指阀通过的相对流量(Q/Qmax)随阀杆相对行程h(=ΔL/Lmax)的变化率与相对流量(Q/Qmax)成反比。数学式是: 式中Q是流量,L是阀杆行程,是是比例系数,下标max指最大值。在相对行程h从零开始的一段区间,相对流量增长很快,故称快开特性。将上式积分后可得: 式中Qmin是h=0时的流量,即阀全关时的泄漏量,m是系数。