安全投资分析,safe investment analysis
1)safe investment analysis安全投资分析
2)safety investment安全投资
1.Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises;煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析
2.Gray relation analysis on safety investment-benefit;安全投资—效益的灰色关联分析
3.The real options game theory strategy of the safety investment;安全投资的实物期权博弈论战略分析探讨研究

1.Five Steps to Make Wall Street Safer for Investors华尔街安全投资五步
2.The Study of Contribute Rate of Safety Investments to Economic Growth and Safety Investments Decision-Making;安全经济贡献率与安全投资决策研究
3.Analysis on the Optimization of Coal Mining Safety Cost and Safety Investment Proportion;煤炭企业安全成本与安全投资比例优化分析
4.The paper discusses safety investment and safety economic benefit in safety activity.文章尝试对安全活动中的安全投资和安全经济效益进行一些探讨。
5.The Research of Real Option Pricing Model in Safety Investment;安全投资中的实物期权定价模型研究
6.Research on Game Analysis of Information Security Investment in Organizations;组织信息安全投资中的博弈问题研究
7.An Analysis of Games of Information Security Investment Based on Interdependent Security;基于相互依赖性的信息安全投资博弈
8.Analysis of Safety Investment Decision-making in Coal Mine Based on Input-output Model;基于投入产出模型的煤矿安全投资决策分析
9.We do not recommend bank share as a safe investment .我们不推荐将银行股票作为一种安全投资手段。
10.Government bonds are usually considered to be a safe investment.一般人认为政府债券是安全的投资。
11.The investment in safety facilities shall be incorporated in the budgetary estimates of the construction projects concerned.安全设施投资应当纳入建设项目概算。
12.Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Safety of Jiangsu Province外商直接投资与江苏区域经济安全
13.safeguard the personal security and safety of the property for the investors维护投资者的人身和财产安全
14.The Influences of FDI on China s Economic Security;外商直接投资对我国经济安全的影响
15."But playing it safe and going "balanced"on your investment portfolio is not the way successful investors play the game. "但是,安全地、"平衡地"投资于一个投资组合却不是一个成功的投资者应有的投资行为方式。
16.The Tendency of Sole-proprietorizing for Foreign Merchants Investment in China and China s Industrial Security;外商对华投资独资化倾向与中国产业安全
17.Overseas Strategic Investors Taking a Stake in China-Funded Banks and Financial Safety in China;境外战略投资者参股中资银行与中国金融安全

safety investment安全投资
1.Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises;煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析
2.Gray relation analysis on safety investment-benefit;安全投资—效益的灰色关联分析
3.The real options game theory strategy of the safety investment;安全投资的实物期权博弈论战略分析探讨研究
3)investment analysis投资分析
1.Application and investment analysis of ecological-type toilets;生态型环保厕所应用与投资分析
2.ABC's Packages Printing Project Investment Analysis;ABC公司包装印刷项目投资分析
3.Investment Analysis under Uncertainty;不确定性条件下的投资分析
4)Analysis on IT InvestmentIT投资分析
5)invest analysis投资分析
6)Safety Input-output analysis安全投入产出分析
