技术竞赛,technology contest
1)technology contest技术竞赛
1.To impel the health and sustainable development of technology,it is necessary to choose the contest item reasonably and formulate contest goal and regulation scientifically,maximize favourable factors and minimize unfavourable ones,when organizing the technology contest.技术竞赛一直是推动技术发展的重要动力,其推动作用主要表现在:技术竞赛是比较和检验创新技术优劣的重要手段;技术竞赛推动新技术的产生和发展;推动技术的产业化发展;推进了技术人才的培养。
2)the competition of routine of athletic Wushu竞技武术套路竞赛

1.The Research of Influencing Factors about Competitive Martial Arts Routine Competition Results竞技武术套路竞赛成绩影响因素研究
2.An Examination of the Impact upon the 2002 Martial Arts Contest of New Rules;2002年武术竞赛规则对竞技武术套路竞赛的导向作用
3.Research on the changing Rules of Wushu s Competition;竞技武术套路竞赛规则的发展变化研究
4.On the Current Contest of Competitive Chinese Wushu Taolu (Routines);我国竞技武术套路竞赛现状及对策研究
5.On the Developing Process of the Competition System of Chinese Competitive Wushu Routines我国竞技武术套路竞赛体制发展历程探析
6.Study on competitive Wushu routine competition situation in Liaoning province and development countermeasure辽宁省竞技武术套路竞赛现状与发展对策研究
7.Martial Arts Repertoire Contest Rule Change to Athletics Martial Arts Repertoire Technology Development;武术套路竞赛规则的变化对竞技武术套路技术发展的影响研究
8.The Objectivity and Evaluation of Competitive Wushu Routine Competition;竞技武术套路比赛的客观性及其评价
9.The Esthetic Analysis of Competitive Wushu under the View of Competition Rules竞赛规则视野下竞技武术套路的美学分析
10.Reflections on the Trend of Sports Technology of Serial Competitive Wushu Stunts from the Rule Revolution;从竞赛规则的演变看竞技武术套路运动技术发展趋势
11.Factor analysis of influencing the player results of the series of skills of competitive Wushu;影响竞技武术套路运动员比赛成绩的因素分析
12.Countermeasure of Competitive Martial Arts Routine Appreciation;提高竞技武术套路比赛观赏性的对策研究
13.Influence of Wushu Competition Rule to Wushu Routine;武术套路竞赛规则对武术套路运动的影响
14.The separation of (routines) from Sanshou competition is the necessary outcome that Wushu must meet the competition standards of the Olympics.套路与散手竞赛的分离是武术适应奥林匹克竞技规范的必然结果;
15.On the relationship between the evolvement of contest rules of the Wushu s set pattern and the technical style of Wushu;论武术套路竞赛规则的演变与武术技术风格的关系
16.The Influence of Contest Martial Arts Development to Martial Arts Promotion;竞技武术套路发展对武术推广的影响
17.Analysis and Research Concerning New Contest Rules in Martial Arts;对武术套路竞赛新规则的分析与研究
18.Design of Digital Administration System of Wushu Routine Competition;武术套路竞赛数字化管理系统的设计

the competition of routine of athletic Wushu竞技武术套路竞赛
3)science and technology contest科技竞赛
4)Technique Contest技能竞赛
1.Research and Practiceon the Interactive System as to Technique Contest and Curricula Construction;高职院校技能竞赛与课程群建设的探讨与实践
5)athletics fields赛场竞技
6)competitive game竞技赛会
1.Comparison of cultural differences between 4 major competitive games in ancient Greece古希腊4大竞技赛会的文化差异

武术表演和竞赛  中国武术观摩评比的主要形式,目的在于通过广泛交流经验,改进武术的教学与训练工作,推动武术活动的开展,促进武术水平的提高。    中华人民共和国成立后,积极开展武术表演和竞赛,经常举行省、市、地、县和全国性的武术表演和竞赛活动,其内容有长拳、太极拳、南拳、剑术、刀术、枪术、棍术、通背拳、翻子拳、八极拳、九节鞭、双刀、双剑、双枪、三节棍、徒手对练、器械对练、徒手与器械对练、集体拳术、集体器械等。    武术表演和竞赛在长14米、宽 8米的平坦场地上进行;刀、枪、剑、棍诸器械均有一定的比赛规则和评分标准。各项武术表演和比赛项目的最高得分均为10分,裁判员根据运动员的技术发挥,给予应得分数。武术表演和比赛, 近几年来每年举行两次, 一次为武术表演赛,参加者为青少年,取个人名次和团体名次;另一次是武术观摩表演,男、女、老、幼均可参加,项目不限,被评为优秀项目的分别给予一等奖、二等奖或三等奖。这种观摩表演的目的,在于发掘各地传统武术项目,以便进一步研究、整理和推广。