招商引资项目,foreign money invested enterprises
1)foreign money invested enterprises招商引资项目
1.Investigation on the fire prevention in foreign money invested enterprises in medium and minor cities浅析中小城市招商引资项目的消防安全监管

1.Pragmatic Strategies in the Translation of Bid-Invitation Papers;论对外招商引资项目英译的语用策略
2.The Multi-attribute Decision-making Method for the Choice of Investment Project招商引资项目遴选的多属性决策方法
3.Study on the Appraisal and Choice of Projects Soliciting Business and Introducing Investment to Tianjin Binhai New Area;天津滨海新区招商引资项目遴选评价研究
4.Investigation on the fire prevention in foreign money invested enterprises in medium and minor cities浅析中小城市招商引资项目的消防安全监管
5.The Fire Prevention in Foreign Invested Enterprises in Medium and Minor Cities中小城市招商引资项目消防安全监管对策探讨
6.Shen Bei New District Deep Processing of Agricultural Products Estate Garden Investment Project Management Research沈北新区农产品深加工产业园招商引资项目管理研究
7.Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Project Management about Attracting Investments in Xuancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone宣城经济技术开发区招商引资项目管理现状与对策研究
8.Article 11 For agricultural development projects of investment promotion and capital attraction, special policy shall be discussed and determined.第十一条对农业开发项目招商引资奖励的优惠政策实行一事一议。
9.Study of the Township Government s Role during the Process of Trade and Investment Promotion;乡镇政府在工程项目招商引资过程中的角色定位研究
10.The Analysis of Xiamen Haicang PX Case;以科学发展观统领招商引资工作——厦门海沧PX项目案例分析
11.The key subjects attracting investment in this area enjoy the preferential policies.属国家鼓励类投资产业,我区重点招商项目,享受区内招商优惠政策。
12.Express highway projects adopt BOT method.高速公路项目,采取bot项目法人招标的方式引进投资。
13.-- Actively implement the task of attracting merchants and luring investments.--积极做好招商引资工作。
14.The Measures for Rewarding Investment Attractors (for Trial Implementation)招商引资奖励办法(试行)
15.Efforts will be made to expedite the reform of the foreign investment management system, seriously check up administrative deliberation and approval items related to foreign capital utilization, and increase the efficiency of foreign capital introduction.加快外商投资管理体制改革,认真清理吸引外资行政审批事项,提高招商引资效益。
16.those who attract investments for the important projects listed by the development planning department of this Region,对引进自治区发展计划部门列名的重点招商项目、
17.Research on Investment Promotion Mode of Service-oriented Government and Intermediary Investment Practice;服务型政府招商引资模式研究与中介招商实践
18.To provide the consultation service of business and policies for foreign invested enterprises, deal with transtation and provicle business information.为外商企业项目提供业务、策咨询服务、办利用外资项目、商引资及相关培训提供商情等。

Commercial Project招商项目
1.The Planning & Application of the Complete Vehicle in the 1st Period Project and the Commercial Projects in Chang an Industry Park;长安工业园整车一期及招商项目规划及其应用
3)inviting outside investment招商引资
1.On local government s role in inviting outside investment;浅谈地方政府在招商引资中的角色定位
2.Studies on the Economic Analyses and Strategies of Preferential Policies for Inviting Outside Investment;招商引资优惠政策的经济分析与对策研究
3.The case describes the development of Huanghuagang Information Park since it s establishment in 1991,including the change of management model, current development scale, organizational structure, the method and channel of inviting outside investment, the relevant service facilities and the problems it is facing.案例部分描述了广州黄花岗信息园(科技园)自1991年成立以来的发展情况:包括园区管理模式的转变、目前的规模、组织管理模式、招商引资的渠道和方式,配套服务设施及所面临的困难等。
4)attracting investment招商引资
1.Thought about the Government Attracting Investment Work in Economy Undeveloped District;关于经济欠发达地区政府招商引资工作的思考
2.In the course of attracting investment,must bring the superiority of resource,capital,policies and environment into full play to get great achievement.就松岭区(局)而言,经济要实现快速乃至跨越式发展,抓好招商引资是一条捷径。
3.In attracting investment,the local government does not act as an "agent authority manipulator",or an "interest-oriented authority manipulator",but a "flexible authority manipulator".地方政府在招商引资中既不是“代理型政权经营者”,也不是“谋利型政权经营者”,而是“变通性经营政权者”。
5)attracting investments招商引资
1.Reprocessing Resources;Attracting Investments——Thinking on Further Open of Datong;资源再造 招商引资——对大同进一步扩大开放的思考
2.The economic growth theory and attracting investments empirical study used the foreign fund for Shaanxi Province to promote the economic development to provide the basis.经济增长理论与招商引资的实证研究为陕西利用境外资金促进经济发展提供了依据。
3.In China,utilizing the foreign investments is one of the basic national strategies,attracting investments is the result of our reforming and opening.利用外资是我国基本国策,招商引资是我国改革开放的产物。
6)inviting investment招商引资
1.The functions of inviting investment and industrial cultivate on promoting Nanning s industrial development are analyzed, focusing on how to increase the scale of industrial cultivation, gathering industrial cluster, forming industrial chain and good industrial development environment, the economic development of Nanning is discussed.文章论述了招商引资和产业培育对加快南宁产业发展的作用,着重对如何加大产业培育力度,聚集产业群落,形成产业链条,营造良好的产业发展环境,促进南宁地方经济的发展进行了探讨。
2.During the course of the new campus construction in Weinan Teachers College, the strategic measures of inviting investment through various channels have worked well because the leaders can size up the situation and the staff can pull together.在新校区建设过程中,渭南师范学院领导审时度势,全体员工齐心协力,采取灵活多样的招商引资策略,多渠道融资,实现了学院和投资商的互动双赢,使学院改善了办学条件,扩大了办学规模,招商引资取得了显著成效。
3.In the activity of inviting investment,the government or its departments often play the real part,even control the complete procedure.在招商引资活动中,政府或政府部门往往成为实际意义上的主角,甚至包揽招商引资的全过程。
