分隔内庭,separation atrium
1)separation atrium分隔内庭
1.The design of separation atrium with movable skylight was used on a large emporium which have 3 compartments of A,B and C.某大型商贸城分A、B、C区,采用带移动天窗的"分隔内庭"设计。
2)inner lot line court内分庭院
3)interior separation内部分隔

1.They partitioned the inside into offices.他们把屋子内部分隔成一间间办公室。
2.A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.隔焰窑烧陶器时炉内防止火焰直接与之接触的隔焰窑或其一部分
3.It should be partitioned off into several parts.应该把它分隔成几部分。
4.To divide into parts.把…分隔成若干部分
5.a punctuation mark (,) used to indicate the separation of elements within the grammatical structure of a sentence.一个标点(,)用来表示一个句子句法结构内部成分的分隔。
6.It was a time when racial separation was the law in much of the United States.当时在美国大部分地区种族隔离都被列入法律内。
7.Has Three Expansion Chambers Separated By Cone Baffles. Quieter, More Pleasant Flying.内部有三个由锥形隔板分置的膨胀室,得到更静音更迷人的飞行感。
8.Molecular Phylogenetics on the Second Internal Transcribed Spacer of the Genus Sarcoptes;疥螨第二内部转录间隔区基因的分子系统学研究
9.The eye contains 3 compartments.眼由3个间隔部分组成。
10.the division or partitioning of a cavity into parts by a septum.通过隔膜把洞穴分成许多部分的分隔和划分。
11.Petticoat is the standard name in English for any underskirt worn as part of non-Western clothing, as with the sari.衬裙为女性的衣著,尢其是内衣穿在裙子内。衬裙分隔开衣服和腰部(而不像无袖宽松内衣)。
12.A space, muscle, or part situated between the ribs.肋间部分肋骨间的间隔,肌肉或部分
13.The Effect of Intra-accumbens Injecting Protein Kinase a Inhibitor on Morphine-produced Conditioned Place Preference and the Phosphorylation Levels of CREB in Specific Brain Regions in Rats;伏隔核壳区内注射PKA抑制剂对大鼠吗啡CPP以及部分脑区内CREB的作用
14.To provide(a ship)with interior planking or lining.(给船)装上内部隔板或木板
15.Content-type: MIME-Type (default is application/vnd.wap.multipart.related, override default with caution!内容列表,分号隔开文件名与内容类型.
16.In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle.在虫蜴中,肌肉质的隔膜把心室部分地隔开。
17.The external and internal interference interrupts my interpretation at short intervals.内部和外部干涉以很短的间隔打扰我翻译.
18.Most of the post-septal part of the nephridial tube is secretory.肾管的后隔膜大部分具有分泌作用。

inner lot line court内分庭院
3)interior separation内部分隔
4)Intra-household Labor Division家庭内部分工
1.Part-time Farming and its Impacts on Land Institutional Change in Rural China:The Framework of Intra-household Labor Division for its Policy Implications农户兼业化与农村土地制度变迁——基于家庭内部分工的分析框架及政策含义
6)Quarantine at home家庭隔离
