安全专业人员,work safety careerman
1)work safety careerman安全专业人员
1.Current situation and analysis of work safety careerman's professionalization我国安全专业人员职业化建设现状与分析

1.BCSP = Board of Certified Safety Professionals合格安全专业人员委员会
2.Current situation and analysis of work safety careerman's professionalization我国安全专业人员职业化建设现状与分析
3.Unfortunately, vendors are not going to be helping in terms of making the life of a security professional easier.不幸的是,销售商不会轻易得到安全专业人员的日常帮助。
4.If the machine is released from safety status by turning off the safety lock, the technician is allowed to open the safety guarding system for regular maintenance.当通过关闭安全锁机器放弃安全状态时,专业人员将被允许打开安全向导系统进行正常维护。
5.Industrial Safety and Health Conference for Safety and Health Practitioners职安专业人士职业安全健康会议
6.The people authorized to open manhole covers could easily be trained to do it safely.专业人员经过简单的培训就可以做到安全的打开井盖。
7.On the High-Quality Professional s Training of Safety Engineering Specialty;高素质安全工程专业人才培养的探讨
8.Research into Talent Training of Information Security in Higher Vocational College;高职院校信息安全专业人才培养初探
9.Committee of Experts of Security Council安全理事会专家委员会
10.Professional Committee of Computer Security of China Computer Federation中国计算机学会计算机安全专业委员会
11.ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS)美国化学会:化学品健康与安全专业委员会
12.Improving Specialty Quality of Dispatchers and Insuring Power Grid Safety Operation提高调度员专业素质 确保电网安全运行
13.College information management professional personnel training on information security;高职高专信管专业信息安全人才培养研究
14.European Federation of Associations of Industrial Safety and Medical Officers工业安全和医务人员协会欧洲联合会
15.Kudos should be noted for the landing zone coordination, as well as securing the zone with a minimum of three professionals.值得称道的是起降区域的协调,以及只有三名专业人员进行维护的该区域安全。
16.As a way of improvement, an additional fuse will be installed to the seat heating circuitry to ensure the safety.确认故障后进行维修改进,专业技术人员将改进座椅加热系统线路并加装安全保险。
17.The Safety Specialist provides a resource for OSHA compliance to employees, supervisors, and managers in both manufacturing and office environment.环境安全专员为车间及办公室的员工,主管,经理规定符合职业安全与卫生条例的要求。
18.Analysis on the hidden danger of accidents of the wiring workers in the telecom enterprises;电信企业线务从业人员安全事故隐患分析

CSP;certified safety professional特许专业安全员
3)BCSP = Board of Certified Safety Professionals合格安全专业人员委员会
4)safety staff安全从业人员
1.The relation among job satisfaction, stress level and self-efficacy of safety staff in coalmine was investigated by a questionnaire survey conducted to 43 employees in a state-owned coalmine.运用问卷法,以43名国有煤矿安全从业人员为研究对象,探讨了在煤矿这一特定环境下的工作人员其工作满意感、应激水平和自我效能感的关系。
5)safety engineering安全专业
1.Teaching of reliability technology in safety engineering specialty;安全专业可靠性技术教学
1.Furthermore,several issues in choosing and using related technical standards and codes are discussed,as well as in judging whether a professional is negligent in work.论述了工程司法鉴定的性质、特征及其基本要求;在此基础上,着重探讨了建设领域工程司法鉴定技术标准和规范的选用、工程专业人员过失判定等问题。
2.The main forms of the continuing education for the professionals in hospital library are as following:in service study leading to Master degree,attending advanced seminar and short-term skill training etc.医院图书馆专业人员继续教育主要形式有:在职攻读同等学历硕士学位,参加高级学术研修班和短期专业技能培训等。
3.The article intends to analyse the new characteristics of modern information service and the quality of professional.本文分析了现代文献信息服务工作的新特点及专业人员的素质要求 ,提出了现代文献信息专业人员素质培养的内容和方
