剧毒化学品,high toxicity chemical
1)high toxicity chemical剧毒化学品
1.The hazard assessment during the transportation of toluene-2,4-diisocyanate as a high toxicity chemical剧毒化学品甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯运输危险性评估

1.The experience communication of Location for Construction of Poison Chemical Depositories剧毒化学品仓库选址工作的经验交流
2.Improving Several Management of Poisonous Chemicals of Liupanshui Teachers Institude六盘水师范学院剧毒化学品管理的几项改进
3.The hazard assessment during the transportation of toluene-2,4-diisocyanate as a high toxicity chemical剧毒化学品甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯运输危险性评估
4.Tiejingfen magnetic separation marketing; Minerals marketing; Chemical products[ non toxic, dangerous chemicals] sales.铁精粉磁选销售;矿产品购销;化工产品[含剧毒、险化学品]售。
5.(34) Chemicals used to produce narcotics;(34)易制毒化学品;
6.European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC)欧洲化学品生态毒理学和毒理学中心
7.Cultural Reflection on Tragedies from Unconventional Love affairs;对文学作品中婚外恋悲剧的文化思考
8.Answer: As the international narcotic tide is becoming increasingly rampant in recent years, the drug problem is being globalized and pluralized.答:近年来,国际毒潮泛滥的局势进一步加剧,毒品问题日益向全球化、多元化的方向发展。
9.Solid Waste and Toxic Chemicals Division固体废物与有毒化学品管理处
10.International Registry of Potentially Toxic Chemicals国际潜在有毒化学品登记处
11.nternational Registter of Potentially Toxic Chem可能有毒化学品国际登记中心
12.Noxious chemicals are found in the river water.河水里发现了有毒化学物品。
13.A toxic chemical or other substance.有毒的化学品或其它物质
14.infiltration of poisonous chemicals into the water-supply有毒化学药品向水源的渗入.
15.Beware how you handle the toxic chemical.小心处理有毒的化学药品。
16.IV. Exercising Strict Control over the Precursor Chemicals四、严格管制易制毒化学品
17.The chemicals used to make it are poisonous and explosive.化学药品使得它具有毒性与爆炸性。
18.Normalizing Trend of Toxic Chemicals in the US and the Enlightenment We May Gain;美国有毒化学品的规范走向及其启示

Toxic variety毒剧品种
3)severely poisonous articles剧毒物品
1.Thought of the management of severely poisonous articles;剧毒物品库房管理引发的思考
4)highly toxic product剧毒品
5)non-toxic chemicals无毒化学品
6)toxic chemicals有毒化学品
1.Safety and control of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes in China's chemical industry;中国化学工业有毒化学品和有害废物的安全与控制
2.Discussion on the rescue tasks of fire squadrons in the toxic chemicals leakage accidents;消防中队对有毒化学品泄漏事故处置的探讨
3.A brief introduction to toxic chemicals is given in this paper.对有毒化学品进行简介 ;建议从生理毒性、属性毒性及生命周期等方面建立有毒化学品的污染评价系统 ,为有毒化学品的应用、管理和处理处置提供理论依据 ;针对不同的有毒化学品及其排放情况与浓度组分拟选用物化处理法、化学处理法及生物处理法作为污染控制技术。
