外生性安全行为,security exogeneity
1)security exogeneity外生性安全行为
2)endogenous security内生性安全行为
3)safe sexual behavior安全性行为
1.The Report of Peer Education Program of Sexual Health and Safe Sexual Behavior;“生殖健康与安全性行为”同伴教育基线调查报告
2.Objective To understand infectious situation of syphi lis and AIDS virus among noncommercial men who have sex with man (MSM) and the level of safe sexual behavior in some metropolis in south China.目的 了解南方某大城市非商业男男性接触者 (MSM )梅毒 (SP)和艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染现况及安全性行为水平。

1.Practicing safer sex will protect your health实行安全性行为将保障您的健康
2.The game includes safe sex information upon clicking.游戏包括可以点选的安全性行为讯息。
3.Porn Games Website Advocates Safe Sex色情游戏网站宣导安全性行为
4.Above all please play it safe, condoms and lube.最重要的就是进行安全性行为,使用安全套和润滑剂。
5.Abstinenece and "safer Sex" Sexuality Education: a Comparison Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Austin, Texas, USA性纯洁和“安全性行为”——两种性教育的比较(一)
6.Design of Assessment of AIDS/STD/Safer Sex Peer Education Program;艾滋病/性病/安全性行为同伴教育项目评价设计
7.In countries where condom use and safe sex have been encouraged, new infections have declined.在一些鼓励使用安全套和安全性行为的国家,新感染病例有所下降。
8.Be Creative with the before and after让安全性行为的前奏与事后都更有创意
9.The Report of Peer Education Program of Sexual Health and Safe Sexual Behavior;“生殖健康与安全性行为”同伴教育基线调查报告
10.Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Safe Sex Intention of University Students with Path Analysis;大学生安全性行为意向影响因素的通径分析
11.Education of safe injection and safe sex change certain of high-risk behaviors of IDUs.安全注射和安全性行为教育对改变吸毒者的危险行为具有一定的效果;
12.(So are criminals and people who habitually engage in unsafe sex Farley said).(法利说,罪犯和习惯从事不安全性行为的人也是大T性格。)
13.Process Evaluation of AIDS/STD/Safer Sex Peer Education among Freshmen一年级大学生艾滋病/性病/安全性行为同伴教育过程评价
14.Peer Education about AIDS/STD and Safer Sexual Behaviors among Normal University Students in Shanghai上海师范大学生艾滋病/性病和安全性行为的同伴教育
15.safe and responsible sexual behaviour安全和负责任的性行为
16.Study on sexual safety among MSM sex workers男男性行为性工作者的性安全行为调查
17.Effectiveness analysis of coalmine safety management institution based on behavior safety基于行为安全的煤矿安全管理制度有效性分析
18.Only 36.3% of students used condoms while having sexual act.性行为时使用安全套的仅占36.3%。

endogenous security内生性安全行为
3)safe sexual behavior安全性行为
1.The Report of Peer Education Program of Sexual Health and Safe Sexual Behavior;“生殖健康与安全性行为”同伴教育基线调查报告
2.Objective To understand infectious situation of syphi lis and AIDS virus among noncommercial men who have sex with man (MSM) and the level of safe sexual behavior in some metropolis in south China.目的 了解南方某大城市非商业男男性接触者 (MSM )梅毒 (SP)和艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染现况及安全性行为水平。
4)Safe sex安全性行为
1.Integrating Gender Perspective into the Investigation on Cognition and Attitude about AIDS/Safe Sex among College Students;大学生艾滋病/安全性行为相关认知及态度的性别差异及影响因素的研究
5)safety producing behavior安全生产行为
6)unprotected anal sex不安全性行为
1.Study on status of unprotected anal sex and its associated factors among men who have sex with men in Chongqing;重庆市男男性行为者不安全性行为状况及其影响因素研究

外生1.忘我,置生命于度外。 2.外甥。