消防意识,fire safety awareness
1)fire safety awareness消防意识

1.Article 6 The people's government at all levels shall carry out regular fire control propaganda and education and strengthen citizens' awareness on fire control.第六条 各级人民政府应当经常进行消防宣传教育,提高公民的消防意识
2.Yes, I know the fireman.是的,我认识消防员。
3.Fire officials say he was conscious and talking during the ordeal.消防官员说他在受痛苦折磨时意识仍然清醒,而且能够交谈。
4.Preliminarily on the Influential Role and Ways of Improving Fire Prevention Safety Consciousness College Teachers and Students Staff;试述提高高校师生员工消防安全意识的重要作用和方法途径
5.When they realized this, one of the firemen sent a message back to the town by radio.当他们意识到这些时,其中的一个消防员就通过无线电话把消息通知城里。
6.These helped to ensure that fire prevention measures met the required standards and to enhance public awareness of fire safety.这些措施有助确保防火措施符合指定的标准,以及提高市民的消防安全意识。
7.47.6% of them were lack of selfprotection awareness of preventing AIDS;缺乏预防艾滋病自我防护意识的为47.6%;
8.the threshold of consciousness识阈((意识作用发生与消失之界限))
9.Fire Command [Fire Services Department]消防总区〔消防处〕
10.Divisional Officer [Fire Services Department]消防区长〔消防处〕
11.On Growth and Decline of Feminine Consciousness and Political Consciousness in Ding Ling's Works丁玲创作中女性意识与政治意识的消长
12.The translation of the tire instructions the translation of the fire instructions is not correct.有关消防注意事项的翻译有误。
13.The Problems with the Disposal of Administrative Cases of Fire Products办理消防产品行政案件应注意的问题
14.(IV) Those who deliberately obstruct fire truck and fire boasts from rushing to fire site or who disturb the order of fire site;(四)故意阻碍消防车、消防艇赶赴火灾现场或者扰乱火灾现场秩序的;
15.Education in national defense among the people will be intensified to raise their awareness of its importance.要大力加强国防教育,增强全民国防意识。
16.poison (one's mind); anaesthetise麻醉(使人认识模糊,意志消沉)
17.The conspiracy of mass media in the Construction of Consumerism culture-ideology消费意识形态建构中大众传媒的共谋
18.Consumers' awareness of health improved after the SARS epidemic非典过后消费者健康意识抬头

Loss of consciousness意识消失
1.Activation of GABAergic neurons in the GAD_(67)-GFP knock-in mouse brain during loss of consciousness induced by propofol异丙酚诱导GAD_(67)-GFP基因敲入小鼠意识消失过程中GABA能神经元的活化
2.We try to determine the effective plasma concentration of propofol(EC_(P50)) by TCI for loss of consciousness(LOC) in 50% of elderly patients aged 60~69yr and 70~79yr, and the effective plasma concentration of reminfentanil(EC_(R50)) by TCI combini.本研究旨在探求国人60~69岁和70~79岁年龄段老年患者靶控输注丙泊酚意识消失的半数有效血浆浓度(EC_(P50)),以及联合丙泊酚靶控输注瑞芬太尼抑制插管反应和切皮刺激的半数有效血浆浓度(EC_(R50)),为临床麻醉提供参考。
3.The aim of this study was to compare effects of different target controlled plasma concentrations of remifentanil on the effective plasma concentration of propofol by TCI for loss of consciousness(LOC) in 50% of elderly patients aged 60-80yr,and to determine the effective plasma concentration of propofol by TCI combining remifentanil to prevent response to tracheal intubtion(TI) in 50.本研究旨在比较不同靶控输注血浆浓度的瑞芬太尼对老年患者靶控输注丙泊酚意识消失的血浆半数有效浓度的影响,以及探求插管时抑制老年患者插管反应时的丙泊酚半数有效血浆浓度,探讨靶控输注瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚在老年麻醉诱导中的合理配伍模式。
3)consumption consciousness消费意识
1.These factors contains: 1) dependence on government,2) incompleteness of sport laws and regulations,3) immaturity of sport consumption consciousness,4) side.然而,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入与完善,制约竞技体育职业化进程的各类因素也逐渐凸显出来,主要有:1)对政府的依赖性;2)各项体育法律法规制度尚未健全;3)体育消费意识还处于迷茫状态;4)举国体制的负面影响;5)各运动项目发展不平衡。
4)Consumer awareness消费意识
1.With the joint efforts and coordination of the property developer,the planning designer,the proprietor,the property management company and relevant governmental departments,it is able to bring the service cost under effective control by improving the design and quality of the property,promoting the property service,enhancing consumer awareness,and strengthening governmental support and monitoring.协调建筑开发商、规划设计单位、小区业主、物业管理企业以及政府相关行政管理部门各方力量,通过改善规划设计和建筑质量、提高企业服务质量、增强业主消费意识、加大政府扶持监管力度等方法和途径,能够有效实现物业管理服务的成本控制。
5)Knowledge on fire fighting消防知识
6)awareness of disaster prevention防灾意识
1.Taking the students from five universities in Beijing as the research swatches,students'attention to natural disasters,awareness of disaster prevention,disaster theoretical knowledge,knowledge of emergency behavior and views on disaster risk reduction education are .以北京5所高校的大学生为调查对象,通过问卷方式调查大学生对自然灾害的关注程度、防灾意识、灾害理论知识、应急行为知识以及对减灾教育的看法。
