公共安全活动,Public security activities
1)Public security activities公共安全活动
1.Public security activities are prone to conflicts of interests due to the involvement of economic factors.公共安全活动中由于经济因素的渗入充满了利益冲突。

1.The Conflict of Interests in Public Security Activities and Its Control:The Case of "Sanlu Milk Powder Incident"公共安全活动中的利益冲突及其控制——“三鹿奶粉事件”的利益冲突分析
2.Discharge of Government s Duty of Safeguarding Public Security in Large-Scale Public Activities;大型公共活动中政府维护公共安全职责的履行
3.The Study of the Public Safety Problem and Solutions to the Large-scale Exhibition in Wenzhou;温州市大型会展活动公共安全问题与对策研究
4.Risk Evaluation of Public Security for Large Scale Social Activities论大型群众性活动公共安全的风险评估
5.There has been a deterioration in the vitality of the race and a regression in public security. Crime has increased, and political life has betrayed an unwonted instability.人类的生命力有所下降,公共安全在退步,犯罪活动越来越猖獗,政治生活暴露出少有的动荡不安。
6.An Empirical Analysis on the Causes of Marketization of Public Security Service;公共安全服务市场化动因的实证分析
7.Faced with all sorts of illegal activities, we should safeguard the public security of the information society by means of technology and legal institutions.面对各种违法犯罪活动,保障信息社会公共安全的主要途径是科技手段应用和法制治理。
8.Diana kept herself busy doing charity work, attending public events,黛安娜让自己忙于慈善工作,参与公共活动,
9.Experimental and Comparative Analysis on the Arrangement of the Preparatory Exercises of the Basketball Course;公共篮球课准备活动安排的实验对比分析
10.On the Good Interactive Relations between the Public Security Organs and the Media in Public Safety Crisis;论公共安全危机事件中公安机关与媒体的良性互动关系
11.Developing Activity Worthy of High Attention to Public Security International Standardization;值得高度重视的公共安全国际标准化发展动向
12.Strengthen the guide function of the scientific and technological policy on the development of Public Security science and technology;加强科技政策引导 推动我国公共安全科技发展
13.A Study of Interaction Mechanism Between the Government and Society in China's Public Security Management我国公共安全管理中政府与社会互动机制研究
14.As former Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety,身为前公共安全部部长,
15.public safety radio frequency公共安全无线电频率
16.China Public Security Publisher中国公共安全杂志社
17.APCO1=1Associated1Public-safety Communications Officers公共安全通信官员协会
18.public safety radio service公共安全无线电服务

public safety公共安全
1.Consideration about the problem of strengthening supervision in public safety of the work fields;加强生产领域公共安全监管问题的思考
2.On database design for city s public safety planning;城市公共安全规划数据库设计探讨
3.The trend, impact and solution of the public safety;公共安全问题界定、影响发展趋势和应对策略
3)public security公共安全
1.Integrated regional public security management mode and strategies of China;区域综合公共安全管理模式及中国综合公共安全管理对策
2.Plan and Realization of Public Security Surveillance System;社会公共安全防控监视系统的规划与实施
3.Problems faced by public security for big sports events in China and their response mechanisms;我国大型体育赛事公共安全面临的问题及应对机制
4)Public activity公共活动
1.The most primary problem is the ignorance of the behavioral factors in the process of design and construction,which led up to the scarcity of public activity and public space that have genius loci.城市中公共空间的建设方兴未艾,但也表现出诸多问题,主要体现在设计与建设对于人的行为因素的忽视致使具有场所精神的公共活动与公共空间的缺失。
5)Security Activity安全活动
1.Experience Summarization of the Security Activity and Technical Training in Substation;浅谈变电站开展安全活动和技术培训的经验
6)public safety net公共安全网
