航空消防站,aviation fire station
1)aviation fire station航空消防站
2)forest aviatic fire fighting森林航空消防
1.Meanwhile digital management system of forest aviatic fire fighting in the south has been establish based on GIS,including GIS fundamental system,aviation dispatcher,aid decision as well as pre-proposal management.分析西南航空护林总站实施业务信息化管理情况,针对工作中存在的问题进行研究和试验、试点,以ArcG IS为平台,结合现代信息通信技术,建设基于G IS的南方森林航空消防数字化管理系统,包括G IS基础系统、飞行调度管理、辅助决策及预案管理等子系统。
3)fire station消防站
1.Optimization of fire station locations based on Lingo software;基于Lingo软件的消防站布局优化
2.Study on the optimizing method and technique of fire station planning;消防站优化布局方法与技术研究

1.retained station兼职消防战斗员消防站
2.The fire station Bought a fire engine.消防站购买了一台消防车
3.three bay house三泊位消防站线消防车(通常是1辆泵浦车
4.Make a dogleg at the fire station and continue south.在消防站向南急转,然后继续行进
5.Optimization and Simulation Methods for Service Area Districting of Fire Stations消防站责任区划分的优化和仿真方法
6.Is the factory no more than5 minutes away by fire engine from nearest fire station?最近的消防站离厂区在5分钟内能到吗?
7.As part of our English course, we visited the fire station.作为英语课的教学内容, 我们参观了消防站
8.Depot Commander [Fire Services Department]救护站主管〔消防处〕
9.The fireman told me to keep back.消防队员要我站远点。
10.The firemen asked the crowd to stand clear so that they could get the fire engine through.消防人员叫人群站开,好让他们把消防车开过去。
11.During the year, the Chek Lap Kok Fire Station, Tung Chung Fire Station-cum-Ambulance Depot and Lam Tin Ambulance Depot were commissioned.年内,赤角消防局、东涌消防局暨救护站、蓝田救护站已先后投入服务。
12.four fire fighters stood in front of the apartment door.四个消防队员站在了房门前,
13.Several firemen were just standing around doing nothing.一些消防员只是站在周围而无所事事。
14.The horse reared as the fire engine dashed past消防车疾驰而过,马被惊得站立了起来。
15.The firemen asked the crowd to stand back form the burning house.消防人员叫人群离着火的房子站远点。
16.The Analysis of the Problems with Fire Risk of Private-run Gas Stations and Some Solutions to Them私营加油站火灾隐患分析及消防对策
17.Overpressure Protection Measures for Fire Feed Water System in LPG Station液化石油气站消防给水系统防超压措施
18.At least15 fire fighters were standing around the ARFF vehicle doing nothing.至少有15名消防员站在飞机救援消防车四周而无事可做。

forest aviatic fire fighting森林航空消防
1.Meanwhile digital management system of forest aviatic fire fighting in the south has been establish based on GIS,including GIS fundamental system,aviation dispatcher,aid decision as well as pre-proposal management.分析西南航空护林总站实施业务信息化管理情况,针对工作中存在的问题进行研究和试验、试点,以ArcG IS为平台,结合现代信息通信技术,建设基于G IS的南方森林航空消防数字化管理系统,包括G IS基础系统、飞行调度管理、辅助决策及预案管理等子系统。
3)fire station消防站
1.Optimization of fire station locations based on Lingo software;基于Lingo软件的消防站布局优化
2.Study on the optimizing method and technique of fire station planning;消防站优化布局方法与技术研究
5)small fire station小消防站
6)hose station消防带站

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。