比较安全学,comparative safety science
1)comparative safety science比较安全学
1.Then the definition of comparative safety science is put forward for the first time and its connotation is analyzed.基于比较科学理论与安全科学学的原理,将比较方法应用于安全科学方法学研究;提出比较安全学的定义,分析其内涵,从安全科学的理论类别、灾害类别、安全管理类别、工程类别与安全学的纵向分支5个方面构建比较安全学的学科分支体系,并阐述了各分支体系研究内容,在此基础上构建了比较安全学学科体系框架;综合与比较安全学相关的文献资料,依据其应用的个案探讨比较学在安全科学中的应用,阐述比较安全学应用与研究的广阔前景。

1.Study on Comparative Safety Science and the Construction of Its Framework比较安全学的创立及其框架的构建研究
2.B: Or you can try snowboarding, It's safer than skiing for beginner, and very fun.或者,你可以试试看滑雪板。对初学者来说比较安全,而且也很好玩。
3.Transportation by regular direct sailing is safer and more reliable.定期直达航班运输比较安全可靠些。
4.Comparison on the Safety of Two kinds of DTP Vaccines两种百白破联合疫苗接种安全性比较
5.The Comparison of National Security Concepts among Leading Collectives of Three Generations of Chinese Communist Party;中共三代领导集体国家安全观之比较
6.Present Food Security: Evaluation,Comparison and Suggestion;当前粮食安全形势:评估、比较及建议
7.Study on the Security Protection of the Major Basic Installation between China and U.S.A;中美重要基础设施安全保护比较研究
8.Comparisons between Java and C++ Programming Language on Security;Java与C++在安全性方面的比较
9.Governmental Regulation of Production Safety from the Comparative Perspective;比较视野下安全生产的政府管制研究
10.Comparison Between the Security of Managing Structure in Chinese and Foreign Banks;中外银行公司治理结构的安全性比较
11.Comparison of Civil Law and Economic Law in Economic Security Value;民法和经济法的经济安全价值之比较
12.Study on the International Compare to the Quality and Safety Management of Livestock Product;畜产品质量安全管理的国际比较研究
13.State Environmertal Safety and Its Legal Protection;国家环境安全及其法律保护比较研究
14.A Comparative Study of Mao Zedong s View of National Security and That of Deng Xiaoping;毛泽东、邓小平国家安全观之比较研究
15.A comparison of goal - setting regulation with descripting regulation;规格性与功能性安全法规的分析比较
16.Comparative Study on Regulatory Instruments of Food Public Safety in China我国食品公共安全规制手段比较研究
17.Comparison of approaches to data security implementation based on PHP基于PHP实现数据安全性的方法及比较
18.Comparative Study on Patient Safety Culture in Grade Ⅱ & Ⅲ Hospitals二、三级医院护理安全文化现状的比较

safety comparison安全比较
1.The safety comparison of new and old design norms of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵新旧设计规范的安全比较
3)comparative literature比较文学
1.Cultural survey on establishing Chinese School of comparative literature;建立比较文学中国学派的文化考察
2.Comparative Literature: Special Academic Platform——From Hu Lianggui s World Literature and National Literature;比较文学:独特的学术平台——从胡良桂的《世界文学与国别文学》谈起
3."Parallel Studies" in the Crisis of Comparative Literature;比较文学危机中的“平行研究”
4)Comparative Poetics比较诗学
1.The Mutually Cultural Complements In Multicultural Context ——On the theoretical inspirations in Earl Miner s Comparative Poetics;多元文化语境中的文化互补——论厄尔·迈纳《比较诗学》的理论启示
2.The Significance of the Rise of the Comparative Poetics;比较诗学崛起的人文意义
3.Surmounting the First Fence of Comparative Poetics between Chinese and Western —— A Sinologist s Study on Chinese;跨越中西比较诗学的第一道樊篱——一位汉学家的汉语研究
5)comparative aesthetics比较美学
1.This paper studies the relations between comparative aesthetics and translation practice through .以《德伯家的苔丝》两个中文译本作为研究个案,通过比较两个译本翻译风格与文本形式的差异,揭示文学翻译中比较美学与翻译实践的内在联系。
2.This paper probes emotional transference in literary translation from the perspectives of translator s subjectivity,culture and comparative aesthetics.从译者主体性、文化和比较美学的视角探讨了文学翻译中的"移情"。
6)comparative philosophy比较哲学
1.This essay aims to discuss the theoretical ground of comparative philosophy.我们的时代是全球化背景下文化多样性的时代,比较哲学首先需要回答的问题是:跨文化的哲学对话如何可能?比较哲学不同于哲学比较,其目的不在于分析两个或多个不同哲学文本之间的异同,而在于促进哲学的发展。
2.Fang Dongmei uses the method of comparative philosophy to study the spirit of Chinese and western cultures.方东美运用比较哲学的方法,直探中西文化精神的内涵与底蕴,他从中西整体思维出发,考察和比较了古希腊哲学和文艺复兴以降的西方近现代思潮以及中国思想文化在整体上的造境。

比较比较  两种事物之间的对比,诸如大小、高低、长短、前后、上下、左右、精神、营养、病情等都可作比较。