外商直接投资,Foreign Direct Investment
1)Foreign Direct Investment外商直接投资
1.The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China's Good Industry: A Panel Data Analysis;外商直接投资我国食品产业的决定因素分析——基于面板数据的实证考察
2.Research on Foreign Direct Investment inward and Ecological Environment Security in China;外商直接投资与我国生态环境安全问题研究
3.Research of Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Safety in China;外商直接投资与我国环境安全研究综述

1.Foreign direct investment by regio分地区外商直接投资
2.Foreign direct investment declines.外商直接投资下降。
3.Foreign direct investment increased steadily.外商直接投资稳步扩大。
4.Technology Spillovers and Salary Spillovers in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI);外商直接投资的技术外溢与工资溢出
5.The Control of the Amount & Area of FDI;外商直接投资(FDI)规模与投向的控制
6.FDI and the Current Situation of Trade Structure in China;外商直接投资与我国进出口商品结构
7.Stable development was seen in foreign direct investment and China's borrowing from overseas declined.外商直接投资平稳发展,对外借款下降。
8.Foreign Trade, FDI and Economic Growth;对外贸易、外商直接投资与经济增长
9.Utilization of Direct Investment of Foreign Businessmento Increase the Competence of Foreign Trade;利用外商直接投资与我国外贸竞争力
10.An Analysis on the Outward Movement of Foreign Direct Investments in China’s Coastal Regions中国沿海外商直接投资外移趋势分析
11.The Capital Accumulation Effects of FDI in Shanghai;外商直接投资在上海的资本积累效应
12.Human Capital and Foreign Direct Investment in China;人力资本和外商直接投资的关系研究
13.The Studies in the Chinese Foreign Bank’s Asset and the Foreign Direct Investment Relations;在华外资银行资产与外商直接投资的关系分析
14.Foreign Direct Investment, Direct Investment Abroad and the Balance of Payments --China′s Direct Investment Abroad Based on the Balance of Payments;外商直接投资、对外直接投资与国际收支——基于国际收支平衡的我国对外直接投资
15.Foreign direct investment by country or territory分国别(地区)外商直接投资
16.Of which, the amount of foreign company direct investment was 436 million US dollars.其中,外商直接投资四点三六亿美元。
17."Foreign direct investment totaled 46.8 Billion U.S. dollars, up 14.9 percent."外商直接投资468亿美元,增长14.9%。

1.An Empirical Study on FDI,Foreign Trade and Environment Pollution in China;外商直接投资、对外贸易与环境污染的实证研究
2.FDI impacts on our country's environmental quality——co-integration analysis based on our country's data from 1985 to 2005;外商直接投资对我国环境质量的影响——基于我国1985~2005年数据的协整分析
3.Character Analysis of FDI of Service Trade in Guangdong;广东省服务业外商直接投资的特征分析
3)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)外商直接投资
1.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Regional Industrial Structure;外商直接投资与区域产业结构
2.The utilization of foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a hot issue for both scholars and managers in recent years.近几年来,我国利用外商直接投资(FDI)一直是理论界学者和实际工作者关心和研究的热点问题。
3.As a developing country, China has to open its door to the outside world and introduce foreign direct investment (FDI) in the context of global economic integration.中国作为发展中国家,在世界经济一体化的浪潮中,必须实行对外开放,吸引外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,FDI)进行经济建设。
4)foreign direct investment(FDI)外商直接投资
1.To verify the assumptions,the technology spillover effect of foreign direct investment(FDI) on the equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang was studied empirically with the relevant data from 1999 to 2003 taken as reference.在此基础上,采用1999~2003年的行业数据,对沈阳装备制造业外商直接投资的技术溢出效应进行了实证研究。
2.The paper explores the influences of foreign direct investment(FDI) towards the average wages in manufacture itself as well as in domestic-owned companies,based on analyzing data of Jiangsu manufacturing from 2000 to 2006.利用江苏省制造业2000-2006年的面板数据,从行业角度分析FDI对于江苏省制造业平均工资以及国有企业工资的影响,结果表明外资企业的进入可以通过提高整体的劳动生产率水平从而间接提高整体平均工资水平;劳动力工资与加工贸易的开放程度之间呈正相关关系,而与行业规模大小呈负相关;外资对于国有企业劳动力工资存在正的工资溢出,但是国内资本对于劳动力工资水平的影响与外商直接投资相比相差不大,甚至可以超过外商直接投资的贡献。
3.Along with the improvement of investment environment and the adjustment of economic structure,the amounts and scales of foreign direct investment(FDI) in Anhui Province are increasing continuously.随着投资环境的改善和经济结构的调整,外商直接投资流向安徽的数量与规模不断增加。
5)direct foreign investment外商直接投资
1.The revitalization of the old industry base in Liaoning province requires direct foreign investment.辽宁老工业基地的振兴离不开外商直接投资
2.The direct foreign investment can make our economy grow,make our import increase,and make our inflation sharpen as well.改革开放以来,我国外商直接投资增长迅速。
6)foreign direct investment (FDI)外商直接投资(FDI)

外商直接投资  外商直接投资指外国企业和经济组织或个人(包括华侨、港澳台胞以及我国在境外注册的企业)按我国有关政策、法规,用现汇、实物、技术等在我国境内开办外商独资企业、与我国境内的企业或经济组织共同举办中外合资经营企业、合作经营企业或合作开发资源的投资(包括外商投资收益的再投资),以及经政府有关部门批准的项目投资总额内企业从境外借入的资金。