1.Annual runoff forecasting research based on the theory of cointegration and error correction model;基于协整与误差修正机制的径流预测模型研究
2.Dynamic Relationship Between Economic Growth and China Energy Based on Cointegration Analysis and Impulse Response Function;基于协整和脉冲响应的中国能源与经济增长动态关系测算研究
3.China s Energy Consumption and Economic Growth:A Study based on the Cointegration Analysis and Granger Causality Test;中国能源消费与经济增长:基于协整分析和Granger因果检验

1.Unit Root and Co-integrate Test Analysis of Panel Data;Panel Data单位根和协整分析
2.Research on the Modeling Methods for Nonlinear Cointegration and Nonlinear Volatility Co-persistence;非线性协整与非线性波动协同持续建模研究
3.The association theory and its application--The CO integration based on the income and consumption structure analysis of shandong province;协整理论与方法及其应用——基于山东省收入与消费结构的协整分析
5.The Forecast of Oil Demand in China Using Cointegration Model;基于协整模型的中国石油需求量预测
6.Study on the Moderate Scale and Co-integration of Our Country s Foreign Exchange Reserves;我国外汇储备适度规模及协整性研究
7.Research and Application of Cointegraton Analysis Based on MCMC;基于MCMC的协整分析研究及其应用
8.BAPS (British Association of Plastic Surgeons)英国整形外科医师协会
9.Language Across the Curriculum Co-ordinator整体课程语文协调主任
10.TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol暂时密钥完整性协议
11.Policy Integration and Programme Coordination Branch政策整合和方案协调处
12.HS Code 3809.10 (finishing agents)协调制度编码 3809.10 (整理剂)
13.If one part of the contract has been breached, it does not necessarily mean a termination of the contract.如果本协议部分被违反,并不意味整个协议终止。
14.This Agreement and the schedules hereto consitute the entire agreement between the parties ralating to the subject matter hereof.本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的之完整协议.
15.so adjusted as to be appropriate or brought into harmony.调整以变得合适或者带来协调。
16.Third Step:adjust to make the pose be harmonious.步骤三:最后调整,确认人物动势协调。
17.An ordered, harmonious whole.大一统一个有序的,协调整体
18.International Association for the Study and Promotion of Audio-Visual and Structuro-Global Methods国际视听和结构整体法传播研究协会

1.Co-integration Econometric Analysis of Oil Demand Quantity in China;中国石油需求量的协整计量分析
2.Analysis of co-integration and guiding Relationship between chinese total health expenditures and GDP;中国卫生总费用与GDP协整和引导关系的实证分析
3.Co-integration Analysis on the Relationship between the Development of China s Transportation of Waterways and the National Economy;我国水路运输业与国民经济发展关系的协整分析
3)cointegration test协整
1.According to the theory of FDI,selecting influencial factors of FDI in Jiangsu province and applying the analysis of cointegration test,the paper studies empirically the influencial factors of FDI in Jiangsu province.根据外商投资理论,选取影响江苏实际利用外资的因素,运用协整分析方法,对影响江苏实际利用外资的因素进行了实证研究。
2.According to the annual data of provincial logistics development and provincial GDP from 1991 to 2007,the paper ana- lyzes their relationship with cointegration test and Granger-causality test on three types of areas of China divided by their economic denseness at provincial level.根据协整检验和因果关系检验等计量方法,利用中国各省1991~2007年物流发展水平和国内生产总值的年度数据,将31个省(市、自治区)按经济密集度不同分成三大类地区,并对其物流和经济增长的关系分析进行了实证分析。
3.According to Cointegration Test, the influx of FDI has imposed positive and negative effect on econom-ic growth and domestic investment respectively, except the central part.文章通过协整检验发现,FDI流入分别对经济增长与国内投资产生正向、负向作用,除中部地区外,这一趋势还将在今后一段时间持续。
4)Co integration协整
1.0 statistics software, according to Co integration.0统计软件,根据协整理论将对拉动经济增长的消费、投资、进出口三大马车与青海省的经济增长进行了实证研究。
2.The relationship between the Sino-US trade and American FDI are checked,by analyzing the data from 1984 to 2002 using the methods of co integration and Granger causality.通过利用1984—2002年的数据,使用协整分析和格兰杰因果关系检验法对中美贸易和美对华投资的关系进行了检验。
3.Based on the theory of co integration, this paper makes a study on the relation between National Resident Consumption and GDP, then establishs a error correction model.本文从协整理论出发 ,对我国居民消费与GDP建立了误差修正模型 ,深入探索经济变量数据间的内在关系 ,发现两者间存在动态均衡关系 ,比传统计量经济模型更能充分利用社会信息 ,形成有效预
5)co-integration test协整
1.Regarding the controversy about the causality relationship between house price and land price, this paper employs the measurement of co-integration test and Granger causality test to examine the relationship between house price and land price according to their respective quarterly data from 2002 to 2006 in A city.针对房价与地价间相互因果关系的争论,本文根据2002年第三季度到2006年第四季度A城市房价和地价的数据,利用协整检验和Granger因果关系的计量方法,对二者关系进行了检验,结果发现房价与地价之间存在着互为因果的双向联系,但房价对地价有着重要影响,在两者关系中起主导作用。
2.Co-integration test and Causality relationship test are applied to study the relations between foreign trade and economic growth in Liaoning Province.运用协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,探讨了辽宁省对外贸易与经济增长之间的关系。
3.The present author finds that the Co-integration Test could solve this problem.因此,分析我国历年来高等教育规模及其主要影响因素,并探寻它们之间的协整关系就显得非常有意义。
6)co-integration test协整分析
1.By applying the analysis of Co-integration test in a substantial research, the paper eliminates the unbalance of time series and reserves the longtime information included in the data.从凯恩斯的货币需求函数结合目前中国货币需求现状出发,提出了上世纪90年代中期以来中国的货币需求函数,并运用协整分析方法进行实证研究,从而既可以消除时间系列的非平衡性,同时又保留了数据资料所包含的长期信息。
2.Through three technical methods,Unit Root Test,Co-integration Test and Granger Causality Test,the paper gets some fruitful conclusions: there is one Co-integration among the excess liquidity,excessive currents,stock index and the trade structure,and all the four factors except trade structure can be regarded as the reasons leading to the e.本文从宏观角度出发,选取银行存贷差等可以反映流动性过剩的指标,以2000年1月~2007年10月的相关数据为基础,采用协整分析、格兰杰因果关系检验等方法得出以下结论:流动性过剩同外汇占款、货币发行量、股票市场以及贸易结构存在协整关系,外汇占款、M2、股价可以视为导致存贷差不断扩大即流动性过剩的原因,但目前贸易结构并不是导致我国流动性过剩的直接原因。
3.It is provided Johansen co-integration test and vector error correction model in this paper.运用协整分析方法与误差纠正模型,考察了1991~2005年中国房地产价格与城市化水平之间的关系。

巴协《[[巴协]]》作者,据传是巴·赛囊。巴·赛囊是赤松德赞赞普时的名臣,是八世纪中、晚期的人物。曾受赤松德赞的派遣去印度迎请堪布菩提萨埵来西藏。后从之出家,法名益希旺布。是藏族最初出家的七试人(也有译为“七觉士”的)之一 。另有人认为是枯敦·尊珠雍钟(1011一1075)所著。枯敦是藏族佛教“后弘期”的重要人物。他的老师就是山南桑耶寺一带的统治者益希坚赞派往青海向喇钦·贡巴饶赛学法的十人中的竹梅·楚臣迥乃。后来他继竹梅主持唐布切寺,并曾拜阿底峡为师。但是,也有人说他只写了《巴协》增广本中的增广部分。《巴协》以手抄本传世,有数种不同的异文本。据说本书在编写时,即分为详、中、略三种。西藏档案局藏有手抄本五种,民族文化宫有一本。书中自赞普赤德祖赞(704一755在位)兴佛说起,直到其子赤松德赞建成桑耶寺止。《增广本》则至阿底峡入藏(1038)时止。记述史事颇为翔实,为后世藏族史学家写史时的依据。如布顿仁钦珠(或译布顿宝成,1290一1364)所著《布顿佛教史》、索南坚赞(或译福幢)所著《西藏王统记》(约1388年成书)、五世达赖阿旺·罗桑嘉错(1617一1682)所著《西藏王臣记》等书中皆依据本书,著述赤松德赞父子两代的史迹。巴卧·祖拉陈哇(1504一1566)所著《贤者喜宴》一书中,更将《巴协》全文引入。松巴堪布益希班觉(1704一1788)在所著《如意宝树》一书中说:“这些史书的大部分蓝本是《巴协》。此书是关于修建桑耶寺的记述。为赛囊和桑喜等人著述。写成三份,分别保存在喇嘛、赞普和大臣们手中。人们对它屡做增删,便成了《喇协》、《解协》和《巴协》。(意为“喇嘛所存文本”、“国王所存文本”、‘巴氏所存文本”。《巴协》的书名即本于此。)其后晚出的本子,或长或短,皆本于此。”关于作者,松巴又多提出了一个桑喜。桑喜也是协助赤松德赞推行佛法的重臣,他曾被派遣到内地去取经。他的父亲是跟随金城公主人藏的汉人。在藏族的历史著述中,除上文所谈敦煌历史文书中的短篇传略外,《巴协》算是比较早期的长篇历史作品。从上举各史书著作引用本书的情况判断,如果不是巴·赛囊于八世纪所著,那么其成书年代最迟也不会晚于十一世纪。