1.Feature selection of Chinese web page categorization based on genre;基于体裁的中文网页分类的特征选取
2.Schematic structures and the significance of genre analysis;语篇的图式结构与体裁分析的重要性
3.Process-genre Approach and Its Application in the Teaching of English Writing;过程体裁教学法及其在英语写作教学中的应用

1.The genre made up of such works.喜剧体裁由这样作品形成的体裁
2.The essay is a literary form.散文是一种文字体裁
3.Fit the appetite to the dishes and dress to the figure.看菜吃饭,量体裁衣。
4.On the Notion of Genre Complex:Exploring the Logico-semantic Relations Between Genres语篇体裁复合体——试析语篇体裁之间的逻辑语义关系
5.The Subject Position of Company in the Configuration of Genres in the Company Profile;公司简介体裁构建中公司的主体位置
6.On the Style the Types of Literature Historical Stylistics of Yimide History and Its Historical Materials;略论《伊米德史》史学体裁体例兼其史料
7.Generic features of narration and its stylistic analysis methods;记叙文的体裁特征及其文体分析方法
8.Reviewing the Charateristic and Status of True Record Style from The Memoir of Tang Dynasty;从《唐实录》体裁看实录体的特征与地位
9.My Humble Opinion of the Style and Typle of the Newly Revised History of Qing Dynasty;新修《清史》有关体例体裁等问题之管见
10.Using the Procedural Sanctions to Eliminate the Limitation of the Substantial Sanction;以程序性制裁弥补实体性制裁之不足
11.On the Legal Effects of Seat of Arbitration in the International Sport Arbitration--especially on the Olympic Games Sports Arbitration;论仲裁地在国际体育仲裁中的法律意义——特别述及奥运会体育仲裁
12.Commission on Arbitration of the European Community欧洲共同体仲裁委员会
13.Athlete s nationality arbitration as seen from arbitritions of Court of Arbitration for Sport;从国际体育仲裁院裁决谈体育运动国籍问题
14.A Study on Present Situation of Sports Arbitration and Suggestions on Construction of Sports Arbitration System in China我国体育仲裁现状及构建体育仲裁制度建议
15.On CAS relationship with the ad hoc arbitration of competitive sports and PRC arbitration;论国际体育仲裁院与竞技临时仲裁及《仲裁法》的关系
16.On the Recognition and Enforcement of CAS Awards;论国际体育仲裁院仲裁裁决在中国的承认与执行
17.Recognition and Enforcement of the Online Arbitral Award under the New York Convention;《纽约公约》体制下在线仲裁裁决的承认与执行
18.CAS arbitrition and its englightenments for China;国际体育仲裁院仲裁实践及其对我国的启示

1.Requirements on text styles of English abstracts by Ei;Ei收录科技期刊英文摘要语篇的体裁性要求
2.The Development and Application of Digital Style;数字化体裁的发展和应用
3.On the Styles and the Space Display of Wu Qiang Folk New Year Picture of China;论中国武强民间年画的体裁和空间展示
1.Overture or symphonic poem? ---Music form argument on Tchaikovsky’s 《Romeo and Juliet》序曲还是交响诗?——柴科夫斯基《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的体裁属性论说
2.Literary form has two meanings.“文体”有两种含义:一种含义指体裁,即文章的外在形式;另一个含义是文章的风格,包括影响文章外在表现形式的各种因素以及对风格产生制约和影响的其他一些社会文化因素,如家族、种族、国家、方言、各个历史阶段所形成的文学风尚等等。
3.On the basis of the theory of stylistics, this paper discusses innovation of the literary styles of web literature,and points out that innovation of the literary styles of web literature is innovation of its form, type and style, which makes the web literature different from the traditional one and full of vitality.从文学文体学角度对网络文学的文体学创新进行研究,认为网络文学的文体创新主要表现为三个方面:即体裁创新、语体创新和风格创新。
1.The accepting to Tang Poems in the writing in Liao Dynasty,mainly shows in two aspects:one is of the type applying,the Liao Poems straightly inherit Tang Poems,nearly have all kinds of Tang Poems;the other is to say from the poets,the Liao Poems accept the styles of Bai Ju-yi,Li Bai and Du Fu etc.辽代诗歌创作中的唐诗接受,主要体现在两个维面:一是在体裁运用上,辽诗直承唐而下,几乎唐代各种体裁诗皆备;二是从诗人而言,辽代诗歌创作多方面受容了白居易、李白、杜甫等人的诗风,从诗作传统而言,则着重受容了唐人边塞诗传统和晚唐诗的影响。
2.Different from other narrative literatures their types belong to epic and tragedy of his age,Dante called as comedy his work of Divine comedy which has the serious content and the sublime style,not as epic or tragedy of genteel and dignified class. 说到体裁,但丁以前以及但丁时代的叙事文学作品主要是长篇史诗和悲剧,但丁却把他的内容严肃、风格崇高的长诗《神曲》称为"喜剧",而不是格调高雅而尊贵的悲剧或史诗,这是对严肃作品早已定型和完成的体裁形式的陌生化。
3.English metrical verse mainly involves three problems:rhyme, type of translation and inheritance of style.英语格律诗的翻译主要涉及节奏、译文的体裁、风格的继承三大问题。
5)type of literature体裁
1.The paper attempts to combine the discourse approaches and some CET reading strategies in college English teaching by means of analyzing the type of literature and paragraph structure,finding the key words and focusing on logical connectors so as to decode the text ef- fectively and creating a win-win situation for students both in English learning and in CET.根据语篇分析理论和四、六级考试阅读技巧,在大学英语阅读教学实践中从体裁分析,段落结构分析,找准关键词,关注连接词四个方面探讨以语篇分析为主的阅读课教学方法,在帮助学生全面、准确地理解课文的同时,提高学生大学英语四、六级阅读和写作方面的实际应用能力。
6)style and typle体例体裁
1.The style and typle of the Newly Revised History of Qing Dynasty can adopt the history written in biographical style and the history in a series of biographies, but some innovations should be considered. 新修《清史》体例体裁可采正史纪传体,但应有所创新;在编纂思想上应遵循实事求是的指导原则,以客观公正的态度叙事记人;从节省篇幅和沿正史之续的角度考虑,文体上宜用简易明快之文言文叙事状物;关于新修《清史》内容之取舍,应比较《清史稿》之得失,参戴逸教授相关意见并结合个人思考,新修《清史》似应保留《天文志》,并增设《洋务志》、《革命党人列传》、《南明载记》、《太平天国载记》等若干。

广播新闻体裁  运用音响和口语传播新闻的形式。广播新闻的体裁有:    ①口播新闻。由播音员播送的新闻。比文字新闻更简洁明了    ②录音报道。采用现场音响报道新闻事件。比文字报道更真切、具体、生动,有立体感和感染力。录音报道可以分为录音新闻、录音通讯、录音访问、广播特写等。录音新闻用简洁的语言和现场音响反映新闻事件,多用于报道重要的政治活动、社会活动和事件性新闻。录音通讯采用描述性语言和现场音响形象地反映实际情况。同录音新闻相比,它篇幅长,时间、空间跨度大。录音访问采用第一人称反映现场见闻或与被访问者相互交谈。广播特写又称录音特写,采用现场音响和记者的白描,报道新闻事件的特定场面或故事片断。    ③现场报道。记者在新闻事件的现场,直接向听众报道新闻。可以先录音后剪辑广播,也可以在新闻事件发生的同时直接广播。    ④广播讲话。由某个人物通过广播直接向听众发表讲话。讲话者通常是具有权威性或代表性的人物。    ⑤实况转播。又称实况广播。以广播现场实况为主,广播员只做必要的背景说明或描述。通常用于重要的集会和体育、文艺活动。    ⑥录音剪辑。将实况录音压缩、剪辑后播出的报道。    ⑦配乐广播。配以音乐和音响效果的报道。音乐和音响起烘托、渲染的作用,主体是报道新闻事件。