1.Effective Protection Level and Structure of the Industrial Sectors in China——an Empirical Analysis Based on the Tariff Data of 2006;中国工业贸易有效保护水平与结构——基于2006年关税数据的实证分析
2.On substituting effect of non—tariff measures on tariff and its empirical analysis;非关税措施对关税的替代效应及实证分析
3.The Development of Chinese Tariff System After Joining WTO;论入世后中国关税的应对策略
1.International Customs Tariffs Bureau国际关税局(关税局)
2.Common customs tariff共同关税率共同海关税
3.tariff and non-tariff concession关税和非关税优惠待遇
4.tariff and non-tariff barrier关税壁垒和非关税壁垒
5.tariff cartel关税同盟,关税卡特尔
6.For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities;关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;
7.Graphical Analysis of the Customs Duty Income Effect and Customs Rate关税收入效应和关税税率的图解分析
8.collector of customs and excise关税和货物税收集人
9.customs and excise tariff国内货物和关税税率
10.Equatorial Customs Union赤道关税同盟(赤道税盟)
11.CVD [countervailing duties ]抵消关税、反倾销税[
12.International Bureau for Publication of Custom Tariffs国际关税税则出版局
13.tariff escalation关税升级, 滑动税率
14.Tariff and import duties reduction and exemption for enterprises.企业关税和进口税减免
15.A compound tariff is a combination of a specific and an ad valorem tariff.复合关税是从价税与从量税两种关税相结合所征收的关税。
17.Be exempt from customs duties, value-added tax and consumption tax免征关税、增值税和消费税
18.They are of two main classes, protective duties and revenue duties.关税主要有两种,保护税和所得税。
Customs duty关税
1.This paper analyzes on the influence of the appearance of the electronic commerce on the taxation policy,expounds the types of the electronic commerce taxation and the relationship between the electronic commerce and customs duty,and advances some viewpoints on setting up the taxation policy for the electronic commerce in China.分析了电子商务的出现对税收政策产生的影响,阐述了电子商务税收的种类及电子商务与关税的关系,并就建立我国电子商务的税收政策提出了看法。
2.It also made some discussions of the elasticity between the ratio of smuggling seizure and the theoretically collection ratio of customs duty.本文运用吸收马尔可夫链吸收概率的计算原理,通过对进口关税征收系统的进关、报关和关内三个环节走私查获率的推算,对我国进口关税的征收率进行了理论估计,并分析了走私查获率与关税理论征收率之间的弹性关系。
3.In order to explore the law of the development of fiscal theory in developing country, the thesis makes a study of fiscal thoughts in the late Ch\'ing period from six aspects, including thoughts of financial principle, thoughts of revenue, thoughts of customs duty, thoughts of foreign debt, thoughts of fiscal expenditure and thoughts of financial management .为了更好地探求晚清财政思想的发展规律,本论文从晚清财政原则思想史、财政收入思想史、海关关税思想史、外债思想史、财政支出思想史和财政管理体制思想史等6个方面入手,对晚清财政思想进行专题式研究。
1.On the basis of promises on reduction of customs made by China in China s Agreement on Access to WTO, the paper analyzes the influence of WTO on China s market economy.针对我国已签署的《入世议定书》中相关的关税减让承诺,分析其对中国市场经济产生的影 响。
2.But since part of industries in China are still lack the capability of participating in international competition, certain customs protection are requires for their development.扩大对外贸易是发展经济的重要途径,但是,由于我国部分产业还不具备参与国际竞争的能力,需要通过一定的关税保护才能发展起来,因此我国目前还不能放弃关税保护。
3.Thus, the research of customs system of Medieval England can help us have more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of economic and political development of that time.关税在中世纪英国的发展从无到有,从小到大,成为中古英国后期税收的主要组成部分。
1.A Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Tariffs Protection and Dynamic Comparative Advantage;关税保护与动态比较优势的理论与经验分析
2.By establishing customs, appointing customs officials, collecting tariffsand tightening the administration of merchant ships, Qing Dynasty(1644—1840) had a set of administrative rules on trade with Japan.清朝政府通过设立海关和任命海关官员、征收关税、加强对贸易商船的管理来进行对日贸易管理,有一整套管理制度,而日本政府则没有形成系统的管理制度,但管理方法切实可行。
3.Tariffs, Preferential Policies and Economic Growth in Different Regions of China;自1992年开始,我国进口关税水平开始大幅度减让,贸易和外国直接投资的全方位开放格局逐渐形成。
1.Import duty decline has made positive effects on grape wine market in China and it manifests in the following aspects: 1.进口关税下调对我国葡萄酒市场产生了较为积极的影响,具体表现为:①进口量持续增加,进口葡萄酒总体价格水平下降,质量不断提高;②我国葡萄酒行业整体经济效益稳步提高,市场容量进一步扩大。
2.The economic thoughts on duty in China have long history.中国的关税思想有其悠久的发展沿革历史 ,与西方关税思想相比中国古代关税思想有四方面的特点 :一、中国古代的关税思想具有明显的抑制倾向 ;二、中国古代的关税收入在财政收入中不居突出地位 ;三、中国古代的思想家非常注重关税在商品流通和国家经济中的杠杆作用 ;四、中国古代的关税贯穿着以人治税的思
6)impost[英]['imp?ust][美]['?mpost]关税 税款 税