1.A Study of the Model of Reserve Establishment in Solvency Regulation;偿付能力监管中准备金额度计算模型的研究
2.Option Model Applied in Property - liability Insurance Solvency;期权模型在财产保险偿付能力研究中的应用
3.A Study on Conductive Effects of Premium-Realizing Process on Solvency of China Life Insurance Company;保费实现过程对寿险公司偿付能力的传导效应研究
1.First Mercantile American Bank was solvent.美利坚第一商业银行具有偿付能力。
2.If we were not solvent, no one would invest in China.如果没有偿付能力,他不会干的。
3.They need the money to stay solvent.他们需要这笔钱来保持偿付能力。
4.Study on the Solvency of Non-life Insurance Company in China;中国非寿险保险公司的偿付能力研究
5.A Study on the Solvency of China s Non-life Insurance Companies;中国非寿险保险公司的偿付能力分析
6.Research of Solvency Regulation on China Life Insurance Company;中国寿险公司偿付能力监管问题研究
7.The Study on the Approaches of Insolvency Risk Management in Life Insurance Companies;寿险公司偿付能力风险管理方法研究
8.Research on Legal Regulation System on Solvency of the Insurance Company;论保险公司偿付能力的法律监管制度
9.International Comparison Study on Regulation and Supervision of Insurance Solvency;保险偿付能力监管及其国际比较研究
10.A Comparative Study of the EU and USA Supervision on the Solvency of Insurance Companies;欧美保险业偿付能力监管的比较研究
11.An Positive Analysis of the Factors of Solvency in Non-life Insurance Companies;非寿险偿付能力影响因素的实证分析
12.A Comparative Study of Solvency of Life Insurance Companies between China and India中印两国寿险公司偿付能力对比研究
13.A research on the effectiveness of solvency regulation on life insurance companies寿险公司偿付能力监管的有效性研究
14.How do they know the company is solvent or insolvent, and whether it probably will be solvent, say, a month from today?如何知道该公司是有偿债能力,还是无偿债能力,并且从今天开始的一个月内是否有偿付能力
15.The compensation capacity of our country's life insurance is weak owing to the historical reasons.由于历史的原因,我国寿险公司偿付能力不足。
16.Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。
17.Many creditors questioned the soundness of the company.许多贷方对该公司是否有偿付能力提出疑问。
18.Study on Efficiency and Solvency of Property Insurance Industry in China;我国财产保险市场效率与偿付能力研究
loan worthy有偿付能力
4)statutory solvency margin法定偿付能力
1.Setting statutory solvency margin more reasonable is one of the insurance regulation reform focuses.国际上正在酝酿着保险监管的改革,使法定偿付能力设置更合理是改革研究的重点内容之一。
5)cost of solvency margin偿付能力成本
6)Solvency margin偿付能力额度
1.Comparative Study on Solvency Margin of Life Insurance Companies of China under New and Old China Accounting Standards;新旧准则下我国寿险公司偿付能力额度比较研究
偿付能力偿付能力 【偿付能力】保险企业偿付赔款和给付的能力。保险人通过收取保险费承揽保险业务后,在保险人与被保险人的关系中即处于债务方,当被保险人投保的保险标的发生约定损失时,·保险人必须按约进行赔偿或给付。保险企业的保费收人等于赔款、管理费用和适当利润的总和。保险企业的偿付能力,只有在其“认许资产”等于或超过其负债时,才具有现实性。保险企业切实保障其偿付能力,是维持经营稳定的重要环节。