1.Study on Deregulation and regional investing bank s strategy;放松管制与区域性券商的战略对策研究
2.But,the deregulation does not mean non-regulation.由此,对于公共事业的放松管制问题被提上日程。
3.In the light of quantitative analysis method and game models,the changes of social welfare caused by deregulation with or without rent seeking were discussed.运用定量分析的方法构造了博弈数学模型,讨论了寻租存在与否两种情况下,放松管制所导致的社会福利变化。

1.The Thought of Government Efficiency about Loosening Control and Strengthen Control;政府放松管制和提高管制效率的思考
2.Deregulation and regulation reform on public utilities in China;城市公用事业的放松管制与管制改革
3.Study of the Influences of Relaxing Government Regulation on Chinese Telecom Market;放松管制对我国电信市场影响的研究
4.On the Reform of the Electricity Market in China;谈关于放松管制的国内电力市场改革
5.Analysis of Social Welfare Change due to Deregulation;放松管制所导致的社会福利变化分析
6.A Research on Government Regulation and Deregulation of Chinese Power Industry;我国电力行业政府管制与放松管制研究
7.Rural Finance in the Economic Transition: Regulation and Regulation-free;转轨经济中的农村金融:管制与放松管制
8.Appropriately Classified Regulation: Regulation Reconstruction by China s Government in the deregulation Control Background;分类适度管制:放松管制背景下的我国政府管制结构重构
9.From Strict Control to Deregulation to Strengthening Supervision: An Analysis of Australian Financial Reform;从严格管制—放松管制—加强监管:澳大利亚金融改革试析
10.Recent status of American thermal power plants after deregulation of electric power enterprises areintroduced.介绍了美国电业放松管制后火电厂的现状。
11.Study on Relaxing Regulation Process of Swedish Railways in An European Context;欧盟共同政策下瑞典铁路放松管制进程研究
12.The Optimal Path of Deregulation and Enterprise Restructuring in Transition Economies;转型经济中的放松管制和企业重构的最优路径
13.The Theory Analysis and Practice Thinking about Deregulation of Power Industry in Our Country;我国电力行业放松管制的理论分析与实践思考
14.Study on Deregulation and regional investing bank s strategy;放松管制与区域性券商的战略对策研究
15.Factors Affecting Importation and Consumption of GoldBefore and After Relaxation of Regulation of Gold in India;放松管制前后影响印度黄金消费和进口的因素
16.Deregulation and Reregulation:Reasons for Backward of China s Enterprises Bonds Market;放松管制与重新管制:中国企业债券市场稀薄状况溯源
17.Liberalization & deregulation on UK telecommunications and regulation on dominant firm BT;英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制
18.A Study of the Supervision over Interest Rate in China Through the Process of the Relaxing Control;我国放松利率管制过程中的利率监管问题研究

1.A Game Analysis of Deregulation and Institutional Innovation of CAAC Under a Open Sky System;天空开放下管制放松与中国民航制度创新的博弈分析
2.Based on the new institutional economics,the institution analysis of deregulation after reviewing some representative opinions of regulation.公共资源在技术进步等因素的作用下,其物品性质有从公共物品性质向私人物品性质转化的趋势,使市场机制在公共资源管理上有广泛的进入空间,这将引发政府对公共资源的管制放松,从而实现公共资源产权市场化。
3.Deregulation promotes the profitabili本文运用产业组织理论的SCP分析框架,分析机场业政策调整对行业结构的影响,以及由此产生的市场行为和市场绩效的变化,并通过这一分析,评估管制放松政策对行业产生的影响。
3)regulation and relaxation管制与放松管制
4)power deregulation电力放松管制
5)financial deregulation放松金融管制
1.Inevitably it will lash and affect the operation of the policy, and financial deregulation must be a very important factor, although it may not be the only one.虽然放松金融管制并不是唯一决定因素,但它绝对是一个非常重要的因素。
6)relaxation of insurance regulation保险管制放松
