1.Discussion about the beneficiary s change by China s law of insuranc;论我国保险法上受益人的变更
2.A Simple Analysis on Insurance Money,Beneficiary and Its Rights;保险金受益人及其权利浅析
3.Research on the Legal Issues of Beneficiary in Insurance Contract;保险受益人法律问题探讨

1.acceptance rate (By Beneficiaries of a project)(项目受益人的)受益率
2.The transferee is called the second beneficiary.受让人称为第二受益人
3.cestui que trust信托资产收益受益人
4.The party who stands to benefit from an insurance policy.保险受益人从保险合同中受益的一方
5.staff member beneficiary工作人员指定受益人
6.a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary.为受益人保管资产的人。
7.Person whose property is administered by a trustee信托受益人,其财产由受托人管理的人
8.The beneficiary is the person or persons who benefit from the trust.受益人是指从信托中获得利益的人。
9.beneficiary endorsement保险单上的受益人背书
10.beneficiary of transferable credit可转让信用证的受益人
11.the beneficiary of a pension fund.养老金基金的受益人
12.compensation principle of taxation税收的受益人负担原则
13.something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary).一个集团(受托人)为受益人的利益而保管的财产。
14.The Interrelation Study on Beneficial Right of Beneficiaries in Personal Insurance;人身保险中各受益人受益权之关联性研究
15.The Establishment of Beneficiary Right on Simultaneous Death of the Insured and the Beneficiary;论受益人与被保险人同时死亡时受益权的确定
16.The trustee may be the beneficiary, but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust.受托人可以是受益人,但不得是同一信托的唯一受益人
17.Article 46 The beneficiary may waiver the beneficial right of the trust.第四十六条受益人可以放弃信托受益权。
18.The trust shall terminate if all of the beneficiaries waivers their beneficial rights of the trust.全体受益人放弃信托受益权的,信托终止。

the beneficiary受益人
1.The thesis propose to revise the twelveth clause of "Insurance Law of China" as insurable interest is the lawful economic interest of the insured or the beneficiary to the insured subject.从保险利益的主体、客体、内容的要件来分析,我国《保险法》应将保险利益的概念界定为:“保险利益是被保险人或受益人对保险标的所具有的合法经济利益。
2.Its subject should be the insured or the beneficiary, not is the applicant.保险利益应译为可保利益;其主体应是被保险人或受益人,而不是投保人;其对应的客体是具体的财产或被保险人;主体与客体之间关系的性质是一种合法的经济利害关系。
3.The beneficial right of trust, which is one of the most important right for the beneficiary, make the beneficiary a valuable and indispensable factor in the relation of the trust law.信托受益权是受益人享有的最重要的一项权利,正是因为有了信托受益权,受益人在信托法律关系中才有存在的价值和必要。
3)beneficial interest受益人权益
4)Former beneficiary原受益人
5)the profiting crowd受益人群
6)beneficial owner受益权人
