1.In recent years, increasing amounts of bad credits, caused mainly by lack of social credit and the dislocated relationship between creditors and debtors, have posed a great threat to China s financial system.近些年来巨额银行不良贷款使我国金融业面临重大风险,产生这种风险的一个重要原因在于社会信用缺失,债权人和债务人关系的历史错位,从而导致了恶意逃债的债务人多如过江之鲫。
2.It requires creditor s rights of creditor to the debtor be legal, the creditor have the legal creditor s rights to the third person.代位权具有其基本的法律特征,作为债权人代住权的成立要件,必然是债权人对债务人的债权要合法、债务人享有对第三人的合法债权、债务人怠于行使其权利且怠于行使到期债权的行为须对债权人的到期债权造成损害。
3.In the old days,to limit the debtors to fulfill his obligation, the bankruptcy system was established and the stigma was attached to the bankrupts.以往的个人破产法以强制债务人还债为己任,对债务人设定严格的限制措施,使其长期陷于一种"窘境"之中。

1.debtors sharing an obligation分担债务的各债务人
2.payment by a debtor of(part of)a debt债务人付还部分债务
3.is that of debtor and creditor--,债务人和债权人的关系。
4.There are no other disputes involving debts between the creditor and the debtor, and债权人与债务人没有其他债务纠纷的,
5.The creditor's right of the obligor is not exclusively personal to it.(四)债务人的债权不是专属于债务人自身的债权。
6.Where the obligor has delegated an obligation, the new obligor may avail itself of any of the original obligor's defenses against the obligee.债务人转移义务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。
7.third-party attachments债权人扣押债务人债务人(即第三人)的财产
8.Its effectiveness governs the creditor, the debtor and the secondary debtor.它的效力及于债权人、务人和次债务人
9.Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor’s early performance shall be borne by the obligor.债务人提前履行债务给债权人增加的费用,由债务人负担。
10.Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's partial performance shall be borne by the obligor.债务人部分履行债务给债权人增加的费用,由债务人负担。
11.Debt was secured on the debtor's person.债务应由债务人本人兑现。
12.the practice of making a debtor work for his creditor until the debt is discharged.一种债务人为债权人劳动的行为直到债务还清。
13.To appoint(one's debtor)as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself.债务转移将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人
14.One that owes something to another.债务人欠他人某物的人
15.I can't discharge the debtor from his debts我不能免除债务人的债务。
16.compounding or arranging debtor正就债务作重整或偿还安排的债务人
17.The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor.地方检查官起诉不履行债务的债务人
18.In as much as the debtor has no property , Iabandoned the claim.21因为债务人无财产,我放弃了债务。

1.As we explore the application, effects of the subro gation system and debtors position in a subrogation inspection, we find out tha t the regulations of our subrogation system are not only limited but also depriv e debtors of their rights to .与国外民法对代位权制度的规定相比 ,我国代位权制度有自己的特点 ,有些规定有所不同 ,从而使债务人的地位和权利受到影响。
1.Bankruptcy reconciliation system is a system when bankruptcy is justified, the detor reaches a reconciliation agreement with creditors under the permission of the court to avoid the declaration of bankruptcy.破产和解制度 ,是当债务人已经存在破产原因 ,为了避免破产宣告 ,而在法院认可的情况下 ,同债务人会议达成协议 ,以使债权人在清偿债务方面做出适当让步、以图复苏为内容的制度。
2.The authors elaborate on the issuses from the aspects of creditors and debitors in order to find out the controversial points,and some solutions as well.着重围绕债权人和债务人两方面展开说明,找出有争议的地方 ,提出解决的方法。
1.But in this course there are danger to the obligor s basic human rights.强制执行是运用国家公权力来保障生效法律文书所确定的权利得以实现的过程,然而在强调债权人权益实现的同时有侵害债务人基本人权之可能。
2.If the third party performs in the obligor’s name, it shall be defined as unauthorized agency.若第三人是以债务人的名义履行 ,应属无权代理。
