1.Objective:To study on an actuarial model of premium for diabetics.目的 :提出不同参保对象条件下 ,糖尿病保险费精算模型的确定方法。
2.In pricing the premium,insurance companies need to estimate insurance loss,especially its maximum value.保险公司在保险费定价时,需要估计保险损失费,特别是保险损失费的最大可能值。

1.The insurance is twenty cents .保险费是20美分。
2.the running costs of a car, eg of fuel,repairs,insurance汽车的消费(如燃料费、保养费、保险费).
3.import freight and insurance account进口运费用保险费帐户
4.freight including insurance paid to…运费、保险费付至某地价
5.postal, advertising, insurance, etc rates邮资、 广告费、 保险费
6.cost, insurance, freight and war risks成本、保险费、运费加战争险价格
7.The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which be may effect.被保险人对其应支付的保险费具有保险利益。
8.A new method for calculating fair crop yield premium rate and premium农业保险费率和保费的计算方法研究
9.Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be charged.破险是一种特别险,需收取额外保险费
10.Premium: Money paid by the insured to the insurer in return for insurance cover.保险费:指保险客户为获取保险币向承保人所支付的费用。
11.The Inclusion of this special risk will be subject to an additional premium .投保这种特别险须额外加收保险费
12.straight life insurance终生付保险费的人寿保险
13.The premium is work out according to actuarial calculation.保险费是依据保险统计员计算出来的。
14.You have to pay the premium as provided in the policy.您需按保险单规定付保险费
15.minimum and deposit premium最低保险定金最小预付保险费
16.The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan.我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
17.the ratio of the annual claims paid by an insurance company to the premiums received.保险公司赔偿每年索赔单保险费比率。
18.Person employed by an in assurance company to calculate premium保险公司雇用的计算保险费的人

Insurance premium保险费
1.This paper discussed insurance premium s law nature and law effect.保险费在保险合同中对于投保人和保险人都是至关重要的 ,它是保险人承担保险责任的报酬。
2.Under the condition of insurer or insurance agent had already accepted the proposal form and received the insurance premium of the applicant for insurance and but not issued immediately the insurance policy to applicant for insurance ,the judgement to quality and validity of payment of insurance premium has very important law significance to decide whether there exist .保险合同的成立一般应以保险人对投保人的投保要约作出承保的意思表示为标志 ,但在保险人或保险代理人接受投保人的投保单并收取保险费而未即时向投保人出具保险单的情况下 ,投保人交付保险费性质与效力的断定对确定保险人和投保人之间是否存在合同关系有其重要的法律意义。
3)insurance fee保险费
1.However, there are defects in the legal rules in this field, such as lacking the consequence of breach the obligation of notification, the control of mala fides double insurance and the settlement of insurance fee in double insurance.缺乏对违反通知义务法律后果的规定,缺乏恶意复保险的规定和重复保险的保险费处理方式的规定,另外,重复保险的适用范围不清、法律效力规定不恰当等,也导致了该制度无法正常发挥应有的效用。
4)premium insurance保费保险
5)insurance premium保费;保险费
