1.The empirical study between firm s profitability and technical efficiency in competitive industry;竞争性行业中企业盈利性与技术效率相关性的实证研究
2.Profitability of U.S. Commercial Banks since 1990s;20世纪90年代以来美国商业银行盈利性发展分析
3.Research on the Vicissitude of the Profitability of A-Shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange;沪市A股上市公司盈利性变迁研究

1.itability of the import and export enterprises进出口企业的盈利性
2.Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理
3.Research on the Impact of Government Regulations on the Profitability of Monopolistic Industries;政府监管与垄断性行业的盈利性研究
4.It is the biggest not-for-profit organization in the world.是世界上最大的非盈利性基金组织。
5.This is a self help organization of manufacturing practitioners.为制造业为主的非盈利性社会组织。
6.Study on Credit Card s Profitability of Commercial Bank in China;我国商业银行信用卡业务盈利性分析
7.Research on Value-Oriented Profitability & Strategic Pricing;以价值为导向的盈利性战略定价研究
8.Discussion on the Unification of An Enterprise s Social Responsibility and Profit Goal;论企业社会责任与盈利性目标的统一
9.Study of Management Mode for the Fiscal-investment-project;非盈利性政府投资项目管理模式探析
10.Non-profitability of Education and Marketization of Educational Choice;教育的非盈利性与教育选择的市场化
11.Chinese stock commerci al banks are highly profitable but lack in security.而股份制商业银行盈利性较高但安全性不足。
12.Empirical Research on the Relationship of Liquidity, FCF and Profitability;流动性、自由现金流量及盈利性关系实证研究
13.Earnings Quality, Investors Reasonless Behavior and Earnings Momentum;盈利质量、投资者非理性行为与盈余惯性
14.Transitory Earning,Risk and P/E Ratio:Evidence from China’s A Share Market;暂时性盈利、风险与市盈率——来自中国A股的证据
15.Quality of Earnings Structure,Core Profitability and Earnings Persistence:Evidence from China's A Share Listed Companies in Manufacturing Industry盈利结构质量、核心盈利能力与盈利持续性——来自我国A股制造业上市公司的经验证据
16.Research on the Efficiency of Information of Earnings of the Listed Firms of Our Country;我国上市公司盈利信息的有用性研究
17.DEA Analysis on Regional Banks Profitability Efficiency;区域性银行盈利能力效率的DEA分析
18.Research of Dividend Policy and Corporate Earnings based on stability;股利政策与公司盈余——基于稳定性研究

1.The value of libraries in information industry lies in its nonprofit.图书馆在信息产业中存在的价值在于它的非盈利性,它通过传递和提供知识信息实现文献的使用价值。
2.The insufficient supply of rural public infrastructure,especially nonprofit infrastructure,is a key factor constraining rural development in China,directly impairing the harmonious development of town and country and the overall accomplishment of the well-off society.农村公共基础设施特别是非盈利性农村公共基础设施供给不足是制约我国农村发展的关键因素之一,直接影响到城乡协调发展及小康社会的全面实现。
3)Facility for profit盈利性设施
4)Profitability Test盈利性检验
5)Transitory Earning暂时性盈利
1.Transitory Earning,Risk and P/E Ratio:Evidence from China’s A Share Market;暂时性盈利、风险与市盈率——来自中国A股的证据
6)customer profitablity顾客盈利性

盈利性    盈利性    【盈利性1商业银行经营货币资金以取得利润的内在动力和经营目标商业银行进行资产负债管理所遵循的三个基本原则(盈利性、流动性和安全性)之一。银行能否盈利和盈利多少是银行能否生存和发展的关键。商业银行的盈利是业务收人与业务支出的净额,它取决于资产收益、其他收入和银行经营成本3个因素。因此,商业银行的盈利性管理主要从这3方面进行。(l)提高资产收益、在扩大负债规模的基础上,尽量扩一大资产规模,合理安排资产结构,在保持银行的流动性的前提下,尽量减少非盈利资产,增加高盈利资产所占的比重,从放款和投资中获得最大限度的收人。(2)为客户提供多种服务,增加收入来源。(3)降低银行经营成本。一是尽可能减少放款与投资的损失;二是尽可能降低存款资金成本;三是提高工作效率,控制和减少管理费用支出,妥善处理银行纳税等项财务事宜。