1.Business Transformation Strategy of Securities Brokerage with Information Technology;利用信息技术实现券商经纪业务战略转型的策略研究
2.The Study on Operating Risk Management of Brokerage Business of China;我国证券经纪业务操作风险管理研究
3.Due to t he implementation of floating brokerage commission system and the development of Internet infrastructure, Internet trade will be the most powerful competing method for security companies.但目前制约中国证券网上交易发展的因素仍然很多,只有切实解决网络的安全性与稳定性问题,制定相关的法律法规对其行为进行规范和监管,网络的综合服务能力得到增强,网上经纪业务才能得到长足发展。

1.He's in stockbroking.他从事股票经纪业务.
2.The Key Competitiveness of Brokerage and the Development of Stock Broker;证券经纪业务的核心竞争力:经纪人及其制度
3.Gary has something to do with stockbroking.加里同股票经纪业务有些关系。
4.My brother have his hand full with his brokerage business.我的兄弟忙于自己的经纪业务
5.Strategy for Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Brokerage Business Development;申银万国证券公司经纪业务发展战略
6.The Study on Operating Risk Management of Brokerage Business of China;我国证券经纪业务操作风险管理研究
7.Re-Engineering Research of Huatai Securities Marketing;华泰证券经纪业务营销体系构建研究
8.Research on CRM in Stockjobber s Business;证券公司经纪业务客户关系管理研究
9.The Business Design of Medium and Small Securities Trader;佣金浮动制下中小券商经纪业务设计
10.The Design of CRM of Stockjobber s Brokage;证券公司经纪业务客户关系管理设计
11.Examine the Development of Stock-owner Agency Business at Angle of Promoting;从营销角度审视券商经纪业务的发展
12.The Application of Electronic Business of Negotiable Securities in Negotiable Secutiries Fields;证券电子商务在证券经纪业务中的应用
13.The Duty of Care of Securities Company in Stock Brokerage Business证券公司在证券经纪业务中的注意义务
14.The Marketing Strategy Analysis for the Brokerage Business of One of Huatai's Securities Exchange Department华泰证券某营业部经纪业务营销策略分析
15.Article130. Brokerage? type securities companies are allowed to operate brokerage business only.第一百三十条经纪类证券公司只允许专门从事证券经纪业务
16.Assist Reconfiguration-oriented Business Models to Object-oriented Method for the Negotiable Securities Broker Service CRM System Analysis Modeling;辅助可重构业务模型的面向对象证券经纪业务CRM系统分析建模
17.Hunan Province Negotiable Securities Broker Service Existence Question and Countermeasure Analysis湖南省证券经纪业务存在的问题及对策分析
18.Brokerage appears some new characteristics.经纪业务在新的环境下呈现新的发展趋势。

brokerage business经纪业务
1.A Study on Risk Management of Brokerage Business in Securities Company;证券公司经纪业务风险管理研究
2.As the core business, traditional brokerage business model falls into dilemma these years.证券经纪业务作为券商的中坚业务,其传统的通道盈利模式也受到了强烈冲击。
3.In allusion to some characteristics of brokerage business, such as high specialization, complicacy, safety, efficiency, etc.证券经纪业务是证券公司业务中,风险相对较小、较为稳定和具有可持续性的业务。
3)broking business经纪业务
1.Securities broking business is the basic business of securities companies.证券经纪业务是证券公司的基础业务。
2.Security broking business, whose income count for around 40% of the total revenue, is not only one of the most important business activities of security companies, but also the basis on which brokers can achieve stable operation.证券经纪业务是证券公司经营活动的重要组成部分,目前证券经纪业务收入在证券公司的营业收入中的比重占到40%以上,它是券商实现稳健经营的最重要的基石。
1.The classification of the securities company have brokage rivalship much more.对券商的分类使经纪业务的竞争进一步加剧。
2.To develop stockjobber brokage and enhance the stockjobber’s core competence, 3-layered of differentiation and customer relationship management are suggested by the thesis.中国的证券业正在经历一场深刻的变革,证券公司的经纪业务也面临着巨大的挑战。
6)stock brokage证券经纪业务
1.discussion of stock brokage of Chinese security company;我国证券经纪业务发展探讨

证券经纪业务 证券经纪业务——  证券经纪业务又称代理买卖证券业务。是指证券公司接受投资者(客户)委托代投资者(客户)买卖有价证券的行为,是证券公司最基本的一项业务。