1.Analysis of Microfinance Credit Loan Projects in Tongren in Guizhou Province;以贵州铜仁地区为例的无担保小额贷款简化分析
2.Study on the Microfinance for Reservoir Resettlers in Post-relocation Support;水库移民后期扶持小额贷款研究
3.There are many problems for microfinance developing,which is a financial innovation,including the great restriction of product characteristic,the bottleneck of market development,weak foundation of microfinance companies,many setbacks and low efficiency.小额贷款业务是对传统金融制度的一次创新,目前还存在着产品属性制约强、市场发展瓶颈大、贷款公司展基础薄、运行障碍多、帮扶效率低等诸多问题。

1.smallaw loan law美国各州的小额贷款
2.International Confederation for Small-Scale Credit国际小额贷款联合会
3.Today, there are thousands of micro-lending organizations.今天,有数以千计的小额贷款组织。
4.A Probe into Policy Outlet of the Development of Micro-Credit in China我国发展“小额贷款”的政策出路探析
5.Probing into small amount loaning's function in new countryside construction小额贷款在新农村建设中的作用探讨
7.Small Loan Company--An Analysis on the New Path to Mini-Credit Supply in the Rural Areas小额贷款公司——农村微型信贷供给新路径分析
8.Study and development of decision-tree algorithm on farmer credit evaluation;决策树算法在农户小额贷款中的应用研究
9.The Issues of Rural Small Loan Companies & Legal Thoughts;农村小额贷款公司的相关问题及法律思考
10.The Role of Credit Medium Organization in Microfinance;社会信用合作组织在小额贷款中的作用和意义
11.Analysis on the Function of Countryside Credit Cooperative to Farmer s Small Quantum Load;农村信用社对农户小额贷款的作用分析
12.Study on the Executing Process of the Laid-off Workers' Microfinance Policy下岗失业人员小额贷款政策执行过程研究
13.A Study on Sustainable Development of China's Rural Micro-loan Companies我国农村小额贷款公司可持续发展问题研究
14.Research on Microfinance Sustainable Development and Institutional Innovation小额贷款可持续性发展与制度创新研究
15.The theory exploration of group loan utilizing in the micro-credit;团体贷款运用于小额信贷的理论探索
16.Positive Studies of Microfinance Amount and Rate in Yunnan Province of China;云南小额信贷贷款额度与利率抽样调查研究
17.In China, small-sum credit has expanded to ordinary agricultural production loan s or consumption loans.在中国 ,小额信贷已扩展到一般农业生产贷款或消费贷款领域。
18.The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year.小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。

1.Research on the Micro-credit Effect and Assist to the Re-employment of Urban Vulnerable Groups;小额贷款对我国城市弱势群体再就业的扶持作用研究
2.Investigation on the Rural Micro-credit of a District in Beijing City京郊某区农村小额贷款需求调查
3.The farmer household,s co-guarantee loan institution is a means of controlling the micro-credit risk.农户联保制度是小额贷款风险控制的手段之一,它与无抵押担保的小额信用贷款构成了小额贷款的主要品种。
3)Small loan小额贷款
1.RMFC has achieved outstanding performance in satisfying its members demand for small loan and fostered financial sustainability.在满足成员的小额贷款需求方面的绩效显著,并有财务上可持续发展的能力。
2.Discussing the significance of forestry small loan on dealing with the investment of agriculture,rural and peasent, pushing forwords the construction of new rural,ensuring the self-development of forest farm.论述了林业小额贷款在解决"三农"资金问题,推进社会主义新农村建设,拉动内需、保增长、保稳定、保民生、保障林农自我发展能力等方面的重要意义。
4)Small loans小额贷款
1.Small loans, also known as micro-financing, can be defined as a special kind of financial services or financial institutions, mainly those who have been excluded from the formal financial system than the smaller amount of customers in financial services.小额贷款(Microfinance)又称微型融资,可定义为一种特殊的金融服务亦或金融机构,主要为那些被排斥于正规金融体系之外的客户提供额度较小的金融服务。
5)small-scale consumers loan消费者小额贷款
6)small-loan company小额贷款公司
1.On the Legal Impediments of the Development of Small-loan Company and Possible Solutions小额贷款公司发展的法律障碍及克服路径

小额技术措施贷款  中国财政部门委托银行在财政拨付的基金内发放的主要用于中小型工业企业技术措施项目的贷款,也称小型技措贷款。于1964年进行试点,1965年全面实行,1970年停止发放,1975年恢复。1979年为了加速企业技术改造步伐,财政部颁发了关于《小型技术措施贷款暂行办法》的补充规定。此项贷款支持了中小型工业企业技术改造,促进了生产发展。    用途 主要用于提高产品质量、扩大品种、增加产品产量、提高劳动生产率、综合利用节约原材料和降低成本而进行的小型技术措施项目。    对象 全民所有制中小型工业企业。除包括各工业部门所属的中小型企业外,还包括商业、粮食、外贸、交通、邮电、农业等部门的全民所有制中小型工业企业。    条件 ①本企业留用的更新改造资金确已全部安排使用;②花钱少、收益快,并能在一年内取得经济效果;③所需材料、设备、技术等均有可靠保证。    使用 由企业提出贷款项目计划,经上级主管部门审查同意后,报财政部门审核批准,再由中国工商银行(或中国人民建设银行)在财政拨付的基金和上级确定的贷款指标范围内发放贷款。单项贷款的额度在10万元以内,最高不超过20万元。贷款有偿使用,按月计算利息,在项目完工投产后,一年内用实现的新增利润归还,最多不超过两年归还。