1.On the Exploration of Human Nature in Mao Dun’s Novels论茅盾小说对人性命题的探求
2.Love and Death:On Consciousness of Exploration in Haruki Murakami's Works爱与死——论村上春树作品中的探求意识
3.This nature of physical education culture and function decide that it must possess the character of continuous exploration and innovation,must keep up with the period,reflecting to its timing,regularity and creativity.体育文化的这种性质和功能决定了它必须具有不断的探求和不断的创新的时代品格,必须与时俱进、体现时代性、把握规律性、富于创造性。

1.He groped for a solution to his problem.他探求解决问题的方法。
2.man has made no attempt to explore himself.忽视了对内心的探求
3.voracious seekers after truth如饥似渴探求真理的人.
4.We ought to seek truth.我们应该探求真理。
5.They are groping after the truth.他们正在探求真理。
6.Research on the Solutions to ∫sin~m x cos~n x dx;∫sin~mx cos~nx dx的解法探求
7.On the Research of Stirling Formula谈Stirling公式的探求过程
8.An emphatic question or inquiry.询问请求坚决的询问或探求
9.On the Exertion of the Translator's Subjectivity--From the Perspective of Searching after the Optimal Relevance从寻求最佳关联探求译者主体性发挥
10.It is the search for first things and last things--for first principles and their ultimate implications.它探求事物的本原和终结——探求其根本原理和终极意义。
11.To search for or explore(a region) for mineral deposits or oil.探察探求(矿藏等)或为发现矿藏而考察(一个地区)
12.Study on System of Consumption Lawsuit;消费诉讼制度探析——探求构建我国消费诉讼制度
13."Stability,Change,and Novelty":Analysis of the New Program of College Entrance Examination Reform“求稳、求变、求新”:高考改革新方案探析
14.the Spy entreats him, timidly.密探怯生生地求他。
15.Probe in the Teaching Method of Seeking in AutoCAD;AutoCAD的求证式教学法初探
16.the quest for gold, knowledge, happiness勘探黄金、 寻求知识、 追求幸福.
17.Special drilling or adits outside orebody may be required.可能要求在矿体外作专门钻探或坑探。
18.Not for the Pursuit of Kindness but for the Pursuit of Truthfulness-An Analysis of Character Depiction in A Dream of Red Mansions;不求善,唯求真——《红楼梦》人物塑造原则探析

1.On the seeking of how to improve the quality of the remarks on the students’ compositions;文章对当前作文评语存在的种种弊端进行了论述,对如何提高作文评语质量进行了探求
3)probing into improvement探求改进
4)autonomous probe自主探求
5)calculation inquiry求法探讨
6)practical exploration实践探求
