1.The Division, Integration and Its Path of Criminal Knowledge under Discipline;学科规训下刑事法学科知识的分立、整合及其路径
2.When facing division enterprises would strategize for their taxation, take into account related businesses and preferred taxation policies before and after the division, to minimize the extra tax costs resulted from the enterprise division.近几年随着中国经济的快速发展,设计企业的发展越来越快且规模越来越大,为了更好更快的发展,很多设计企业选择了分立

1.separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers ((西方的)三权分立
2.(i) merger or split.(九) 合并或分立
3.A new company which is established due to a merger or division shall apply for registration of establishment.因合并、分立而新设立的公司,应当申请设立登记。
4.discrete four-channel tape system分立四声道磁道系统
5.MADA (Multiple -Access Discrete Address System)多路存取分立地址系统
6.discrete passivated epitaxial transistor分立钝化外延晶体管
8.The "independent Nature" Analysis of the Independent Director System in our Country;关于我国独立董事制度“独立性”的分析
9.Analysis of Mast Deflection of Single Mast Stack-crane and Its Matlab Simulation单立柱堆垛机立柱挠度分析与Matlab仿真
10.An extremely stiff, erect posture.过分笔直,僵立的姿态
11.They were ordered to stand apart.他们奉命分开站立。
12.capable of being isolated or disjoined.可被孤立的,可被分开的。
13.independent and identically distributed variables独立与同分布的变量
14.stereoscopic high-speed framing camera高速分幅立体摄影机
15.Every part can work indepently.每个部分都能独立工作
16.Scfm (standard cubic foot per minute)标准立方英尺/分钟
17.Scim (standard cubic inches per minute)每分钟标准立方英寸数
18.Provisional Legislative Council subsector临时立法会界别分组

1.The relationship between technological determinism(TD) and social constructivism(SC) is not opposite but in schism analyzed from formal logic and dialectic logic.从形式逻辑和辩证逻辑两个方面加以分析,“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”是并非对立而是分立的关系。
2.This paper analyzes the cause of the schism of Xichuan from Jiannan after the An-shi Rebellion, when the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Su were fighting for power.本文从安史之乱以后,玄宗、肃宗父子间争权夺位这一角度论述了西川从原剑南节度分立之原因。
3)oilfield reform分开分立
4)stero distribution立体分布
5)Discrete trapping level分立陷阱
1.Research on the method of signal deinterleaving based on the ICA technology;基于独立分量技术的信号分选方法研究
2.Particularly it discusses the Wigner Distributing(WD),Wavelet Transform(WT),nonlinear dynamic and ICA in the EEG signal processing.着重论述Wigner分布、小波分析、神经网络、非线性动力学,以及独立分量在脑电信号处理中的应用。
3.We used ICA and Wigner-Ville distribution to analize EEG signal of two subject when they image left,right hand and foot,tongue.本文结合独立分量分析和平滑伪Wigner-ville分布,对两名被试者在想象左右手脚和舌头动时的EEG进行了分析。

分立1.分别独立。 2.分别制定。 3.分别设立。