1.Changes in Cross-shareholding and Reform in Japanese Corporate Governance;交叉持股的变化与日本公司治理改革
2.The Studies on the Legal Regulation of Cross-shareholding of Companies;试论公司交叉持股的法律规制
3.The Law and Economics Analysis on Cross-shareholding交叉持股的法经济学分析——以代理成本和法律规制为线索

1.Literature Review and Research Outlook on Cross Holding;交叉持股问题的文献综述及研究展望
2.Changes in Cross-shareholding and Reform in Japanese Corporate Governance;交叉持股的变化与日本公司治理改革
3.An Analytic and Regulatory Framework on Shares Cross-holding交叉持股现象的分析框架与规范思路
4.The Share Calculation Method of the Cross-Holding Company in the Group Company;交叉持股公司股份的确定以及损益分配方法
5.Effect of Cross-holding of Shares by Listed Companies on Stock Market;上市公司交叉持股对证券市场的影响分析
6.The Accounting Treatment of the Combined Financial Statement of Interlocking Shareholding and Risk Prevention;交叉持股合并财务报表的会计处理及风险防范
7.Influence and Supervision of Corporation Cross HoldingOwnership on Corporation Governance;法人交叉持股对公司治理的影响与监管
8.Research on Effect of Cross-shareholdings to Enterprise Value of Chinese Listed Companies我国上市公司交叉持股对企业价值影响研究
9.Current Situation and Characteristics of Cross-shareholding in Chinese Listed Companies我国上市公司间交叉持股的现状与特征
10.Research on Taiwan Public-listed Companies Parent Subsidiary Cross-shareholding & Stock Repurchase System;台湾上市公司母子交叉持股与库藏股制度之研究
11.Second, Taiwan companies had huge holdings of grossly underd assets on their balance sheets, mostly land and corporate cross holdings of stocks.第二,台湾公司持有大量被低估资产,主要是地产和交叉持股
12.On Intercross Stock-holding,Accounting Report Combination and ParentCompany Investment Profit and Deficit Verification交叉持股合并会计报表编制和母公司投资损益确定的探讨
13.Potential Problems Analysis of Legal Persons Cross-Holding in China s Listed Companies After Full Circulation of Stocks;全流通后我国上市公司法人交叉持股的潜在问题分析
14.The Empirical Research on the Effect of Cross-shareholdings of Listed Companies on the Company Value in China我国上市公司交叉持股对公司价值影响的实证研究
15.The Law and Economics Analysis on Cross-shareholding交叉持股的法经济学分析——以代理成本和法律规制为线索
16.Study on Cross-Autocorrelation Between A Shares and B Shares in Shanghai Stock Market;沪市A股与B股交叉相关的实证研究
17.Comparison of the femoral isometric position of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction前交叉韧带股骨等距重建位置的比较
18.The Cross-Sectional Analysis of Price Differences of Dual-Listed Shares;交叉上市股票价格差异的横截面分析

1.The formation and expanding of modern and big group company by means of mergering make the preparation of consolidated financial statements become more and more complicated, especially under the circumstance of cross-holding between the member of group company,which has already become a difficult problem during the process of preparing consolidated financial statements.现代大公司集团的形成与扩展,往往是通过企业合并的途径,而随之带来的合并报表编制问题也趋于复杂,特别是在企业集团成员之间相互交叉持股的情况下。
2.The cross-holding between companies has salient positive and ill effects,the latter of which demand particular emphasis.目前我国对交叉持股现象的讨论,涵盖了典型意义上的相互持股以及上市公司间的单向持股。
3)cross holding交叉持股
1.Enhancement of Cross Holding Companies and Capital Market Bubble交叉持股公司的“做大做强”与资本市场的泡沫化——基于创业板受益公司股价飙升的思考
2.However,the theoretical and legal research on cross holding is immature,and its influence on corporation and capital market has not been proper addressed.交叉持股是一种资本运作手法,又是公司发展扩张的一种常见手段,这一观点已得到人们的共识。
3.With the development of Chinese security market, cross holding becomes more and more common in the stock holding structure.随着我国证券市场的发展,交叉持股在公司股权结构中变得越来越普遍,其衍生出来的会计确认与计量问题在实务中迫切需要得到解决。
4)cross shareholding交叉持股
1.Discussion on cross shareholding of China stock companies;对我国股份制公司交叉持股的探讨
2.As a complicated economic phenomenon,though cross shareholding may reduce bargain cost,facilitate finance operation,resist corporation takeover and stabilize stock price,it will lead to a series of negative effects such as fake increase of capital,trenchment effect,jeopardizing security market,limiting market competition,and etc.交叉持股是一个复杂的经济现象,尽管其具有降低交易成本、方便财务运作、对抗公司收购以及稳定股价等方面的积极因素,但可能导致虚增公司资本、造成经营者巩固效应、妨碍证券市场正常交易秩序以及限制竞争等严重弊端。
3.Cross shareholding is not only one capital operation method,is also one common method which the corporate growth expands.交叉持股既是一种资本运作方法,又是公司发展扩张的一种常见手段。
1.Study on Legal Mechanism of Company Cross-ownership;公司交叉持股法律规制研究
2.In this process, it is the company cross-ownership that to play the very major role.在这一过程中,公司交叉持股起到了很大的作用。
3.By introducing the complex network theory and analyzing how cross-ownership impacts on the fluctuation of stock markets,this paper describes how two kinds of complex networks were established by cross-ownership relation of the listed companies of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets.为分析交叉持股行为对股市波动的影响,引入复杂网络进行研究,以我国沪深两市上市公司间的交叉持股关系构建了两类网络。
