日元,Japanese Yen
1)Japanese Yen日元
1.On the Competition and Cooperation of Chinese RMB and Japanese Yen in East Asia Monetary Integration;东亚货币一体化中人民币与日元的竞争与合作
2.Can Japanese Yen s Depreciation Save Japan s Economy?;日元贬值能挽救日本经济?
3.Analysis of the Restrictions on Japanese Government s Efforts to Internationalize the Japanese Yen;日本政府推进日元国际化制约因素分析

1.The dollar has appreciated in term of the yen .美元以日元折合升值了。
2.The Dollar loses two cents against the Yen .美元对日元跌了两美分。
3.It's 100. 45 yen to the dollar.是100. 45 日元对1美元。
4.Whiff rebounds in the sun, Japanese yen win-win pattern;日股反弹、日元双赢格局 ;
5.The Japanese yen is unchanged at two hundred and fifteen point eight five yen to the dollar.日元价格保持不变,仍为215.85日元兑1美元。
6.The yen slipped against the greenback, trading at 120.34, down 0.78 yen.日元对美元的汇率以120.34兑1美元收盘,下跌0.78日元
7.Please exchange twenty thousand yen into dollars.请将两万日元换成美金。
8.How many dollars for ten thousand yen?多少美金换1000日元呢?
9.The rate of exchange Between Renminbi and the Japanese yen人民币和日元的比价
10.further revaluation of the yen日元的进一步升值.
11.How many yen to a dollar?多少日元换1美金呢?
12.Dollars convertible into yen.可兑换成日元的美金
13.Japanese yen. What about the interest rate?日元,请介绍一下汇率吧?
14.What's the exchange rate for yen?日元的汇率是多少呢?
15.Changes in JPY carry trade and outlook for JPY value;日元套利交易的变化以及日元汇率的未来走势
16.100 dollars for the day tours and 150 dollars for the two-day tours.一日游100美元。两日游150美元。
17.The USD appreciated steadily against the Japanese yen.美元对日圆稳步升值
18.The dollar lose two cent against the yen.美元对日跌了两美分。

1.RMB and Yen:Rivals or Partners——30 Years of Reform and Open-up in China and New Issues in Sino-Japanese Relations;人民币与日元:对手还是伙伴?——中国改革开放30年与中日关系的新课题
2.Yen and RMB: Monetary Co-operation or Monetary Competition in the Region;日元与人民币:区域内货币合作抑或货币竞争
3.Since China and Japan are the two biggest economic entities, RMB and Yen will compete with each other in the East Asian monetary cooperation inevitably.东亚货币合作需要一种稳定的货币充当“名义锚”,中国与日本作为区域内最大的两个经济实体,人民币与日元在东亚货币合作中必然存在货币竞争关系。
1.In the first quarter of 2004,major currencies in the global FX market maintained the momentum of 2003:a weak USD,a strong yet unstable EUR,and a rising JPY created violent fluctuations,while international gold prices continued with the upward momentum that began in 1999.2004年第一季度,国际外汇市场各主要货币基本上延续了2003年走势,波动较大,总体呈现美元较弱、欧元强势不稳、日元升势较强的格局;国际金价在继续保持1999年以来持续走高的态势下出现了较大幅度波动。
2.This inherent principle is inexorable as we study the evolution of JPY exchange rate policy in the past fifty years.考察日元汇率政策长达50年的演变历程及其中的成败得失,我们可以清晰地看到这一内在规律的必然性。
4)Yen appreciation日元升值
1.Reviewing the background and process for Yen appreciation,a practical test is made,by making use of the quantitative economic model,on the conclusion that a rise of Yen exchange rate results in increase of money supply in Japan.回顾日元升值背景及历程,利用计量经济模型对日元汇率上升导致日本货币供给量增加这一结论进行实证检验。
2.therefore, it is predicted that yen appreciation will still exist for a long term.日元升值并没有改变日本贸易顺差的局面,国际收支不平衡继续扩大,导致日元长期升值预期仍存在;日本政府由于过度担心出现“升值萧条”,采取了超低利率政策刺激经济,却导致市场上流动性过剩,经济走入了流动性陷阱;国内过剩的流动性没有合适的投资渠道,一部分流向了房地产和股票市场,导致资产泡沫化,而另一部分资金转向海外进行投资,导致日本国内投资水平的下滑和产业空洞化。
5)Japanese loans日元贷款
6)Strong Yen强势日元
1.Policy Effect Comparison between Strong Yen,US Dollar and its Reference;强势日元、美元政策效应对比及借鉴
