1)Laissez-faire[英][,lese? 'fe?(r)][美]['l?se 'f?r]自由放任
1.Tracing the Mercantilism,the Classicalism,the Keynesianism and the New Liberalism,also with the view of Information Economics and Institutional Economics,this paper demonstrates the relationship between the State Interference and the Laissez-faire is interdependent but not substitutive.国家干预与自由放任的争论贯穿于重商主义、古典主义、凯恩斯主义和新自由主义理论中,信息经济学和制度经济学的发展论证了政府和市场走向交融的趋势。
2.On the other hand,the theory of laissez-faire has occupied an important place in the history of Western economic theories.老子无为思想在中国政治思想史上有重要影响 ,西方自由放任学说在经济学说史上曾占据统治地位。
3.Under the guidance of Laissez-Faire,the material wealth of western counties increases very fast,but it cannot help to increase the welfare of the majority of the people in the west.在自由放任政策的指导下,西方资本主义国家的物质财富获得了急速增长,但与此同时,它并没有促进绝大多数人的福利提高,反而造成了大量的贫困问题。

1.Too much liberty spills all.自由放任,一事无成。
2.They have much freedom.她们太自由放任了。
3.U.S. News Communication: From Libertarian to Responsibility;美国新闻传播:从自由放任到强调责任
4.On the American trend of thought of laissez-faire doctrine in gilded age;论美国“镀金时代”的自由放任主义思潮
5.A Sign of British Decline: The End of Laissez-Faire;英国衰落的标志:自由放任政策的终结
6.A Comparative Study of Lao Zi s Thought of Inactivity and the Western Thought of Laissez-faire;老子“无为”思想与西方“自由放任”学说
7.To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination.心目中没有集体生活的原则,只有自由放任
8.That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history.在我国历史上屡见不鲜的自由放任主义原则。
9.Are We Marching Towards Laissez-Faireism in Higher Education Development?;我们是否迈向高等教育的自由放任主义?
10.Analyses of the Similarities and Differerces Between Laozi s Inaction Thought and the Western Libertarianism;浅析老子“无为”思想与西方自由放任学说之异同
11.Invisible Hand and Laissez Faire: Differences and Similarities ─A Comparison between A. Smith and F. Quesnay;无形之手与自由放任的异同──斯密与魁奈的对比
12.There has never been an era of laisser-faire in the history of stock exchange in the United States.美国证券交易史上从来就不存在自由放任的时代。
13.Noninterference thought was the mainstream of political thought from the civil war to late the nineteenth century.美国内战结束后至19世纪末,自由放任思想成为政治思想主流。
14.As an fundamental policy, laissez-faire had been the foundation and guarantee of British great power.自由放任政策曾是英国强大的重要思想基础和保证。
15.Laissez-faire policy result in increase economic activity, but contribute to a rise in import.自由放任政策导致经济活动的增加,但也促进了进口的增长。
16.The Administration of US Government in Golden Times and Adam Smith s Laissez faire Thought;“镀金时代”美国政府的施政行为与亚当·斯密之自由放任思想
17.Laissez Faire and Economic Security: A Comparison of Southeast Asian Financial Crisis and American Subprime Mortgage Crisis自由放任与经济安全——东南亚金融危机和美国次贷危机的比较
18.An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.经济自由主义一种经济理论,主张放任个人自由经营、建立自由市场体系和金本位制

laissez faire自由放任
1.Laissez Faire and Economic Security: A Comparison of Southeast Asian Financial Crisis and American Subprime Mortgage Crisis自由放任与经济安全——东南亚金融危机和美国次贷危机的比较
2.Liberalism should not be simply treated as laissez faire and anarchism.对于自由主义,不应简单地将其视为"自由放任"和"无政府主义",实际上,古典自由主义关于市场与政府有着极为丰富而深刻的理论和思想。
1.The new state interference thought took the place of noninterference thought and became the mainstream of American political thought in late of the nineteenth century and early of the twentieth century, which l.美国内战结束后至19世纪末,自由放任思想成为政治思想主流。
4)laissez-faire[英][,lese? 'fe?(r)][美]['l?se 'f?r]放任主义,自由放任
5)economic noninterference经济自由放任
6)laissez-faire investment自由放任投资<管>
