1.The Study for Civil Responsibility Regarding Manipulation in the Securities Market;证券市场操纵行为及民事责任研究
2.The various circles of society pay widespread attention to the manipulation cases of the securities market.最近几年,我国证券市场在不断发展和壮大的同时,也暴露出了不少的问题,特别是证券市场操纵行为案件已引起社会各界的广泛关注。
3.So, the task of this article is how to deal with this bad behavior of manipulation and eliminate its adverse effects.为此,本文从以下两个方面对其进行研究:首先,本文研究了采用可靠性影响因子是否能抵消操纵行为的问题。

1.The Study on the Manipulation of the Securities Market and the Legal Regulation;证券市场操纵行为及其法律规制研究
2.Legal Research on Manipulation of Stock Exchange Market;证券交易市场操纵行为法律问题研究
3.The Civil Liability System Against Manipulation of the Securities Market;试论证券市场操纵行为民事责任制度
4.Study on the Recognizing Model of Aggressive Earnings Management on the Stock Market;上市公司利润操纵行为识别模型研究
5.Manipulate behavior of China s Company and Against Measure;我国上市公司利润操纵行为及其防范
6.The Market Performance of Stock Manipulation and the Detection股票操纵行为市场表现及其判别研究
7.Study on Market Manipulation and Defensive Mechanism of Stock Market of China我国证券市场操纵行为及防范机制研究
8.Research on the Volatility and Price Manipulation in Chinese Futures Market;中国期货市场波动性与价格操纵行为研究
9.The Analysis of Institutional Factors for Stock Market Manipulation in China;中国股票市场操纵行为的制度因素分析
10.Underwriter s traded-based manipulation: An SEO game;增发新股博弈中承销商的交易操纵行为
11.Discrimination on Insider manipulation With Data Mining Methods;基于数据挖掘的内幕操纵行为甄别研究
12.An Empirical Study on the Insider-Trading and Market-Operating Activity in the Reform of Equity Division in China;股权分置改革中内幕交易和市场操纵行为研究
13.Price Manipulation and its Monitoring System Establishment in China s Futures Market;论中国期货市场价格操纵行为监控体系的构建
14.Study of Method to Quantitative Analyze Profit Control in Listed Company in China;我国上市公司利润操纵行为定量分析方法研究
15.The accountant managing the profit of listed company and handling the behavior thinks;治理上市公司利润操纵行为的会计思考
16.EU Experience on Market Manipulation;欧盟关于市场操纵行为的监管与立法实践
17.On Listed Company Accountant Information Manipulating Behavior and Control Countermeasures;浅析上市公司会计信息操纵行为及治理对策
18.The Studies on Internal Auditing System Effectively Controlling Improper Earnings Management;关于内部审计有效遏制利润操纵行为的研究

Behavioral Manipulation行为操纵
3)profit manipulation behavior利润操纵行为
1.A formula is presented and a trend figure is given to describe profit manipulation behavior.界定了利润操纵的概念,归纳了利润操纵行为的主要特征;运用行为理论透视上市公司利润操纵行为的本质,提出了利润操纵行为的影响公式和变化趋势图;进而研究了利润操纵的影响因素和形成机理,力图更好地控制利润操纵行为
4)market manipulation操纵市场行为
1.The issues of definition, legal attribute and classification of market manipulation are the basis for adequately regulating, effectively punishing and efficiently preventing market manipulation.操纵市场行为的定义、法律性质与分类等基本问题是充分监管、有力处罚和有效预防操纵市场行为的基础性问题。
2.This study is for the purpose of studying how to consummate the system of our civil liability in securities market manipulation under the background of intemationalization, and to protect the investors benefit.从各国证券法制发展的实践来看,操纵市场行为对于证券市场的健康发展具有极大的危害,它与内幕交易行为、虚假陈述行为共同构成证券法制重点制裁的三大证券违法行为。
5)manipulating activities of share price股价操纵行为
1.So there are not any regulations on the civil liability of manipulating activities of share prices.我国《证券法》中涉及到法律责任的规定大多为行政责任和刑事责任 ,涉及民事责任的很少 ,对股价操纵行为的民事责任并未规定相应的民事责任。
6)Manipulation of securities market操纵市场行为
1.In Chapter l,it points out that the manipulation of securities market is intrinsically a sort of fraudulent torts, by analyzing the legal nature of the manipulation in light of such basic theories as jurisprudence, civil law and commercial law.第一章利用法理学、民商法学等基本理论分析了操纵市场行为在商法上的性质,指出操纵市场行为实质是一种欺诈性的侵权行为。

证券公司操纵市场行为 证券公司操纵市场行为——  证券公司操纵市场行为是指证券公司利用其资金、信息等优势,或者滥用职权操纵市场,影响证券市场价格,制造证券市场假象,诱导或者致使投资者在不了解事实真相的情况作出证券投资决定,扰乱证券市场秩序,以达到获取利益或减少损失的目的的行为。