社会捐赠,social donation
1)social donation社会捐赠
1.On function of social donation to cost sharing of higher education;社会捐赠在我国高教成本分担中的现状分析
2.How to regulate the social donation,the right and obligation of the initiator of the donation,the donor and the donee,and how to regulate the administration of donated property and the ascription of the surplus donated property,must be defined as soon as possible,otherwise,donors positivity will be brought down and the undertakings of social donation will be impacted.我国现阶段社会捐赠已经成为一种普遍的社会现象,如何规范社会捐赠,规范捐赠的发起人、捐赠人、受赠人的权利和义务,规范捐赠财产的管理、使用以及捐赠财产剩余的归属和处置,都必须尽快予以明确和界定,否则,将挫伤捐赠者行善的积极性,直接影响到我国社会捐赠事业的健康发展。
3.However,the social donation only has a small proportion in the fund-raising of Chinese nongovernmental higher education institutions.在很多国家,社会捐赠已经成为人们向社会提供公共产品及服务的重要方式,更是私立高校的重要资金来源。

1.Factors affecting donator s decision in donating to universities in China;我国高校社会捐赠影响捐赠者决策的因素研究
2.An Economic Sociological Analysis of Social Donations to Higher Education Institutions;高校社会捐赠的一种经济社会学分析
3.On the Institutional Incentives and Protection of Social Charitable Giving--the Thoughts About 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake s Charitable Giving;论社会捐赠的制度激励与保护——5·12汶川地震社会捐赠引发的思考
4.Social donation and development of universities;社会捐赠与大学发展——中美大学社会捐赠的对比分析
5.An Economic Analysis of Social Donation to Public Universities in China;中国公立高校社会捐赠的经济学分析
6.Social donation to Chinese and Foreign universities:Comparing、Analyzing and Advising;中外高校社会捐赠:比较、分析及建议
7.In 2001, civil affairs departments received 1.59 billion yuan of donations from the general public (including goods converted into money).2001年民政部门接收的社会捐赠(含捐赠物资折款)金额为15.9亿元。
8.The Research on the Principle of Donation Raising and Operation in Chinese Public Universities;我国公立高校社会捐赠的筹措与运作机制研究
9.International Practice of Tax Incentive Policies towards Public Donations and Related Policy Suggestions for China;社会捐赠税收激励的国际经验与政策建议
10.Analyzing the Motivations and Encouraging Measures of Social Donation to Higher Education in China;试析国内高校社会捐赠的动机和激励措施
11.On the Heritage and Enlightenment of Public Donations in China s Higher Education;论我国高等教育社会捐赠的传承与借鉴
13.Study on the influential self-factors on social donation to universities;影响我国大学社会捐赠的学校自身因素研究
14.On function of social donation to cost sharing of higher education;社会捐赠在我国高教成本分担中的现状分析
15.The Study for the Relationship between the Donation and Financial Performance of the Listed Companies in China我国上市公司社会捐赠与财务业绩关系研究
16.Historical Review of Social Donations to "Ivy League" Universities in America美国"常春藤联盟"院校社会捐赠历史考察
17.Comparative Research on the Donation and Revenue Policy for Higher Medical Education Between China and USA医科大学社会捐赠与税收政策之中美比较研究
18.The departments of civil affairs shall do well the social donation and relief work in prevention and control of AIDS.民政部门负责做好艾滋病防治工作中的社会捐赠和救助工作。

1.The authors analyzed problems in the donation behavior s during SARS influencing period, put forward suggestion on how to guide reasonabl e drug and medical device donation.本文分析了SARS期间社会捐赠药品和医疗器械产品存在的问题 ,就如何引导合理捐赠提出了建
2.And the donation, as one of the main sources of the fees, .其中社会捐赠作为渠道之一正越来越受到社会各界的重视。
3.One of the important factors that the American higher education is leading the world is the donation culture as well as the advanced ideology and liberal environment in American Society.社会捐赠是美国大学,特别是私立大学的主要收入来源之一。
3)The Donors From Society社会捐赠者
4)social donation for university高校社会捐赠
1.This paper points out the important significance of the social donation for university on the construction of the harmonious society, and advances several suggestions on speeding up the development of the social donation for university.指出了高校社会捐赠对构建和谐社会的重要意义,提出了加快高校社会捐赠事业发展的几点建议。
5)contract of social donation社会捐赠合同
6)social donation to universities大学社会捐赠
1.Study on the influential self-factors on social donation to universities;影响我国大学社会捐赠的学校自身因素研究

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决