1.On one hand, it can scale up the capital supply for the capital market and guarantee the stabilization of the market; on the other hand, the profitability and flowability of insurance capital will be outstandingly enhanced, and an organic integration of insurance market and capital market will be achieved.完善资本市场结构 ,使保险资金直接进入资本市场 ,一方面增加资本市场的资金供给规模 ,增强市场的稳定性 ,另一方面保险资金的收益性与流动性也会得到显著提高 ,实现保险市场与资本市场的有机结合 ,最终实现货币市场、保险市场、证券市场的顺利对接 ,在更大规模市场基础之上进行资源配置 ,促进整个国民经济的持续稳定增长。
2.To provide the side of the basic data for economic income in new shiandra garden for farmers,studied the profitability of before and after shiandra garden,cash current position and returns on investment using the investigation of shiandra and soybean cultivated farmers as the first-hand material.采用五味子和大豆栽培农户调查的第一手材料,研究建五味子栽培园前后的收益性、现金流动情况和投资效益,结果表明,建五味子栽培园的净现值(NPV)为174。

1.ROI tends to emphasize short-run profit rather than long-run profitability.片面强调短期收益而忽略长期收益性
2.Distinguishing capital expenditures from revenue expenditures;企业资本性支出与收益性支出的划分
3.Dynamic Relationship between the Illiquidity and Stock Returns:Evidence From Chinese Stock Market;流动性与收益、收益波动的动态关系
4.Analysis on replacing internal rate of revenue with external rate of revenue in economic evaluation;外部收益率替代内部收益率的适性分析
5.Analysis of Consistence for Inner Revenue Rate and Modified Inner Revenue Rate;内部收益率与修正内部收益率的一致性分析
6.Differentiating the Malpractice of the Public Welfare and the Non- public Welfare in Land Expropriation;土地征收中区分公益性与非公益性之弊端
7.Sectors Analysis of Value Relevance of Income Index;会计收益与经济收益指标价值相关性的行业分析
8.The Comparison between the Quality Income Statements of Costs and the Function Income Statements of Costs and Its Revelation to Our Country;费用性质法收益表与费用功能法收益表比较及其对我国的启示
9.relative and absolute returns相对收益和绝对收益
10.Rate of return(or return)on capital资本收益率(或资本收益)
11.YTM [yield to maturity]全期收益,到期收益[
12.statement of current earnings and retained earnings本期收益及留存收益表
13.incremental Benefits新增收益,增量收益
14.A Research on Gender Difference in Income and Education Earning Rate of Urban Residents城镇居民收入与教育收益率性别差异成因研究
15.The Study of Long Memory of Chinese Stock Earnings Yield;我国股票收益率的长记忆性分析研究
16.Stock Returns and Liquidity in Shanghai Security Exchange (SSE);上海证券市场股票收益和流动性研究
17.Time Span Characters of Index Returns in China s Stock Market;中国股市指数收益率的时间跨度特性
18.The ARCH Research on share Index Yield And Fluctuation of small Corporation Stoch;中小板股指收益率与波动性的ARCH研究

Income attribute收益属性
3)dominant profit显性收益
1.How to make the recessive liabilities into dominant profit?It should be thought standing from the strategic height of enterprise.如何化企业隐性负债为显性收益,须从企业战略高度去思考。
4)beneficialness investment收益性投入
5)evaluation on profitability收益性评价
6)revenue expenditure收益性支出
1.Distinguishing capital expenditures from revenue expenditures;企业资本性支出与收益性支出的划分

股票的收益性 股票的收益性——  收益性是股票最基本的特征,它是指持有股票可以为投资者带来收益的特性。持有股票的目的在于获取收益。股票的收益可以分成两类:第一类来自股份有限公司的股息和红利;第二类来自股票流通的差价。