欧元区,Euro area
1)Euro area欧元区
1.Financial Integration in Euro Area and the Dilemma of Stability Arrangement欧元区金融一体化发展与稳定性安排的困境
2.The introduction of the Euro provides an improved public good that will prove beneficial both within the Euro area and to external users of the new monetary unit, including virtually all those doing business in and with the Euro area.欧元的实行提供了一种更完善的公共产品,它将被证明对欧元区内外的使用者都有利,包括所有在欧元区内和与欧元区有商业往来的部门。
3.Since the introduction of Euro in 1999,the government debt management in the Euro area has been affected and developed very quickly as the disappearance of exchange rate risks within the Euro area created the conditions for a pan-European capital market.1999年欧元的正式流通对欧元区政府债务管理产生了重要影响,欧元区内汇率风险的消失为泛欧资本市场的形成创造了条件,使欧元区政府债务管理发展十分迅速。

1.How are busine es within the euro zone affected by the euro?欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
2.5.How are businesses within the euro zone affected by the euro?5.欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
3.Euro s Exchange Rate Effects on the Trade between China and Euro Region: An Expirical Study;欧元汇率对中国—欧元区贸易影响的实证分析
4.Analysis on the influence of Euro circulation on the scale of China's export to the Euro area欧元流通对我国向欧元区出口规模的影响分析
5.Impact of euro appreciation on the eurozone economy and its banking industry欧元升值对欧元区经济和银行业的影响
6.European Central Bank forecasts accelerated economic rebound in Euro area欧洲央行官员说欧元区经济将于年内加速回升
7.The Eastward Expansion of the Euro Area: Analysis in Terms of the View of Middle-Eastern European Countries;欧元区东扩:基于中东欧国家视角的解析
8.Wechselfunktionen zwischen der europ ischen Einheitsw hrung und der Lohnpolitik in der Eurozone;欧洲单一货币与欧元区工资政策的相互影响
9.3.Can any country join the euro?3.任何一个国家都可以加入欧元区吗?
10.And he wants fiscal harmonisation across the euro zone.而且他希望整个欧元区的财政和谐。
11.Trichet sounded very bullish on euro-zone economy( sic).特里谢听起来对欧元区经济信心满怀。
12.The Review of Economic Situation of Euro Zone of 2004 and Prospect of 20052004年欧元区经济形势回顾及2005年展望
13.On the Evolutions and Features of the Inter-Bank Settlement System in Euro Area Based on TARGET System;论欧元区TARGET清算系统的演进与特征
14.The Evolution and Characteristics of the Inter-bank Settlement Systems in the Euro-zone;欧元区银行间清算体系的演进与特征
15.Economic Situation in the Euro Area in the First Quarter of 2002;2002年第一季度欧元区经济形势评述
16.Other eurozone central banks have printed nearly 370m ?500 notes.欧元区的其他央行已经印制近3.7亿张面值为500欧元的纸币。
17.Dualistic Contradictions of Monetary Policy in Euro Area and the Countermeasures;欧元区统一货币政策的二元性矛盾与协调改进
18.An Empirical Research on the Endogeneity of Optimum Currency Area--Based on Economic Development in the Eruo Zone以欧元区为例的最优货币区内生化研究

1.Indication of the Performance of the Euro-zone for China to Join Monetary Cooperation in East Asia;欧元区统一货币政策绩效及其对中国的启示
2.The Evolution and Characteristics of the Inter-bank Settlement Systems in the Euro-zone;欧元区银行间清算体系的演进与特征
3)Euro Zone欧元区
1.Research on the Banking Market of Euro Zone and Strategic Suggestions for ICBC;欧元区银行业研究及工商银行发展策略探讨
2.Applications of the monetary policy instruments in the Euro zone欧元区货币政策工具的现实运用
3.The execution of uniform exchange rate policies and formation of uniform European financial market in Euro zone has made the role of Euro as international currency increasingly reinforced and meanwhile their exchange rate policies have brought bigger and bigger overflow effect to the partner countries.欧元区通过统一的汇率政策的执行和统一的欧洲金融市场的形成 ,使得欧元作为国际货币的作用逐渐增强 ,同时 ,其汇率政策对其伙伴国也带来了越来越大的溢出效应。
4)the Euro area欧元区
1.The co-ordination of every countries fiscal policies has not changed the essence of decentralized fiscal policy system in the Euro area.财政政策趋同和协调并没有改变现行的欧元区财政体制分散的实质。
2.In order to further enhance and smoothen the policy coordination process, the Commission announced the publication of a regular report on economic developments in the euro area.本文摘自欧洲委员会所作的2002年第一季度欧元区经济形势分析报告。
5)The Euro/Euroland欧元/欧元区
6)country of Euro region欧元区国家
