1.At present, China should introduce a new financial instrument-Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDR).在当前条件下,中国需引进一种新的金融工具——中国存托凭证(CDR)。
2.A Chinese depositary receipt(CDR) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company.中国存托凭证(CDR)是境外注册的公司在中国境内发行的代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。
3.On Finance Innovation Risk of CDR and Its Avoidance —— With the Financial Law of Mainland and Hong Kong is Research Sample;本文论证了中国存托凭证 (CDR)发行上的异地准入风险、外汇流通风险、间接做市风险以及资质认定风险 ,提出了以保守准入、综合监管和区际经济法律制度为核心的三元风险防范框
2)Challenge CDR质疑中国存托凭证
3)China depository receipt (CDR)中国预托证券;中国存托凭证
4)American depository receipt美国存托凭证

1.Nasdaq shares of Home Inns are 24% below their 52-week-high close.如家快捷酒店美国存托凭证的价格已较52周高点回落了24%。
2.Forging or altering documents authorizing collection of payments, remittance documents, certificates of deposit, and other account-settlement documents;伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的;
3.A Feasibility Study of China Depositary Receipt;中国预托凭证(CDR)可行性分析
4.The client may entrust any savings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate( passbook).客户可凭本人身份证件和存单()储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。
5.The client may entrust any savings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate (passbook).客户可凭本人身份证件和存单(折)向储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。
6.American Depositary Receipt(ADR), issued by a U.S. depositary bank, is an negotiable instrument which represents ownership in securities of a non-U.ADR即美国存托证券 ,是在美国资本市场融资的重要金融工具之一。
7.Morgan Guaranty Trust Corp. of New York美国摩根保证信托银行
8.In 1952, scrip was forbidden in the United States.1952年时,临时凭证在美国遭禁。
9.A Tentative Exploration into the Voucher Reform in America;试析美国基础教育改革中的教育凭证制度
10.Your storage charge is 2 yuan.Look after your extracting evidence,and extract your goods.您的寄存费是2元,请把提取凭证保管好,凭提取毛凭证来取物品.
11.Certificate Treasury (mainland China)凭证式国库券(内地)
12.A lot of bank In the us will open letter of credit In renminbI against our sale confirmation or contract .美国很多银行都可凭我们的售货确认书或合同开立人民币信用证。
13.Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Copyright Duration美国联邦最高法院召开听证会-著作权延期是否违宪(凭风译)
14.Here is my deposit certificate and my ID card, miss.小姐,这是我的存款凭单和身份证。
15.the part of a check that is retained as a record.作为凭证保存的单据的一部分。
16.Nowadays, scrip exists in the form of gift certificates6.如今,临时凭证以礼券的形式存在。
17.A Distributed Delegation Credential Storage Framework Based on SPKI基于SPKI的分布式委派凭证存储框架
18.With this money exchange certificate, you may change the American money you left into foreign currency when you leave America.您从美国出境时,凭这个货币兑换证明可以将剩余的美元兑换成外币。

Challenge CDR质疑中国存托凭证
3)China depository receipt (CDR)中国预托证券;中国存托凭证
4)American depository receipt美国存托凭证
5)Depository Receipt存托凭证
6)ADR(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证
