营销人员,Marketing Personnel
1)Marketing Personnel营销人员
1.Re-design of the Salary System of the Marketing Personnel in YS Corporation;江苏YS公司营销人员薪酬制度再设计
2.Different performance appraisal & management models may play different roles for the behavior of marketing personnel and their performance.不同的绩效评价工具及管理模式对营销人员的营销行为及业绩会产生不同的导向作用。

1.Caller: "I agree. How about next week?"电话营销人员:“同意。下周如何?”
2.The Marketing Personnel Competence Model Design Idea and Steps in Machinery Manufacturing Industry;机械制造业营销人员胜任力模型研究
3.Research on the Performance Appraisal the Marketing Personnel of Shandong Xiaoya Group;山东小鸭集团营销人员绩效考核研究
4.Study on the Salary Plan of Sales Man of XM Co., Ltd.;XM有限公司营销人员薪酬方案研究
5.The Salary System Study of Household Appliance Corporation of Shenyang Zhongtian Company;沈阳中天公司营销人员薪酬制度研究
6.The Research of EDU Company Marketers Results Management;EDU公司营销人员绩效管理的研究
7.Re-design of the Salary System of the Marketing Personnel in YS Corporation;江苏YS公司营销人员薪酬制度再设计
8.Performance Evaluation Plan for Marketing & Sales of Jilin Post;吉林邮政营销人员绩效考评方案设计
9.The Application of AHP in Salesmen s Quality Test;运用层次分析法测评营销人员的素质
10."I also worked as a bus boy and construction worker, as well as in sales, reservations and marketing. "我也曾做过公共汽车售票员、建筑工人、推销员、仓库保管员和市场营销人员
11.Effects of AIDS/STD Health Education for Condom Salesmen安全套营销人员艾滋病/性病健康教育效果分析
12.Study on Performance Appraisal System of Electric Power Salesmen of Dawukou District Electric Power Company;大武口区供电分局营销人员绩效考核体系研究
13.The Study of the Manufacturing Marketing Staff Competency and Selection Model;制造业营销人员胜任素质及甄选模型研究
14.Competency Model of Marketing Personnel and Applied to Recruitment;营销人员的胜任力模型及在招聘中的运用
15.Psychological Analysis of Marketing Staff and Research on the Measures of Corporate Management;营销人员心理分析及企业管理对策研究
16.The Incentive System Design of the Sales Staff about LaiWu Branch ShanDong Mobile Co.Ltd.;山东移动莱芜分公司营销人员激励体系设计
17.Research on Performance Management for Marketing Personnel of CITIC Grand Epoch City International Conference & Exhibition Co.LTD;中信国安会展公司营销人员绩效管理研究
18.A Study on Compensation Motivation of Salespeople and an Example of YF Corporation;营销人员的薪酬激励与YF公司的案例分析

marketing staff营销人员
1.Performance Management Study of Marketing Staff in Software Corporation;软件企业营销人员的绩效管理研究
2.Psychological Analysis of Marketing Staff and Research on the Measures of Corporate Management;营销人员心理分析及企业管理对策研究
3.The Study of Stimulating System of Satisfied Marketing Staff in China Commercial Bank;基于员工满意的我国银行营销人员激励体系研究
1.Causes and Countermeasures of Falsifying Goods among Salesmen;营销人员内部窜货的原因及其对策
2.Optimization Study on the Salesmen s Performance Management of AGO Company;AGO公司营销人员绩效管理体系优化研究
3.Research on Salesmen Total Compensation Management;营销人员全面薪酬管理研究
4)Marketing people营销人员
1.To win in this fierce competition, it s necessary for companies to strengthen the management of their marketing peoples, then build up a effective system and method of their diathesis management.自20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化的步伐越来越快,在这种残酷的竞争中,我国家电企业要想在竞争中取得优势,必须加强对营销人员的管理,本文就是再探索一条有效的营销人员素质管理体系和方法。
5)sales-force management营销人员管理
1.By the QSIM system, the qualitative relationship in the sales-force management was explained.提出了一个观察管理行为的新视角 ,即用能的观点来看待企业的营销人员管理行为 。
6)Mobile Phone Marketing Personals手机营销人员
1.Constrction on Competence Model of Mobile Phone Marketing Personals ——Take a Sample of Chinatelling Company;构建手机营销人员素质模型——以天音通信公司为样本
