1.Also we make a great deal of quantitative research on them by the indices of FIR, M2/GDP and so on.通过金融相关率、货币化指数等对江苏省金融结构与经济增长之间的关系进行大量的定量分析,运用对数回归方程对二者之间的相关性进行了检验,并对计量结果进行国内外的比较分析,最后,本文在上述定性和定量分析的基础上,分析我省金融结构中存在的问题,并相应地提出一些政策建议:发展直接融资,完善中小企业融资体系等。
2)financial interrelations ratio金融资产相关率
3)financial interrelation ratio金融相关比率
1.The evidences show that there exists a long-run equilibrium between financial interrelation ratio and gross domestic products,and gross domestic products can significantly affect the level of financial development.检验结果表明,现阶段吉林省金融相关比率与地区生产总值之间存在长期均衡关系,且地区经济总量能够显著地影响金融发展水平。
2.Based on international comparison, the author considers the financial deepening in China can not be measured by the monetization ratio, and should be measured by financial interrelation ratio.文章对改革以来我国货币化比重的变化及其原因进行了探讨 ,认为利用货币化比重指标不能准确衡量中国的金融深化程度 ,而应采用金融相关比率指标衡量。

1.View of Russian Financial Development from Perspectives of Property Right Structure and Monetary Ratio;从产权结构与金融相关比率看俄罗斯金融发展
2.An Empirical Analysis on China Regional Financial Interrelation Ratios Based on Neutral Network;基于神经网络方法的中国区域金融相关比率实证分析
3.Study on the Correlation between Capital Allocation Efficiency and Financial Development in Guangdong Province;广东省资本配置效率与金融发展相关性研究
4.Correlational Analysis of China Capital Allocation and Financial System;中国资本配置效率与金融体系的相关性分析
5.The Interaction between China s Financial Assets Return and Macroeconomic Indicators;中国金融资产收益率与宏观经济相关性研究
6.Comparative Study on Correlated Problems in Standards for Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments;《金融工具确认和计量》准则相关问题的比较研究
7.The Mutual-Change Relation for Variation of the Exchange Rate to Unemployment Ratio under the Financial Crisis金融危机下汇率变动对失业率变动的相关性研究
8.An empirical analysis of the relations between financial structure and financial efficiency:Gansu Case;金融结构与金融效率关系:甘肃例证
9.The Study of the Relationship between Financial Openness and Financial Instability;金融开放与金融不稳定的相关性研究
10.The Deviation of Financial Deepening from Economic Efficiency: An Interpretation Based on the Distortion of Credit Allocation;金融深化与经济效率负相关:基于信贷配置扭曲的解释
11.The Relevant Issues of the Impact of Financial Crisis on the RMB Exchange Rate Reform金融危机对人民币汇率改革影响的相关问题研究
12.Research on degree and patterns of dependence in financial markets;金融市场相关程度与相关模式的研究
13.Analysis of the Interrelation Between the Proportion of Negotiable Securities in the Structure of Financial Capital and GDP Increase;金融资本结构中证券比重与GDP增长之间的相互关系分析
14.Comparative Research on the Relation between Financial Liberalization and Financial Crisis;金融自由化与金融危机关系的比较研究
15.A Study on the Corelation of the Pension Structure and the Financial Structure养老金结构与金融结构的相关性研究
16.Study on Modes of Financial Innovation and Abilities of Financial Innovation;金融创新模式与金融创新能力相关问题研究
17.A Gaming Analysis on the Relevance of Policy Finance and Commercial Finance;政策性金融与商业性金融相关性的博弈论分析
18.Empirical Study on Financial Efficiency and Economic Growth;金融效率与经济增长关系的实证研究

financial interrelations ratio金融资产相关率
3)financial interrelation ratio金融相关比率
1.The evidences show that there exists a long-run equilibrium between financial interrelation ratio and gross domestic products,and gross domestic products can significantly affect the level of financial development.检验结果表明,现阶段吉林省金融相关比率与地区生产总值之间存在长期均衡关系,且地区经济总量能够显著地影响金融发展水平。
2.Based on international comparison, the author considers the financial deepening in China can not be measured by the monetization ratio, and should be measured by financial interrelation ratio.文章对改革以来我国货币化比重的变化及其原因进行了探讨 ,认为利用货币化比重指标不能准确衡量中国的金融深化程度 ,而应采用金融相关比率指标衡量。
5)financial interrelation ratio (FIR)金融相关性比率(FIR)
6)Regional Financial Interrelation Ratio地区金融相关比率
1.Based on theoretical analysis of Regional Financial Interrelation Ratio,this paper measured China regional financial development.本文对“地区金融相关比率”(RFIR)指标的设置进行了原因分析,并使用该指标测算了中国大陆地区31个省级行政区的地区金融发展水平,对我国各地区金融业的总量发展规模、扩张程度、内在差异进行了比较分析研究。

相关成本与非相关成本(relevantcostandirrelevantcost)  成本按其发生是否与决策项目相关的分类。相关成本是指与制定决策方案有关的联影响的成本,例如当期是否接受一批订货,生产该批订货需要花费的各种成本,即为相关成本。如该批订货是一种特殊订货,即其价格低于以前生产这种产品的完全成本时,其相关成本就是生产该批产品的变动成本。如果生产该批订货需扩大生产能力时,相关成本就既包括生产的变动成本,还包括添置设备等所需的其他成本。机会成本、差量成本、现金支出成本、可避免成本等均属相关成本。  非相关成本是指与制定决策方案并无影响的成本,因而在决策时可不予考虑。命名如接受特殊订货时,原有固定成本就属于非相关成本,因为即使不接受这批特殊订货,这些固定成本也会照样发生,当有几种方案可供选择时,各种方案都需发生的成本就是非相关成本,如采用不同的生产工艺组织生产时,构成产品实体的原材料在各种生产工艺过程中都要发生,所以这些原材料成本便是非相关成本。不可避免成本、沉落成本等属于不相关成本。