1.The groping experiment of delay fuse made of fusite replacing red charcoal is carried out.文中对用乌煤替代红木炭制造延期导火索进行了试验探索。
2.The exploring experiment was carried out to study the fuse made of bamboo coal instead of char-coal.文章对竹炭代替木炭制造导火索进行了试验探索,介绍了竹炭黑火药的制造工艺。
3.Through experimental this article has explained the main reason of the fuse deflagration.文章通过对导火索爆燃问题的实验分析 ,探讨了导火索产生爆燃的主要原因 ,同时提出了预防导火索爆燃的措施。

1.A combustible fuse for detonating explosives.导火索用于引爆的可燃导火线
2.He struck a match and ignited the fuse.他划了根火柴, 点着了导火索.
3.the last straw使人忍无可忍的情况,导火索
4.To prepare(a gun or mine)for firing by inserting a charge of gunpowder or a primer.装填火药为(枪或地雷)装火药或导火索使其准备射击
5.But inflation does not seem to be a fread( thread) with the current softness in the American housing market.但是通货膨胀不是美国房屋市场缓和的导火索
6.Focus PK Taiwan notice: Real estate was not rising fuses?焦点pk台预告:炒房团是不是房价上升的导火索
7.The Beatles simply put a spark to a fuse that was waiting to be lit.甲壳虫乐队只不过是在等着被点燃的导火索上燃起一朵火花。
8.What really brought things to the boil was a newspaper article alleging embezzlement.使事情变得严峻的导火索是报纸上一篇有关贪污的报道。
9.The springs(1) are intended to hold the end cap(12) tightly seated on the asbestos washer(11) so as to seal the combustion chamber(7).燃烧的固态燃料()一旦被导火索()燃,就在燃烧室()生大量的气体。
10.The gauze disc (6) serves to hold the coiled wick tightly against the fuel charge, while the back plate (10) protects the washer.纱网盘(6)用于保持导火索盘紧靠燃料块,后盘(10)用于保护垫圈。
11.And many people including Winston Churchill were sure that it would only be a matter of time before some spark lit the unstable tinder.许多人,包括丘吉尔在内,都认为某个火化将点燃这个导火索。这是个时间问题。
12.As in the run-up to other wars, there is today more than enough tinder lying around to spark a great power conflict.象其它战争的酝酿阶段一样,如今到处都是足以引起强权冲突的导火索
13.The burning of the solid fuel charge (5), once ignited by the wick (8), generates a large quantity of gas in the combustion chamber (7).燃烧的固态燃料(5),一旦被导火索(8)点燃,就在燃烧室(7)产生大量的气体。
14.The affiche that Zhaoshang bank was going to issue 10 billion convertible bonds shocked the stock market.其中以招商银行公告发行不超过100亿元可转换债券为导火索,引发了对于可转换债券的大讨论。
15.The bombing of the Belgrade embassy was the match that set off the explosion. Mutual suspicions fed on each other.对贝尔格莱德中国使馆的轰炸成为导火索,触发了两国关系的爆炸。彼此的猜疑吞噬着对方。
16.That outburst was triggered by a peculiar deal Mr Dion made with Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party.戴恩先生同绿党领袖伊莉莎白.梅之间的一个非同寻常的协议成为了这次突发事件的导火索
17.The oil price rise might just have been the trigger to ignite a new revolution in the travel habits of US commuters, say environmentalists.环境保护论者说,油价上涨可能正是使得美国上班族的出行习惯发生新革命的导火索
18.An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.导火线一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索

safety fuse导火索
1.It was pointed out that the diameter of the powder core of safety fuse was themain factor for its combustibility by a discussion of the combustion mechanism of the black powder, and the on-line testing significance of the diameter of the powder core was also described inthis paper.文章通过对黑火药燃烧机理的探讨,指出黑火药药芯直径是影响导火索燃烧性能的主要因素,阐明了药芯直径在线检测的意义,并扼要介绍了一种光电式检测器的工作原理及其应用。
2.The faults of powder core of safety fuse are detected by the oil-line continuousmonitor.文中通过对非接触光电式导火索断药监测器检出的断细药导火索解剖分析的结果,揭示出导火索药芯尺寸这一关键质量特性在制造过程中产生断细药的高频次,并对其原因和应采取的措施作了论述。
3.Several methods and devices are presented in this paper for on-line finding of faults of civil safety fuse core, with emphasis on the vperation principle,performance characteristics and applications of one non-contact mode photoelectric detector.文中扼要地介绍了国内现用的几种工业导火索断细药疵病在线检测方式和装置;详尽地阐述了一种非接触式光电检测装置的工作原理、性能特点和使用情况。
3)detonating fuse导火索;导爆索
4)safety fuse工业导火索
5)detonating fuse爆炸导火索
6)cotton fuse棉芯导火索
