1.Financing constraints,expropriation of minor shareholders,and abuse of SEO proceeds融资受限、大股东“圈钱”与再发行募集资金滥用
2.Abuse of raised fund is an important evidence of expropriation behavior of rights offering.对圈钱行为的认定和对圈钱后果的分析有利于证券市场发挥正常的融资和资源配置效率。

1.Silicon Valley turned white-hot on the world money map.硅谷在世界圈钱地图上变得白热化。
2.The Research of Seasoned Equity Offerings Expropriation Based on the Causal Chain Analysis;基于因果链分析的再发行“圈钱”研究
3.The Phenomenon of the Money Preference in Chinese Stock Market and the Discriminate of the Concepts;中国股票市场“圈钱”现象与概念辨析
4.Discussion on ownership reform of private enterprises of Shanxi province;陕西民营企业改制——走出“圈钱”误区
5.Financing constraints,expropriation of minor shareholders,and abuse of SEO proceeds融资受限、大股东“圈钱”与再发行募集资金滥用
6.The Behavior and Consequence of Expropriation through SEO:Evidence from Abuse of Raised Fund and Underperformance;圈钱行为与后果——募集资金滥用与再发行长期业绩恶化
7.They set a trap for him by putting marked money in to the till.他们把有记号的钱放在钱屉里,设圈套抓他。
8.Ultimately, he was known as" the Brain& Bankroll" in the circuit.基本上,在圈内他以“头脑和钱袋”著称。
9.At the end of the eighth round, Fang Hung-chien had won nearly three hundred dollars.八圈打毕,方鸿渐赢了近三百块钱。
10.The monkey handed a hat round to collect money.猴子拿着一顶帽子绕圈收钱。
11.The employer set a trap for the man By putting marked money in the till.雇主把有记号的钱放入钱柜作圈套来诱捕那个人。
12.She could probably have gone into the movies and become a star; she has what it takes.她本可以进入影圈而成为一个明星;她有本钱。
13.To produce a ridge around the edge of(a coin).轧边,印边在(钱币)边上印制一圈凸起的边
14.There were dark circles under my eyes, my hands were feverish. I didn't care. Money as everything. The idea was to eat your fill first; then you could talk about other things.我的眼圈发青,手心很热,我不再管,有钱才能活着,先吃饱再说别的吧。
15.Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free.查尔斯?格雷决定退出富人圈,他发现只有少量钱会带给人自由。
16.ladies who lunchph.1. 有钱的时髦妇人(不必担心生活,只和圈内人午餐)
17.On Current Situations of RMB Monetary Circles in the Foreign Areas Outside the Border of Yunnan Province and A Strategic Research on Anti-Money Laundry Activities;云南境外人民币金融圈现状与打击洗钱对策研究
18.Oh, you are after the big bucks, huh? I never thought you'd be so dedicated to money! You're becoming a real "dough nut"!噢,你正在向钱看,是吗?我从没想过你是献身金钱的人!你成了一个真正的糖圈饼了!

money encirclement圈钱
1.Employing the “Value Model” proposed by Chen and Chen (2005), theoreticalanalysis indicates that when there is pricing bubble in China capital market, the equityfinancing decisions of listed companies could be driven by both value objective andmoney encirclement objective.使用陈小悦和陈文斌(2005)提出的价值模型作为股权融资决策的分析工具,理论分析结果表明:在中国资本市场给出的定价高于企业自身价值创造能力的情况下,上市公司的股权融资决策既有可能受到价值目标的驱动,也有可能受到圈钱目标的驱动。
3)QianQuan area钱圈地区
1.Activity analysis of main faults in Qianquan area,Banqiao Sag;板桥凹陷钱圈地区主干断裂活动性分析
2.Based on Faults system interpretation of six layers of the QianQuan three-dimensional work area in BanQiao Depression, Es3, Es2, Es1x, Es1z, Es1s, Ed plane distribution characters in the QianQuan area are analyzed, and seven 3D seismic profiles which are vertical with these faults are studied.基于对板桥凹陷钱圈三维工区六个层面断层系统解释的基础之上,分析了钱圈地区Es3、Es2、Es1x、Es1z、Es1s、Ed底界断层平面分布特征,并选取区内垂直于断层的7条地震剖面,对沉积地层进行剥蚀厚度恢复和压实校正后综合运用生长指数、活动速率和古落差三种指标研究断层活动性。
4)money preference圈钱偏好
1.With traditional signal theories,we propose a model to explain the phenomenon of money preference in the pricing of IPOs.在传统信号理论基础上,本文建立了一个用于解释股票市场上的圈钱偏好与IPO定价问题的模型。
5)enclosing money motivation圈钱动机
1.If the possibility of achieving the financing qualification is greater in the coming year, the investing motivation and enclosing money motivation .当公司在未来年度内获得融资资格的机会较大时,投资动机和圈钱动机都会导致网站投资者关系管理指数的上升;而当公司未来年度内获得融资资格的机会较小时,公司进行网站投资者关系管理的动机则大大弱化。
6)SEO's expropriation再发行圈钱
1.But we lack the in-depth understanding about SEO’s expropriation.国内外文献主要研究了再发行后业绩恶化及其原因的解释,而对再发行圈钱的学术研究还很少。
