委托-代理关系,principal-agent relationship
1)principal-agent relationship委托-代理关系
1.Making use of the Law of Bayes,this paper researches declining speed of the overconfident level of agentin principal-agent relationship by setting up an appropriate mathematical model.利用Bayes 法则建立数学模型研究委托-代理关系中代理人过度自信水平的衰减速度问题。
2.In the principal-agent relationship in state-owned grain buying and selling enterprises,the relationship between the central and local governments is a kind of complete information dynamic game and the relationship between the government and state-owned grain buying and selling enterprises is a kind of incomplete information dynamic game.在国有粮食购销企业委托-代理关系中,中央政府与地方政府之间是一种完全信息动态博弈,而政府与国有粮食购销企业之间是一种不完全信息动态博弈。
3.The Research on CPA Audit Quality Based on Principal-Agent Relationship;针对研究主题,提出了两个问题:一是审计过程中,股东(委托人)、被审计单位与注册会计师之间的委托-代理关系发生扭曲的内在机制;二是用博弈论的分析方法对审计委托-代理关系中的相互作用机制做了数理证明。

1.A Model of Enterprise Finance Decision under Principal-agent Relation;委托-代理关系下的企业筹资决策模型
2.Discussion on the Relation between the Commission and the Agency in the Public Commission Duty in Our Country;我国公共委托责任中委托代理关系探讨
3.Study on Principal-agent Relationship between Developers and Agents;开发商与代理商的委托代理关系研究
4.The Principal-agent Relations in Organization Institution of Modern Enterprises;现代企业组织制度中的委托—代理关系
5.The Principal-Agent Relations in Organization Institution of Modern Enterprises;现代企业组织制度中的委托──代理关系
6.Research on IT Governance of Multilayer Principal-Agent Relationship Oriented;面向多层委托代理关系的IT治理研究
7.Principle-agent relationship between oil production plant and reservoir management district采油厂和油藏管理区的委托代理关系
8.An Analysis on Marxist′s Principal-agent Theory and Multi-level Principal-agent Relationship of State-owned Assets马克思主义委托代理理论与国有资产多层次委托代理关系
9.Theoretical Analysis of Audit Relationship:Accountability or Principal-agent;审计关系的理论分析:受托责任还是委托代理
10.Customer Agent Relation in Information Brokerage信息经纪行业中的委托人—代理人关系
11.A Study on Principal-agent Relations in Reforming Systems of the State-owned Enterprises;国有企业改制中的委托—代理关系研究
12.The Market-based Transformation of Public University s Principle--agent Relation;公立高校委托代理关系的市场化改造
13.The Risk and Risk Obviation of Entrusting-Deputizing Relation of the State-Owned Enterprise;国有企业委托代理关系的风险与回避
14.A Study on the Continuous Principal-Agent with Its Application to the Supply Chain;连续委托代理关系与供应链模型研究
15.Economics Analysis on the Problems Of Princrpal-Agent Relation of Chinese Professional Sport Market;对职业体育市场委托——代理关系的探究
16.The Special Principal-Agency Relationship of State-Owned Enterprise;我国国有资产委托代理关系的特殊性
17.Principals and Agents: The Relationship between the Public School and the Teachers;公立学校与教师之间的“委托——代理”关系
18.Game Analysis of Concluding Treaty Programe in Relation of Entrusting and Agent;委托代理关系中订约程序的博弈分析

principal-agent relations委托-代理关系
1.The Principal-Agent Relations in the Family Enterprise;家族企业中的委托-代理关系
3)principal agent relation委托-代理关系
4)Principle-agent Relationship委托-代理关系
1.Under the condition of principal-agent,the paper discusses the mechanism of deal costs among supply chain enterprises and puts forward the ways and measures on how to lower the deal costs among the enterprises.在委托-代理关系下探讨了供应链企业之间交易成本产生的机理,并提出了降低供应链企业间交易成本的路径和措施。
6)principal-agent relationship委托代理关系
1.This paper puts forward five types of principal-agent relationship in constuction projects, and then analyzes the meaning of the moral hazard as well as the psychological motive condition and the information asymmetry condition which lead to the production of the agent s moral hazard in principal-agent relationship.在提出建筑工程中委托代理关系5种类型的基础上,分析了道德风险的含义以及委托代理关系中代理人道德风险产生的心理动机条件和信息不对称条件,指出了道德风险存在的危害并提出防范代理人道德风险的措施。
2.The principal-agent relationship between supplier and buyer was analyzed on asymmetrical information conditions by which the unobservability of quality level is regarded as that the supplier concealed information from the buyer and,in fact,it is a converse selection problem of t.研究非对称信息条件下供应链管理的质量控制问题·建立了供应链合作关系中的购买商和供应商的质量成本模型,其中包括供应商的生产理性约束条件·分析了非对称信息条件下购买商与供应商质量成本的委托代理关系,质量水平的不可观测性则表现为供应商的信息隐匿·实质上,这是一个委托代理中的逆向选择问题·购买商的质量成本是目标函数,供应商质量成本的一阶条件转化为状态空间方程,运用极大值原理求解该问题的最优质量控制·并进行了非对称信息条件下供应链的质量控制仿真实验
3.According to principal-agent theory, the paper analyzes the principal-agent problems in the agro-machinery outsourcing such as moral hazard and incentive mechanism designing owing to the asymmetric information, and gives the model of principal-agent relationship between the outsourcer and the agricultural machinery service provider.根据委托代理理论,模型化农机作业服务外包业务中农机作业服务外包方与农机作业服务提供方之间的委托代理关系,分析了农机作业服务外包业务中由于信息不对称而产生的道德风险问题及其激励机制设计问题。
