1.Continuing sterilization will impose on structural inflation, interest rate improvement and the expectation of the RMB s appreciation.如果继续进行冲销操作将加大结构性通货膨胀的压力,加大继续提高利率的压力,加大人民币预期升值的压力。

1.An Empirical Analysis on Monetary Sterilization Policy of Chinese Central Bank;我国中央银行货币冲销操作的实证分析:1994~2007
2.Money Demand,Sterilization Policy of Central Bank and Surplus of Balance of Payments in China货币需求、中央银行冲销操作与国际收支顺差
3.The Capital Inflow Problem and the Effectiveness of Sterilization in China;我国的资本流入问题与冲销操作有效性的实证研究
4.An Empirical Study of the Policy Transmission Path of Sterilization Operation of Central Bank Bill in China我国央行票据冲销操作政策传导路径的实证研究
5.Money Demand,Sterilization Policy of Central Bank and Balance of Payments Surplus in China我国的货币需求、中央银行冲销操作与国际收支顺差
6.Surges (Lightning or Switching Surges).冲击(雷电冲击或操作冲击)。
7.The application immediately cancels the print operation.程序立即撤销打印操作。
8.USWC Uncacheabled Speculative Write Combination无缓冲随机联合写操作
9."Warning: You will not be able to undo this action using the Undo command."警告: 撤销命令不能撤销该操作。
10.Study on Credit Sales Risk Assessing Model and Operation Based on Credit Sales Risk Degree基于赊销风险度企业赊销风险评估模型及操作
11.New Technology in the Cupola(Part Ⅰ):The New Theory of Operation and Coke Bed Control冲天炉新技术(1):冲天炉操作新理论与底焦控制
12.Manual operation can be carried out when bolt is pulled in the hole.专用插销插入孔中即可进行手动操作。
13.Make all actions reversible.让所有的操作都可以撤销。
14.Undo operates on a user’s actions.先考虑撤销针对的对象,即用户的操作。
15.Also, the text legend says “Undo 5 actions.”一个文字提示显示:“5操作撤销”。
16.This facility is very effective because it is so simple to operate.因为易于操作,所以单次撤销非常有效。
17.Operational Relationship Marketing and Other Issues on Ethics;可操作的关系营销与相关的道德问题
18.How to Regulate Recoustruction of Supply and Marketing Corperatives;供销社企业改制如何进行规范化操作

sterilization policy冲销操作
1.Money Demand,Sterilization Policy of Central Bank and Balance of Payments Surplus in China我国的货币需求、中央银行冲销操作与国际收支顺差
2.Based on the quantitative monetary theory and reality,this paper intends to discover the source of surplus of balance of payments of China in the long term from the angle of money demand and sterilization policy of central bank of China.为分析我国国际收支顺差长期存在的原因,本文基于货币主义的分析框架和中国的经济现实,从货币需求和中央银行冲销操作的角度进行了研究。
3)Monetary Sterilization Policy货币冲销操作
1.An Empirical Analysis on Monetary Sterilization Policy of Chinese Central Bank;我国中央银行货币冲销操作的实证分析:1994~2007
4)brake-operating pin闸操作销
5)backflush operation反冲操作
6)switching impulse操作冲击
1.The systemic switching impulse discharge tests of rod-plane air gaps with 0.为了研究高海拔地区空气间隙的操作冲击特性,在大型人工气候室内对0。
2.In accordance with the project of UHV AC transmission and substation to be constructed,this paper researches the switching impulse discharge characteristic curve of 1 000 kV AC substation equipment air gap,based on the 1 000 kV AC power transmission & transformation project from the southeast in Shanxi province to Jingmen of Hubei province.为取得特高压交流输变电工程的设计依据,结合晋东南—荆门百万伏级交流输变电示范工程,研究了交流变电设备的相间操作冲击电压特性。
3.At high altitude the switching impulse discharge performance of an air-gap is one of design foundations for the external insulation of the extra & ultra-high voltage,also is one of essential technique that did not solved yet.高海拔下操作冲击放电特性是超特高压外绝缘设计的基础之一,也是国内外尚未解决的关键技术之一。

“拔挡子”操作法“拔挡子”操作法 【“拔挡子”操作法】所谓“拔档子”,就是指投资者卖出自己的持股,待价位再下降之后,又补回来。也就是说,先作停损了结操作,然后在价位变动时乘机抓上一把,以减轻或轧平上档股票的损失。例如,某投资者以100元买进一股股票,当市价跌至95元时,他判断股价还会下跌,因此他就作停损了结的操作,断然抛出股票。他同时又判断该档股票可能有小的反弹,即中期回档。当股价跌至90元时,他又买回,不多时,该股票果然又上涨到%元。他认为,其股预后发展不佳,就以%元了结,结果获得了6元的收益,扣除原先损失的5元,反而赚了1元。 一般来说,“拔档子”卖出到买回之间的时间不会太长,短则隔一天,即予以回补,长则可能达一、二个月。在股价涨势过程中,有一种回档是主力大户“拔档子”所造成的。他们想趁机赚点自己股票的差价。因此,对于小额投资者来说,特别应该注意大户的进出动向,但不能光凭道听途说,而是必须对市场的各种交易资料进行综合分析和判断,并加以验证。