1.This paper analyzes the resemblances, differences and the relationship between Exchange Trade Fands (ETFs) and stocks index futures, by which, the investing agency can secure the access to obtaining the yield with low risks in the ETFs and stocks index futures operation.通过研究交易所交易基金与股指期货的异同揭示了两者之间的互动关系,使投资者(机构)在交易所交易基金的投机或套利操作中,易于把握股指期货的低风险套利操作机会,为投资者(机构)作出投资决策提供了重要的参考。
2.ETFs-exchange trade funds which exists in trade for a short period of history has developed rapidly in America as well as in the world.ETFs即交易所交易基金 ,其产生的历史不长 ,但在美国及全球有惊人的发展速度。

1.Exchange-traded Fund (ETF) Comparative Study of the Value of Investment;交易所交易基金(ETF)投资价值比较研究
2.Investment Performance Analysis of Exchange-Traded Fund in China;我国交易所交易基金的投资绩效分析
3.An Analysis of the Relationship between Exchange Trade Funds and Stocks Index Futures;交易所交易基金与股指期货关系探讨
4.Some suggestions on developing gold ETF in China我国创建发展黄金交易所交易基金的思考
5.Thought on Development of Chinese Exchange Traded Funds;我国发展证券交易所交易基金(ETF)的问题研究
6.exchange traded funds market maker交易所买卖基金庄家
7.stock exchange compensation fund证券交易所赔偿基金
8.Commodity Exchange Compensation Fund商品交易所赔偿基金
9.Fund, Closed-end A mutual fund that offers a limited number of shares which are traded on an exchange.封闭式基金只投放一定数量基金单位,并在交易所交易的共同基金。
10.The Research about Introducing Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) into China;我国引入交易所买卖基金(ETF)的研究
11.Singapore International Monetary Exchange新加坡国际金融交易所
12.London International Financial Futures Exchange伦敦金融期货交易所
13.Commodities Dealers' Deposit Fund商品交易商按金基金
14.Securities Dealers' Deposit Fund证券交易商按金基金
15.The area of an exchange where securities are traded交易所交易所中进行证券交易的区域
16.margin transaction guarantee money保证金交易中所交存的保证金
17.tape price(交易所)卷尺价格
18.Type of fund that has a fixed number of shares usually listed on a major stock exchange.基金的一种,发行的基金单位数目是固定的,通常在证券交易所挂牌交易。

1.Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is an innovative finance product for drawing average income, which can cut down the transaction costs by passive investing management and lower the unsystematic risk through diversified investment policy, with the purpose of copying and tracking an existing index.交易所交易基金(Exchange Traded Fund,简称ETF)是以复制和追踪某一市场指数为目的,通过充分分散化的投资策略降低非系统风险和通过被动的投资管理方式最大限度地降低交易成本,从而取得市场平均收益水平的一种金融创新产品。
3)Exchange Traded Funds交易所交易基金
1.Exchange Traded Funds(ETF)is one kind of new financial derivation tool and one of the funds in the world which rapidly grows.证券交易所交易基金(ETF)是一种新型的金融衍生工具,也是全球增长最快的金融产品之一。
4)exchange-traded fund (ETF)交易所交易基金(ETF)
5)active managed ETFs主动型交易所交易基金
6)Exchange Traded Fund证券交易所交易基金
1.Thought on Development of Chinese Exchange Traded Funds;我国发展证券交易所交易基金(ETF)的问题研究
